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Ralph and the Hall of Fame


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The recent passing of Ralph Wilson generated a great outpouring praise for his accomplishments etc, much of it deserved. But as the Buffalo News among others pointed out, Ralph was not a saint and the death of any public figure does not forever shield that person from honest criticism. Given that, despite the positives, Ralph Wilson, based on objective facts, was in fact one of the very worst owners in the history of the NFL and an undeserving member of the H of F.


The criteria for this statement is the bottom line of wins and losses, the primary criteria for all professional sports. Secondarily, for an owner, is how well run your organization is run and respected. By those measures, Ralph fails - miserably. For the entire history of this organization, losing, and losing big time, has been the norm. My god, in a league where the entire design is to ensure parity, his team has not made the playoffs once in this century. Much of the overwhelming failure of this franchise in terms of winning is tied directly to Wilson, his constant meddling and tight fisted fiscal policy.


Consider the following: he is the only owner in the history of the NFL to lose the overall number one pick in the NFL draft to THE CANADIAN FOOTBALL LEAGUE. By 1984, after owning the team for 24 years, his franchise was such a train wreck that Jim Kelly wanted nothing to do with it, and ran to the USFL. Read Kelly's book. Likewise he lost Joe Cribbs to the USFL, and lost Ahmad Rashad over a salary difference of $10,000.


In those brief periods of actual success, Wilson's meddling destroyed consistent success. Chuck Knox era was destroyed by his meddling and cheapness - he failed to sign #1 pick and actually ordered Knox to draft a player different from the one Knox wanted based on Wilson's daughters recommendation. Knox could not wait to get out of Buffalo (just like Kelly, a few years later). Our shining years of Super Bowl success were undercut by Wilson's firing of future hall of fame GM Polian. Wilson lost Polian's talented successor at GM, John Butler, because Ralph, in this modern NFL era, paid GM Butler the grand sum of $250,000 per year. As well, the NFL and his fellow owners had to order Wilson to pay Wade Phillips the final year of his contract, a whopping $750,000. And sanctioned him for initially refusing to do so. Ralph was only worth 500 million at the time.


I know the usual response is Ralph is above criticism and worthy of HoF because he kept the team in Buffalo but that's nonsense. If you have an above average NFL player who consistently chooses to take less money and stays with his team his entire career he does not get into the HoF because of that. It's not a criteria. The criteria for the hall of fame should be sustained excellence, and anybody who honestly reviews the history of this franchise can only see sustained incompetence.


Wilson received, in franchise appreciation and yearly income, over 1 billion dollars. That should be award enough for anybody, especially somebody who was such a complete failure in producing a winning franchise. He doesn't need to be elevated to sainthood, and should not be exempt from honest criticism. And for the Buffalo fans who supported his losing teams, and who built and payed for the stadium that bears his name, the very least he could have done was put a non binding statement in his will that "all things being roughly equal, descendants desire is that preference be given to a buyer committed to keeping the team in Buffalo". But no, he could not even do that. Apparently one billion dollars plus was just not enough.


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The recent passing of Ralph Wilson generated a great outpouring praise for his accomplishments etc, much of it deserved. But as the Buffalo News among others pointed out, Ralph was not a saint and the death of any public figure does not forever shield that person from honest criticism. Given that, despite the positives, Ralph Wilson, based on objective facts, was in fact one of the very worst owners in the history of the NFL and an undeserving member of the H of F.


The criteria for this statement is the bottom line of wins and losses, the primary criteria for all professional sports. Secondarily, for an owner, is how well run your organization is run and respected. By those measures, Ralph fails - miserably. For the entire history of this organization, losing, and losing big time, has been the norm. My god, in a league where the entire design is to ensure parity, his team has not made the playoffs once in this century. Much of the overwhelming failure of this franchise in terms of winning is tied directly to Wilson, his constant meddling and tight fisted fiscal policy.


