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For everyone who thinks that the Bills leaving Buffalo is a foregone conclusion.....the NFL will not take moving the team lightly. One of the NFL's primary selling points is tradition. The Bills are one of the original "foolish club" teams, with a great deal of history and tradition behind it. While I understand the concerns that Buffalo is a small market, declining city, etc. that doesn't tell the whole story. For example, if economic considerations were the only factor, then why do Detroit, Cleveland, and Jacksonville still have teams? All three of those cities have experienced significant economic decline and in Detroit's case, a more precipitous decline than Buffalo. Yet no one is talking about Detroit losing the Lions. Jacksonville is being discussed only because of lack of fan support. In purely economic terms, even Pittsburgh and Philadelphia could be included. Both of those cities have their economic strengths, but are a shadow of their former selves.

The NFL has more than enough collective wealth to keep a team in Buffalo quite profitable.



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Posted (edited)

To me it's clear, you want to keep the Bills in Buffalo, make sure the team is sold to an owner who shares that desire. It's simple as that. If the team is sold to an owner who is predisposed to keep the team here, the market will work, the owner will be successful and the team will thrive. If the team is sold to owner that has wandering eyes and is looking to leverage his investment or is predisposed to moving the team, the team will be relocated. Don't count on the stadium group to stop it, don't count on the lease to stop it, sure it will slow it down for several years, and don't count on the other owners to stop it, because they have yet to stop other franchise relocations. So, you want to keep the team here LONG term (>9 years), find the right owner ! It's that simple. I'm very concerned the energy on this board and in the media is too focused on the lease or a new stadium, the answer is simple, find an owner who's heart and soul is in Buffalo, they'll make it work here, just like RW did. I remain concerned that no local owner has declared his intentions publicly and I'm also concerned that we haven't heard anything about the process that will be used to find a buyer. I wish the Buffalo media would be investigative on this front.


Important date to remember: November 4, 2014. Election Day. If the team is sold before this date - I would assume it is to a Buffalo friendly buyer.


No way Cuomo will allow the team to be sold under his watch to a buyer with relocation intentions.


NY State will come thru with the funds to construct a new stadium - mark my words. Cuomo can kiss any and all political aspirations from Albany to Washington, DC should this team get sold to any unfriendly Buffalo buyer.




You are forgetting something. It was his team and he can do what he wanted with it. Perhaps we should all be upset with you for not dumping your girlfriend/wife? Sounds a little ridiculous




They still have no viable stadium, no way the NFL allows them to play at Rogers Centre


Allow me to chime in as a Blue Jays fan... Definitely no way the Rogers Centre is an NFL solution. They plan to switch to grass and make the Argonauts build a new stadium. Could a CFL and NFL team share a stadium? Doubtful. Could Toronto stomach building two new stadiums? Also doubtful.


I think some people are underestimating Canada's lack of desire to supplant the CFL.

Posted (edited)

OK, so team can't be relocated outside of WNY until 2022. Does that change the long term if Bon Jovi's group buys team ? -- they have to wait 8 years instead of 5. My point is the same, what is standing in the way of this franchise moving (longer term) is not the lease, it is WHO the NEW owner is. The fact that person will be chosen in the next 6-9 months, that is the TIME we have to get this figured out. Let me say it another way. If it is announced tomorrow that the estate has reached a sale price with Bon Jovi's group to sell team for $950 million and on Monday the NFL owners approve the sale, who on this board thinks the team will be in Buffalo after this lease ?


Why do you assume Bon Jovi's group would be approved by the league? Why do you assume Bon Jovi's group will bid more money on the team than interests with WNY ties or the desire to leave the team in WNY? And it is highly improbable that a new owner, who wants to relocate the team, will buy the team and wait ten years for the chance to go to court and win an unlikely decision from the court to move, and then pay a $400 million penalty, plus court costs, plus relocation fee, plus purchase price, and we haven't talked about new stadium costs wherever they would hypothetically move the team; And here's the other thing: say Bon Jovi's group did get the team. The league owners still have to approve that too. No guarantee.


