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My heart just sunk - RE: Kelly's cancer battle


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Folks I was browsing the Texans message board trying to get a gauge on what fans were hoping for with the first pick, and I came upon a thread wishing Jim Kelly well (Played for the Gamblers of USFL fame) and an actual surgeon with experience with the exact cancer that Kelly has, has a very poor prognosis for our HOF QB.



See below: http://www.texanstalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=100459







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2 immediate ones without even click over are its a message board, and the guy knows very little about jims health even if hes an expert in the field. its clearly not a good situation, but.... hopefully theres more to the story that the guy doesnt know if he left you feeling bad about it.

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Yup I've got a thought:


:censored: Cancer that stupid no good :censored: disease has cost more :censored: :censored: people close to me their life than I care to think about.



The "c" word is always a scary one. I never feel optimistic when I hear about it. Even after people are "cured" it seems like a matter of time before it comes back to rear it's ugly head. Horrible disease. I know people have to die from something but this is a :censored: way to go. Hope for the best prepare for the worst.

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the whole he is coming home to spend easter, to he is not coming home, to he is coming home and finishing treatments in Buffalo sounds alittle too gloomy for me. I don't think it sounds good and maybe more of a hospice type thing where the doctor said go home, get your stuff in order, enjoy your time while you can!

Edited by stuckinny
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Agreed, but man the guy certainly took the time to thoroughly offer his medical opinion on the information he has available to him through media reports, and if you read the thread chronologically he even predicts that which he later learns; with it only reinforcing his original prognosis.



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Like I have said before, I have had two heroes in my life...my Father and Jim Kelly.


My Father was taken from me in June 2008 from pancreatic cancer, I am still not able to accept that. It is by far the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with in my entire 31 years alive, and anyone who knows me personally, knows I have been through A LOT.


If Jim Kelly is taken from all of us, most importantly his young daughters and his beautiful loving wife...I am going to have a very hard time believing in "God." I already have a hard time believing in that stuff...but that will be the icing on the cake for me. (I know others firmly believe in their religion, and I accept that...but to me, "God" wouldn't do this kind of stuff to amazing people...who have done nothing but help those around them.)


Like Jimbo, my Father was relatively big in our community...having been a Marine in Vietnam, a Police officer, a security cop at the VA hospital, and the man who started little league baseball and the VFW in our hometown...everyone knew and loved him, like Jim.


And to this day, almost 6 years later...I still have not come to terms with the fact I will never see my hero again. :-(

Edited by Bob Malooga
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The quality of the dr makes a HUGE underscore HUGE difference.


My fathers onc in buffalo said chemo stopped working, end of the road. My pops then went to Hopkins and they said no sweat, here's a different chemo, and it's working and his quality of life is restored.


It always seems to be about buying time but man the difference amongst the "experts" has amazed me throughout this whole thing.


One other note the impact of nutrition on battling cancer is way understated in the medical community, or at least what I have observed personally.


Jim best hook in to Roswell if not already or get to a big city with the best like he seems to have started with.

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the whole he is coming home to spend easter, to he is not coming home, to he is coming home and finishing treatments in Buffalo sounds alittle too gloomy for me. I don't think it sounds good and maybe more of a hospice type thing where the doctor said go home, get your stuff in order, enjoy your time while you can!


Unfortunately, that's the same thought I had. I really want to be wrong about it.

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Like I have said before, I have had two heroes in my life...my Father and Jim Kelly.


My Father was taken from me in June 2008 from pancreatic cancer, I am still not able to accept that. It is by far the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with in my entire 31 years alive, and anyone who knows me personally, knows I have been through A LOT.


If Jim Kelly is taken from all of us, most importantly his young daughters and his beautiful loving wife...I am going to have a very hard time believing in "God." I already have a hard time believing in that stuff...but that will be the icing on the cake for me. (I know others firmly believe in their religion, and I accept that...but to me, "God" wouldn't do this kind of stuff to amazing people...who have done nothing but help those around them.)


Like Jimbo, my Father was relatively big in our community...having been a Marine in Vietnam, a Police officer, a security cop at the VA hospital, and the man who started little league baseball and the VFW in our hometown...everyone knew and loved him, like Jim.


And to this day, almost 6 years later...I still have not come to terms with the fact I will never see my hero again. :-(

Now Bob I gotta step in here. I know you have trouble with God and believing etc, but saying you completely quit because Jim my die is BS sorry man it is. We all pray, we pray for good people, God fearing christians that still die. Why? Because way back when some chick and some dude screwed the pooch royally. Even to the best, most faithful bad things happen. Kicker is we aren't sure why other than maybe there was a lesson somehow.


Bottom line is all of us are passing through, Christians, atheists et al. I have believed all of my life we have a time limit and we as humans can do things to ourselves that can shorten that time limit. Some how Jimbo did something, smoke, dip, drink too much which along with his genetics caused this. Will Jim be healed, I dont know. I dont' know why some get miracles and some dont, I am not God nor are any of us. I still wonder when I see things why this or that happened how they did.


The quality of the dr makes a HUGE underscore HUGE difference.


My fathers onc in buffalo said chemo stopped working, end of the road. My pops then went to Hopkins and they said no sweat, here's a different chemo, and it's working and his quality of life is restored.


It always seems to be about buying time but man the difference amongst the "experts" has amazed me throughout this whole thing.


One other note the impact of nutrition on battling cancer is way understated in the medical community, or at least what I have observed personally.


Jim best hook in to Roswell if not already or get to a big city with the best like he seems to have started with.