Consider the following: he is the only owner in the history of the NFL to lose the overall number one pick in the NFL draft to THE CANADIAN FOOTBALL LEAGUE. By 1984, after owning the team for 24 years, his franchise was such a train wreck that Jim Kelly wanted nothing to do with it, and ran to the USFL. Read Kelly's book. Likewise he lost Joe Cribbs to the USFL, and lost Ahmad Rashad over a salary difference of $10,000.


In those brief periods of actual success, Wilson's meddling destroyed consistent success. Chuck Knox era was destroyed by his meddling and cheapness - he failed to sign #1 pick and actually ordered Knox to draft a player different from the one Knox wanted based on Wilson's daughters recommendation. Knox could not wait to get out of Buffalo (just like Kelly, a few years later). Our shining years of Super Bowl success were undercut by Wilson's firing of future hall of fame GM Polian. Wilson lost Polian's talented successor at GM, John Butler, because Ralph, in this modern NFL era, paid GM Butler the grand sum of $250,000 per year. As well, the NFL and his fellow owners had to order Wilson to pay Wade Phillips the final year of his contract, a whopping $750,000. And sanctioned him for initially refusing to do so. Ralph was only worth 500 million at the time.


I know the usual response is Ralph is above criticism and worthy of HoF because he kept the team in Buffalo but that's nonsense. If you have an above average NFL player who consistently chooses to take less money and stays with his team his entire career he does not get into the HoF because of that. It's not a criteria. The criteria for the hall of fame should be sustained excellence, and anybody who honestly reviews the history of this franchise can only see sustained incompetence.


Wilson received, in franchise appreciation and yearly income, over 1 billion dollars. That should be award enough for anybody, especially somebody who was such a complete failure in producing a winning franchise. He doesn't need to be elevated to sainthood, and should not be exempt from honest criticism. And for the Buffalo fans who supported his losing teams, and who built and payed for the stadium that bears his name, the very least he could have done was put a non binding statement in his will that "all things being roughly equal, descendants desire is that preference be given to a buyer committed to keeping the team in Buffalo". But no, he could not even do that. Apparently one billion dollars plus was just not enough.


It's not your fault....

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You should probably learn about Wilsons contributions to the AFL, keeping the Raiders and Pats afloat, along with his role in the two leagues merging.


But the merger of the AFL and NFL was done to save owners money - they were sick of bidding against each other for players coming out of college. It caused a huge increase in player salary during that time period. And lending money as a basis for getting into the hall of fame?

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But the merger of the AFL and NFL was done to save owners money - they were sick of bidding against each other for players coming out of college. It caused a huge increase in player salary during that time period. And lending money as a basis for getting into the hall of fame?


Your mind is made up so there is no reason to continue responding.

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I just want to say that I did take the time to read the whole thing and have nothing to add of worth. I am saddened that these threads still come up and hope in time we can forgive Ralph for his shortcomings and enjoy just one thing he did for us/WNY/Detroit/humanity.

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even in death, these threads still come up. really?

oddly enough, a majority of respected journalists who make up the Hall of Fame panel and put their reputation on the line for making their votes disagree with you. take it up with them.




So your point is, on a sorts discussion board, one should never disagree with who the Hall of Fame panel puts in the hall of fame, and who they don't. Funny, every sports discussion show on tv or radio presents discussions where people agree and disagree about who belongs in the hall of fame. But it can't be argued here. Just post "let's go Bills" and skip any and all discussion/disagreement.

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Um Buffalo was the first team to have a Black QB start the season in James Harris . But hey something to be said about actually knowing Bills history and all

Haha, some people know nothing of this team's history. "Who the hell is James Harris?"

And some people still think that EJ was the first black QB to start for the Bills was my point. Take it how you will.

Edited by The Wiz
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So your point is, on a sorts discussion board, one should never disagree with who the Hall of Fame panel puts in the hall of fame, and who they don't. Funny, every sports discussion show on tv or radio presents discussions where people agree and disagree about who belongs in the hall of fame. But it can't be argued here. Just post "let's go Bills" and skip any and all discussion/disagreement.


yes, you've captured my point entirely. "Let's go Bills."



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