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Teenager is such a sore loser after playing/losing Call of Duty...

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I could care less about grammar. I actually have an important job. No card needed. Go look up what and Oracle Applications Business Analyst earns with 17 years experience.


To not talk about other things is unintelligent and irresponsible.


Just talking about the murders video games directly caused is stupid, there are so many other ways that violent video games hurt teenagers and children. It is pretty clear.


You are being a turd or you are just plain stupid if you could not understand that.




At least you talk to them about it. I did see your other replies, just to my post. Should have read. Sounds like there is a responsible voice there and I without a doubt applaud it.


I completely understand they are not going away.

To not talk about what other things? It doesn't even matter what these other things are. There is no way that sentence can make any sense. That is one the worst sentences I've seen on this site in a long time and I've read your other work. Why can't you big time Oracle execs communicate at a highschool level? I couldn't care less what 17 years of wildly amusing ignorance pays you.

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To not talk about what other things? It doesn't even matter what these other things are. There is no way that sentence can make any sense. That is one the worst sentences I've seen on this site in a long time and I've read your other work. Why can't you big time Oracle execs communicate at a highschool level? I couldn't care less what 17 years of

wildly amusing ignorance pays you.


Umm, I am at work. Are you? I don't have as much free time as you. I am a little jealous of people with more free time.

Edited by Security
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I did not bring up the job. You did. Saying you don't do anything important has more reach than talking about a job. This is not the first time you have made an inference in a similar fashion.


Sounds like someone has an inferiority complex.


Not doing important things is wasting your time and doing things that have little benefit to others, and also little benefit to yourself. You took it as one thing. Poor Jauronimo.

Poor me, indeed.


Umm, I am at work. Are you? I don't have as much free time as you.

Clearly, you do.

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It is not normal for people to kill other people, hence it is a crime. Glorifying that action and having normal people engage in it for sport or competition is part of the reason our society is losing respect for each other and for human life, and that is a fact.

Holy lord, are you sure you're able to walk upright with the astounding level of absurdity you're spouting?


You're posting on a FOOTBALL board, a sport that is one of the last gladiator sports left in the world, railing against things that glorify violence? Talk about a hypocrite.

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Holy lord, are you sure you're able to walk upright with the astounding level of absurdity you're spouting?


You're posting on a FOOTBALL board, a sport that is one of the last gladiator sports left in the world, railing against things that glorify violence? Talk about a hypocrite.


Football is a contact sport that was invented in like 1860's or 1870's. It was not intended to be a gladiator sport. Even football is moving away from all the violence, so clearly you have no idea what you are talking about.

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Football is a contact sport that was invented in like 1860's or 1870's. It was not intended to be a gladiator sport. Even football is moving away from all the violence, so clearly you have no idea what you are talking about.

Football is a game of controlled violence. The only way to play the game effectively is to physically dominate the man lined up across from you. To argue otherwise is ignorant. It's called a gladiator sport for a reason; 80,000 fans show up every week to drink beer and watch grown men do battle -- not to the death like in ancient Rome, but to the pain. So while you rail against fantasy violence on this thread, you're supporting REAL violence with your wallet and your loyalty. That's the definition of a hypocrite.


To deny this only shows more proof that whatever Oracle is paying you, it's far too much.

Edited by GreggyT
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dude...get out before it's too late...i got sucked into the vortex and all it did was prove Mark Twain right....get out NOW!!!


Football is a game of controlled violence. The only way to play the game effectively is to physically dominate the man lined up across from you. To argue otherwise is ignorant. It's called a gladiator sport for a reason; 80,000 fans show up every week to drink beer and watch grown men do battle -- not to the death like in ancient Rome, but to the pain. So while you rail against fantasy violence on this thread, you're supporting REAL violence with your wallet and your loyalty. That's the definition of a hypocrite.


To deny this only shows more proof that whatever Oracle is paying you, it's far too much.

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Football is a game of controlled violence. The only way to play the game effectively is to physically dominate the man lined up across from you. To argue otherwise is ignorant. It's called a gladiator sport for a reason; 80,000 fans show up every week to drink beer and watch grown men do battle -- not to the death like in ancient Rome, but to the pain. So while you rail against fantasy violence on this thread, you're supporting REAL violence with your wallet and your loyalty. That's the definition of a hypocrite.


To deny this only shows more proof that whatever Oracle is paying you, it's far too much.


Football is more like watching TV. It is athletic event. The goal in football is to physically dominate, but not kill. You get no points for that.


I like football. The goal is NOT to kill anyone, unlike many video games, where the actual goal is kill another human being in whatever capacity.


The controlled violence you speak of not even close to video game violence, and in no way hypocritical. You have no logic skills at all to call the two the same thing.

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Football is more like watching TV. It is athletic event. The goal in football is to physically dominate, but not kill. You get no points for that.


I like football. The goal is NOT to kill anyone, unlike many video games, where the actual goal is kill another human being in whatever capacity.


The controlled violence you speak of not even close to video game violence, and in no way hypocritical. You have no logic skills at all to call the two the same thing.


video game humans = real humans? :lol:

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He can't be this dumb. This has to be iEatCrayonz with a new ID.


I've been waiting for you to show your face yall.


I couldn't imagine a video game thread/debate happening without you poking around in it.

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I was actually lurking. You had it covered. ;)


But the more I read, the more I couldn't believe that Security was debating in good faith and it looked like he was just trolling.


That's why I gave up early on. Especially once Security's LAMPs about job importance and superior intelligence popped up.


There's no way anyone could seriously and honestly post stuff like that while knowing that with the anonymity of a message board you have no idea who you are trying to measure up against or even really talking to, and no way to prove anything you say about yourself anyway. Just plain stupid.

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I was actually lurking. You had it covered. ;)


But the more I read, the more I couldn't believe that Security was debating in good faith and it looked like he was just trolling.


No, not trolling, I think violent video games where people cause intentional harm to others where the violence appears to be against another human are bad. Not sure why that is so hard to believe. Some 14 year old does not need to be killing people even if it is video game.


That's why I gave up early on. Especially once Security's LAMPs about job importance and superior intelligence popped up.


There's no way anyone could seriously and honestly post stuff like that while knowing that with the anonymity of a message board you have no idea who you are trying to measure up against or even really talking to, and no way to prove anything you say about yourself anyway. Just plain stupid.


I have to try and trust that others are being honest as possible. I understand it is just easier to assume most are not, so I continue to honest and forthright. I am consistent.


No idea what LAMP acronym stands for though.

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Umm, I am at work. Are you? I don't have as much free time as you. I am a little jealous of people with more free time.


It seems that you have plenty of free time on your hands. I suggest you get back to work. NOW

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