Jimbo has a Goku level doc working with him, Your dad at one time had Krillin lol. I agree the quality of Doctor just like the quality of attorney makes a HUGE difference in things
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Now Bob I gotta step in here. I know you have trouble with God and believing etc, but saying you completely quit because Jim my die is BS sorry man it is. We all pray, we pray for good people, God fearing christians that still die. Why? Because way back when some chick and some dude screwed the pooch royally. Even to the best, most faithful bad things happen. Kicker is we aren't sure why other than maybe there was a lesson somehow.


Bottom line is all of us are passing through, Christians, atheists et al. I have believed all of my life we have a time limit and we as humans can do things to ourselves that can shorten that time limit. Some how Jimbo did something, smoke, dip, drink too much which along with his genetics caused this. Will Jim be healed, I dont know. I dont' know why some get miracles and some dont, I am not God nor are any of us. I still wonder when I see things why this or that happened how they did.


Jimbo has a Goku level doc working with him, Your dad at one time had Krillin lol. I agree the quality of Doctor just like the quality of attorney makes a HUGE difference in things

My Father didn't drink, smoke, dip, and nobody before him in his family had cancer. So, thanks for your opinion...but I don't need you telling me what I can, cannot, should or shouldn't believe in.


I am not Christian, catholic, atheist, Buddhist, muslim...whatever religions there are out there that people believe in, I am none of them. I have always wanted to believe...but I am given more reasons not to, than I am given to do so.


I've always thought it was a joke, like politics...it just divides people, and look, it's working! Truthfully...my Father's cancer was caused from symptoms of Agent Orange in Vietnam, so how do you think I feel about the government?


Kinda funny how people work...I have one person PM me a kind-hearted message, then I have another calling me out in "public" about my beliefs, morals, thoughts, feelings and emotions being complete and total bull ****. Sweet, have a good day!

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If you want to question this cloak and dagger guys credibility, he said Kelly was NOT a drinker. Seems he's shooting from the hip.

and backwards. With eyes closed. Because Kelly is one of the biggest boozers on a team this town has ever seen.
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Like I have said before, I have had two heroes in my life...my Father and Jim Kelly.


My Father was taken from me in June 2008 from pancreatic cancer, I am still not able to accept that. It is by far the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with in my entire 31 years alive, and anyone who knows me personally, knows I have been through A LOT.


If Jim Kelly is taken from all of us, most importantly his young daughters and his beautiful loving wife...I am going to have a very hard time believing in "God." I already have a hard time believing in that stuff...but that will be the icing on the cake for me. (I know others firmly believe in their religion, and I accept that...but to me, "God" wouldn't do this kind of stuff to amazing people...who have done nothing but help those around them.)


Like Jimbo, my Father was relatively big in our community...having been a Marine in Vietnam, a Police officer, a security cop at the VA hospital, and the man who started little league baseball and the VFW in our hometown...everyone knew and loved him, like Jim.


And to this day, almost 6 years later...I still have not come to terms with the fact I will never see my hero again. :-(


Dude, I'm sorry about your father. I'm glad you found inspiration in Jim Kelly. The man has had an amazing life - his college and football career, his friends, his family. He's had his trials, too, but overall a marvelous life well lived.


I have a much harder time accepting the possible fate of my daughter's basketball teammate, battling Ewing's sarcoma at age 14. Bright, beautiful, bubbly girl with her life before her and everything to live for is much harder to see threatened than a famous celebrity who has lived a good life already, to me.


Just my viewpoint, others may disagree (and probably will).

Edited by Hopeful
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Get some help dealing with your father's death. It takes awhile, but six years is a long time without coping somewhat. My dad died the day after the comeback against Denver in the 1990 season. I was 33 when it happened and he was only 60.

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Cancer sucks. My mother is a survivor, as are a few friends. To date, Jim is a survivor. All we can do is pray and hope. If God says this is Jim's time, then its his time. We can't really change anything, but we can pray and we can hope. In my opinion, there's no need for this doom-and-gloom thread. It is what it is.

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Agreed, but man the guy certainly took the time to thoroughly offer his medical opinion on the information he has available to him through media reports, and if you read the thread chronologically he even predicts that which he later learns; with it only reinforcing his original prognosis.




Without being able to examine Jim himself and look at his scans, blood work, and X-rays he can't make anything more then an educated guess based on what he has seen in other patients


No two cancer patients are alike. Everyone's disease is different and everyone will react differently to the treatment


the whole he is coming home to spend easter, to he is not coming home, to he is coming home and finishing treatments in Buffalo sounds alittle too gloomy for me. I don't think it sounds good and maybe more of a hospice type thing where the doctor said go home, get your stuff in order, enjoy your time while you can!


I think you are way off on this. It is WAY too early for the Dr's to even remotely know if the treatment isn't working as he has had what one treatment so far? I don't know how long his treatment is scheduled for but they prob won't even scan him again until he is a quarter or a third of the way through his scheduled cycles to see how he his body is reacting to the chemo and radiation

Edited by Max997
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Without being able to examine Jim himself and look at his scans, blood work, and X-rays he can't make anything more then an educated guess based on what he has seen in other patients


No two cancer patients are alike. Everyone's disease is different and everyone will react differently to the treatment




I think you are way off on this. It is WAY too early for the Dr's to even remotely know if the treatment isn't working as he has had what one treatment so far? I don't know how long his treatment is scheduled for but they prob won't even scan him again until he is a quarter or a third of the way through his scheduled cycles to see how he his body is reacting to the chemo and radiation


All we can do is pray...

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