Could the Bills move? Yeah. I could give Halle Berry a ride on my lap too. Will I give her that ride or will the Bills move? Probably not. NY State pols don't want it on their record. NFL doesn't want that stench either after what happened with Cleveland. Mr. Wilson was truly respected in league circles and I don't believe many of the owners will be in a hurry to snatch that legacy away if there are ownership groups who will keep the team in WNY and make money. No team in the NFL loses money. Not even the small markets. And there are people with WNY ties who have enough money to buy the team. And odds favor Mrs. Wilson selling to a owner who will keep the team where it is. She won't have any desire to snatch away Mr. Wilson's legacy. If he wanted the team to move he could have done it himself years ago. And that lease further proves he wanted the Bills in WNY.


Doom and gloom if you want. Or relax and enjoy new WNY ownership when the time comes for it to be announced.


Stop with the doom and gloom.

Edited by purple haze

So for all the naysayers, if the team is sold to someone that keeps the team in Buffalo, what's going to happen to you? Will you go away? Complain about the new owners? We already hear enough complaining about real things; now we have to listen to complaining about hypotheticals?

Complaining about complaining is not only hypocritical, its pretty funny


To me it's clear, you want to keep the Bills in Buffalo, make sure the team is sold to an owner who shares that desire. It's simple as that. If the team is sold to an owner who is predisposed to keep the team here, the market will work, the owner will be successful and the team will thrive. If the team is sold to owner that has wandering eyes and is looking to leverage his investment or is predisposed to moving the team, the team will be relocated. Don't count on the stadium group to stop it, don't count on the lease to stop it, sure it will slow it down for several years, and don't count on the other owners to stop it, because they have yet to stop other franchise relocations. So, you want to keep the team here LONG term (>9 years), find the right owner ! It's that simple. I'm very concerned the energy on this board and in the media is too focused on the lease or a new stadium, the answer is simple, find an owner who's heart and soul is in Buffalo, they'll make it work here, just like RW did. I remain concerned that no local owner has declared his intentions publicly and I'm also concerned that we haven't heard anything about the process that will be used to find a buyer. I wish the Buffalo media would be investigative on this front.


You have heard the usual, suspected ownership possibilities w/WNY ties say something along the lines of they want to see the Bills remain in Buffalo, wouldn't want to see the Bills move or would be interested in helping keep the Bills in WNY if they were in danger of moving. That's saying plenty.


It would be a rare thing indeed for someone to publicly put themselves on the hook at this stage. They have to worry about competitors, they have to concern themselves with whatever their core businesses might be and how public statements could affect those entities. Think it's coincidence that Jacobs is linked to the Bills and a couple days later the President of the Bruins comes out with what he said? I would also like to point out he did not, as some have reported, say he had no interest in buying the Bills. Jacobs supposedly said he would have no interest if it meant selling the Bruins. Well, we know he could buy the Bills and keep the Bruins if his children become involved. Anyway, I'm sure the Bills would ask for a cone of silence from anyone they have talked to about ownership. I would bet there are other potential WNY-centered ownership groups we know nothing about who could very well be the ones to get the team. I'll say this for Russ Brandon: the Bills seem to keep their business on the hush until the announcement is about to be made.


The fact Trump is running at the mouth also tells me he is not a serious competitor either.


What you seem to assume seems actually to be a bit counterintuitive to the very little we know for sure


1. I think you actually should be pretty unconcerned about the failure of some local to step out before the public and declare interest in buying. The public is not the seller so no case needs to be made to it. In fact, the only person I can say for pretty sure is not in the running is any party post Ralph's death is negotiating against themselves and raising the price they would ultimately pay by expressing interest, "The Donald".


Talking about this publicly at this early point would likely simply be bad business. In addition making appeals to someone other than the actual seller is likely a counterproductive waste.


2. Who has the next critical decision in any sell?


Likely the NFL.


Ralph is dead (one of the few things we know pretty much fer sure). The future of the Bills is bound by his will (there is a reasonable assumption he was rich enuf to hire good lawyers to allow this will to be found legal) and by his contractual agreements with his NFL partners.


