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That is outstanding and would be a hilarious movie or show.


Would have made Gilligan's Island a lot more fun to watch had it wandered into that territory.

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Posted (edited)

If you're looking at the story of life on earth, the jump from humanoids to iPhones doesn't require nearly as much faith as carbon based compounds forming into rudimentary organelles via chemical reactions fueled by static electricity in the form of lightning which somehow all came together in a bubble of sorts in the relatively calm waters of a tidal pool giving rise to the first life on earth which then proliferated and evolved into all that we know today.


This phenomenon may have happened many times over. We can replicate these conditions in a lab and produce complex carbon based molecules but nothing even resembling cells or life. That part is the stretch. From there on out its all a lot easier to believe.

Edited by Jauronimo


Promise there was no bragging as I am sitting at work right now... though not to say none of this hasn't been contemplated in the past in such states. :rolleyes:


thanks for the call out. Fixed the original






Must be nice to be able to "partake" at work. You must be in a union. :w00t:


Once again how so? I tell my wife before I die I want to see an alien craft land. She says "No way. If they're here they'd only be here to destroy us." What if they were came and taught us to utilize the planet and it's resources in a much more efficient manner. The presence of a higher intellegence is not always a bad thing. Kind of like when Tom visits here. Ohhhhhhhhh, wait now I get it. So you're all afraid they'll be running around calling us idiots. :D


To Serve Man


Saw this today and thought of this thread, it fits the conversation nicely.



I love the way Youtube commenters make us look sane...


You're 100% right that it is a philosophical distinction and a debate (no right or wrong) -- but to me, the ability to create and make life does not make one God. Unless we're going to define technological capability as being akin to a deity. Which is the mistake that early man may have made when (or if) they made contact with ancient astronauts.


"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." -- Arthur C. Clarke


"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." -- Arthur C. Clarke


"Any sufficiently misunderstood technology is indistinguishable from magic." -- DC Tom


Once again how so? I tell my wife before I die I want to see an alien craft land. She says "No way. If they're here they'd only be here to destroy us." What if they were came and taught us to utilize the planet and it's resources in a much more efficient manner. The presence of a higher intellegence is not always a bad thing. Kind of like when Tom visits here. Ohhhhhhhhh, wait now I get it. So you're all afraid they'll be running around calling us idiots. :D


Society has been shown to come together in times of external threat.


If said aliens came here peacefully, that'd be another reason why humans would come together more.


But maybe I'm naive. :)


I just think we fight among ourselves because we think that's all there is. If we're presented with something beyond our limited scope right now, I think we cut it out (mostly).


The inter-dimensional theory is really out there for me mainly because my scientific abilities are woefully inadequate to grasp this fully. But there are a lot of people, serious people and crackpots alike, that think inter-dimensional beings are the more likely scenario and the answer to how to beat the speed of light as Azalin hinted at in his post.


at this point in time, even the geatest minds in the world are limited to their own imaginations with regard to multidimensional space, but some of the ideas they are coming up with are fascinating (aside from being absolute brain-melters for pathetic little novices such as myself). have you ever read much about bosonic string/ superstring theory? there are several variations, each suggesting the existence of either 10, 11, or 26 physical dimensions, implying that either our plane of existence exists outside of the other dimensions, or that human perception is only capable of interfacing with four of them. if I said I understood any of it, I'd be a liar, but that doesn't keep me from going back over it time and again to try to drill at least a little understanding into my brain. it's really, really cool.


the whole concept makes it easier for me to accept the possibility of intra/intergalactic travel like we've discussed in this thread. it also helps provide the criteria necessary for me to more easily accept other phenomena such as sightings of disembodied spirits - what if some people could 'see' across a weak point in dimensional barriers? the result could explain why ethereal looking people seem to glide about or fade in or out of the viewer's field of vision. of course, it could all be so much bravo-sierra, but again, it's fun to think about.


Society has been shown to come together in times of external threat.


If said aliens came here peacefully, that'd be another reason why humans would come together more.


But maybe I'm naive. :)


I just think we fight among ourselves because we think that's all there is. If we're presented with something beyond our limited scope right now, I think we cut it out (mostly).



You have a higher opinion and a lot more faith in the human species than I do. :D


I post the following knowing full well that its author is a lightning rod and I have never paid him much mind. The "paper" I'm linking is difficult to read due to its layout and its content is controversial (being kind). But it has neat pictures and tells an interesting story that fits the nature of this thread perfectly.


To summarize this theory, China is currently blackmailing the US with its lunar rover -- specifically by using the rover to reveal lunar ruins that NASA and the US has supressed since the days of Apollo. He says the Chinese released images that prove the ruins are there (if you know how to see them) in an effort to get the US government to conceed some points with the Trans Pacific Partnership treaty (or whatever is being negotiated currently that has NWO conspiracy folks freaking out).


It's a theory that's as out-there as it sounds but the author provides numerous sources and pictures to tell his story. If anyone wants to give themselves a headache, here's the site with the pictures of the "ruins":



Posted (edited)

GreggyT, thanks for the effort, but I'm considering slamming my hand in a car door at the moment rather than even click on the link....

Edited by Keukasmallies
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