These agreements DO NOT require or even allow the Wilson estate to sell the team to the highest bidder. Ralph has agreed and his estate clearly seems to be bound by the Wilson's only being able to the highest approved bid (someone who can get 75% owner approval).


This means even if the high bidder was some Imam from Qatar, Adolf Hitler's lovechild grandson or even worse Rush Limbaugh, this high bidder would likely be barred from the sell.


3. What will likely drive the sell is what makes the most money for the individual owner. This by my back if the envelope figuring is NOT the individual owner's 1/31st of the local franchise take. There is much more $ to be made in LA than in Buffalo. However an individual owner getting their 1/31st of this heightened is chump change compared to the added cash value of having a tie to using joining an original AFL team in the league. The larger revenue of attracting eyeballs in Mexico city, Tokyo, Stuggart and elsewhere.


The higher cash value for the NFL comes not from selling the team to the highest bidder fur an owner's 1/31st if even a heightened take but instead from having the iconic name if an original AFL team and the very American animal the Buffalo be available to attract new owners and eyeballs in new markets overseas.







To me it's clear, you want to keep the Bills in Buffalo, make sure the team is sold to an owner who shares that desire. It's simple as that. If the team is sold to an owner who is predisposed to keep the team here, the market will work, the owner will be successful and the team will thrive. If the team is sold to owner that has wandering eyes and is looking to leverage his investment or is predisposed to moving the team, the team will be relocated. Don't count on the stadium group to stop it, don't count on the lease to stop it, sure it will slow it down for several years, and don't count on the other owners to stop it, because they have yet to stop other franchise relocations. So, you want to keep the team here LONG term (>9 years), find the right owner ! It's that simple. I'm very concerned the energy on this board and in the media is too focused on the lease or a new stadium, the answer is simple, find an owner who's heart and soul is in Buffalo, they'll make it work here, just like RW did. I remain concerned that no local owner has declared his intentions publicly and I'm also concerned that we haven't heard anything about the process that will be used to find a buyer. I wish the Buffalo media would be investigative on this front.

Posted (edited)

Why do you assume Bon Jovi's group would be approved by the league? Why do you assume Bon Jovi's group will bid more money on the team than interests with WNY ties or the desire to leave the team in WNY? And it is highly improbable that a new owner, who wants to relocate the team, will buy the team and wait ten years for the chance to go to court and win an unlikely decision from the court to move, and then pay a $400 million penalty, plus court costs, plus relocation fee, plus purchase price, and we haven't talked about new stadium costs wherever they would hypothetically move the team; And here's the other thing: say Bon Jovi's group did get the team. The league owners still have to approve that too. No guarantee.


Could the Bills move? Yeah. I could give Halle Berry a ride on my lap too. Will I give her that ride or will the Bills move? Probably not. NY State pols don't want it on their record. NFL doesn't want that stench either after what happened with Cleveland. Mr. Wilson was truly respected in league circles and I don't believe many of the owners will be in a hurry to snatch that legacy away if there are ownership groups who will keep the team in WNY and make money. No team in the NFL loses money. Not even the small markets. And there are people with WNY ties who have enough money to buy the team. And odds favor Mrs. Wilson selling to a owner who will keep the team where it is. She won't have any desire to snatch away Mr. Wilson's legacy. If he wanted the team to move he could have done it himself years ago. And that lease further proves he wanted the Bills in WNY.


Doom and gloom if you want. Or relax and enjoy new WNY ownership when the time comes for it to be announced.


Stop with the doom and gloom.

I'm not advocating doom and gloom, I'm asking all of you to wake up to the real possibility that this team could move. People keep saying that there are local people with money that will buy the team, but none of them have stepped forward, why ? Yet, the Toronto group has stepped forward. You have no concern ? I'm concerned. People keep mentioning the Jacobs family, a few days ago we hear news that Jacobs Sr. is not interested, now we have a entire thread parsing his words to see if that is indeed what he means, I'm concerned about that. People keep saying the NFL prefers the team be sold to a local buyer, yet I haven't heard one official piece of news on the sale process and whether there will be any preference given to a local buyer during it. That concerns me. Some people choose to close their eyes and hope everything works out. I'm not one of them. It frustrates me when I hear Poloncarcz wave the lease around or mention the new stadium group as these full proof mechanisms to keep the team here, they will not. I acknowledged several times that if a local buyer does buy the team I'm 100% confident they'll succeed and there will be a new stadium down the road, 100% confident. However, I am not close to 100% confident that the team will be sold to a local buyer, especially on the heels of the news this week. Any of you who are need to open your eyes. This is not doom and gloom, this is just the reality that is starring all of us in the face. We need a local buyer to step forward now, so we can all collectively get behind their bid and put pressure on the estates, the politicians, the local businesses to make it work to keep the team here. Right now, our enemies (Toronto) are mobilizing their forces. Edited by TXBILLSFAN

I keep going back and forth on this. Some days I think Ralph did some really great things to preserve this teams future in Buffalo, and other days I think he's created a scenario that will make it very difficult for someone to own and keep the team in Buffalo.


I understand that tax consequences likely played a role in any decisions that were made in this process. Do any of you know the story of how Art Modell sold the Baltimore Ravens to Steve Bisciotti? Art Modell knew it was time to start the transition, but he wanted to do it in a tax efficient way. He also loved owning an NFL team and wanted to remain as a part of the organization he'd run since the beginning. They decided to sell it in stages. They did this in a way that made the team, the owners (new and old) and the city happy.


Now, I'm NOT saying that Art Modell is a saint. Hell, if Art Modell would've been Buffalo's original owner instead of Ralph, they likely would've left 20 years ago! So please don't take this as anything other than pointing out that there are a number of ways to skin the cat here.


I fear that this team is absolutely ripe for the picking, and it's ripe because of the way Ralph set things up. DISCLAIMER - I DIDN'T SAY THAT I KNOW THE TEAM IS RIPE, I SAID I FEAR THE TEAM IS RIPE. NONE OF US HAVE ENOUGH INFO TO SAY THAT WE KNOW ANYTHING.


1. I fear that by opening it up to the highest bidder, you actually create a situation where it can ONLY make sense for an ownership group who plans on moving them to a new, bigger market. Let's say the bidding process begins and you have one group operating on the economics with the city of Toronto, and another one using the economics from Buffalo. I'm sorry, Buffalo, but you lose this battle. There is a lot of big money in Toronto. You'd have luxury boxes, higher ticket prices, corporate sponsorship, etc. Because of this, a Toronto ownership group can afford to bid WAY more for the club. I would guess that even with the LEAGUE's relocation fee, the owner of this club could afford to pay greater than $1Billion, maybe even $1.2. Now, you will say "but, the lease! They can't move because of the lease!". No. They can't move NOW because of the lease. You need to remember two things: if the next owner plans on moving the club, they will have their own challenges around building a new stadium in a new market. This will take just as much time in Toronto as it would in Buffalo. The timing on the expiration of the lease will work just fine for a team that wants to move. The Toronto group wouldn't have a plan to buy the Bills and keep them for 10 or 20 years, this would be a 50+ year plan. If they need to overpay a bit now and keep them in Buffalo for 10 more years, in order to secure a 50 year future in Toronto, they're gonna do it.


2. If the Toronto group DOESN'T end up buying the team, there is a very good chance that they could drive the price up. This is also not a good thing for the long term health of the franchise in Buffalo. Overpaying for the club could handcuff the next owner in a number of ways. It's critical that, they get the club at a price that would allow them to be healthy and profitable in the Buffalo market. If foreign owners drive up the price, that could be a challenge.


3. It is absolutely silly to think that the NFL would block a move to Toronto. It is Roger Goodell's job to grow the league and generate wealth for the owners. I don't care that he's from western NY. He could've been born in the bathroom at Anchor Bar. It doesn't change the fact that he earned $40 million last year. He answers to the collective owners in the league. He has more loyalty to them than he will EVER have to the city of Buffalo. Sorry. If a group from TO will add significant long term $$$ to the NFL, he's gonna allow it, and getting 24 votes isn't going to be tough. This is a big business. The owners and Goodell will get over the hurt feelings they'll cause in Buffalo.


Again, these are simply my FEARS. For all I know, Ralph could've set up the sale years ago to a group that will keep them in Buffalo. If, however, it is actually as has been reported for years, that this team will be sold to the highest bidder, I think this club is doomed to leave when this lease expires.


I don't mean any disrespect to the Wilson family or anyone close with Ralph Wilson. Just wanted to give my take on things.



Posted (edited)

I keep going back and forth on this. Some days I think Ralph did some really great things to preserve this teams future in Buffalo, and other days I think he's created a scenario that will make it very difficult for someone to own and keep the team in Buffalo.


I understand that tax consequences likely played a role in any decisions that were made in this process. Do any of you know the story of how Art Modell sold the Baltimore Ravens to Steve Bisciotti? Art Modell knew it was time to start the transition, but he wanted to do it in a tax efficient way. He also loved owning an NFL team and wanted to remain as a part of the organization he'd run since the beginning. They decided to sell it in stages. They did this in a way that made the team, the owners (new and old) and the city happy.


Now, I'm NOT saying that Art Modell is a saint. Hell, if Art Modell would've been Buffalo's original owner instead of Ralph, they likely would've left 20 years ago! So please don't take this as anything other than pointing out that there are a number of ways to skin the cat here.


I fear that this team is absolutely ripe for the picking, and it's ripe because of the way Ralph set things up. DISCLAIMER - I DIDN'T SAY THAT I KNOW THE TEAM IS RIPE, I SAID I FEAR THE TEAM IS RIPE. NONE OF US HAVE ENOUGH INFO TO SAY THAT WE KNOW ANYTHING.


1. I fear that by opening it up to the highest bidder, you actually create a situation where it can ONLY make sense for an ownership group who plans on moving them to a new, bigger market. Let's say the bidding process begins and you have one group operating on the economics with the city of Toronto, and another one using the economics from Buffalo. I'm sorry, Buffalo, but you lose this battle. There is a lot of big money in Toronto. You'd have luxury boxes, higher ticket prices, corporate sponsorship, etc. Because of this, a Toronto ownership group can afford to bid WAY more for the club. I would guess that even with the LEAGUE's relocation fee, the owner of this club could afford to pay greater than $1Billion, maybe even $1.2. Now, you will say "but, the lease! They can't move because of the lease!". No. They can't move NOW because of the lease. You need to remember two things: if the next owner plans on moving the club, they will have their own challenges around building a new stadium in a new market. This will take just as much time in Toronto as it would in Buffalo. The timing on the expiration of the lease will work just fine for a team that wants to move. The Toronto group wouldn't have a plan to buy the Bills and keep them for 10 or 20 years, this would be a 50+ year plan. If they need to overpay a bit now and keep them in Buffalo for 10 more years, in order to secure a 50 year future in Toronto, they're gonna do it.


2. If the Toronto group DOESN'T end up buying the team, there is a very good chance that they could drive the price up. This is also not a good thing for the long term health of the franchise in Buffalo. Overpaying for the club could handcuff the next owner in a number of ways. It's critical that, they get the club at a price that would allow them to be healthy and profitable in the Buffalo market. If foreign owners drive up the price, that could be a challenge.


3. It is absolutely silly to think that the NFL would block a move to Toronto. It is Roger Goodell's job to grow the league and generate wealth for the owners. I don't care that he's from western NY. He could've been born in the bathroom at Anchor Bar. It doesn't change the fact that he earned $40 million last year. He answers to the collective owners in the league. He has more loyalty to them than he will EVER have to the city of Buffalo. Sorry. If a group from TO will add significant long term $$$ to the NFL, he's gonna allow it, and getting 24 votes isn't going to be tough. This is a big business. The owners and Goodell will get over the hurt feelings they'll cause in Buffalo.


Again, these are simply my FEARS. For all I know, Ralph could've set up the sale years ago to a group that will keep them in Buffalo. If, however, it is actually as has been reported for years, that this team will be sold to the highest bidder, I think this club is doomed to leave when this lease expires.


I don't mean any disrespect to the Wilson family or anyone close with Ralph Wilson. Just wanted to give my take on things.



Great 2nd post Plunge ! I've said it before on the Toronto scenario, I FEAR the NFL and owners will look at it as a regional relocation and a softer way for Buffalo to lose the team, since Toronto is within a short drive of Buffalo. The key is finding an owner that wants to keep the team here, without that it becomes a longshot to convince someone else to change their mind or hope the NFL/other owners stop a move


Great 2nd post Plunge ! I've said it before on the Toronto scenario, I FEAR the NFL and owners will look at it as a regional relocation and a softer way for Buffalo to lose the team, since Toronto is within a short drive of Buffalo. The key is finding an owner that wants to keep the team here, without that it becomes a longshot to convince someone else to change their mind or hope the NFL/other owners stop a move




The whole thing scares the hell out of me, to be honest. The events in the coming months that will lead to the next owner of this team, represents the single most important thing that's ever happened to this franchise.


I think that even if there is a owner ready to step up and keep the team here they will make it look like a nail biter.


1st they want to buy the team as cheap as possible, so they will cry "poor" and throw around the economics to pull on Mary's sentimental side.


2nd they will want a new stadium built with as little of their own money as possible.


These two things will not happen if someone comes to the plate on day one with wads of money hanging out of thier pockets.


If they are smart they won't buy the team without the funding for the new stadium determined. It's much harder for them to get state/county concessions after they let it be known they want to keep the team here.


This is big finance that will play out behind closed doors.


Also remember that the highest offer isn't always the best deal. The details of the offer will differ quite a bit between the offers.


I hope they stay and think they will, but no way this doesn't look like a nail scratcher that comes down to the wire. There is too much money at stake.




if he sold the team, the sale price would be taxed. Then the money would be taxed when passed down. This way, his family gets hit 1x I believe


Also remember, he was also likely "planning" on living past 100.


That's why you bring in a minority owner before you pass so there is a smooth transition.

Posted (edited)

I'm not advocating doom and gloom, I'm asking all of you to wake up to the real possibility that this team could move. People keep saying that there are local people with money that will buy the team, but none of them have stepped forward, why ? Yet, the Toronto group has stepped forward. You have no concern ? I'm concerned. People keep mentioning the Jacobs family, a few days ago we hear news that Jacobs Sr. is not interested, now we have a entire thread parsing his words to see if that is indeed what he means, I'm concerned about that. People keep saying the NFL prefers the team be sold to a local buyer, yet I haven't heard one official piece of news on the sale process and whether there will be any preference given to a local buyer during it. That concerns me. Some people choose to close their eyes and hope everything works out. I'm not one of them. It frustrates me when I hear Poloncarcz wave the lease around or mention the new stadium group as these full proof mechanisms to keep the team here, they will not. I acknowledged several times that if a local buyer does buy the team I'm 100% confident they'll succeed and there will be a new stadium down the road, 100% confident. However, I am not close to 100% confident that the team will be sold to a local buyer, especially on the heels of the news this week. Any of you who are need to open your eyes. This is not doom and gloom, this is just the reality that is starring all of us in the face. We need a local buyer to step forward now, so we can all collectively get behind their bid and put pressure on the estates, the politicians, the local businesses to make it work to keep the team here. Right now, our enemies (Toronto) are mobilizing their forces.


What are you talking about? Who from Toronto has "stepped forward" and said they want to buy the Bills aside from several media reports saying that Bon Jovi has expressed interest in buying an NFL franchise, that he has links to NFL owners and the Toronto group?


You keep saying this, but never provide any supporting information. Also you seem convinced that no one from Buffalo is interested - again, based on what? Even JW said that the Jacobs statement from Delaware North wasn't as cut and dry and you want us to believe. Plus who knows about any of the other potential suitors...


Just don't understand your stance that the alleged Toronto is the ONLY one interested (or even that someone there has actually come out and said "Hey, were going to bid on the Bills"). Maybe there actually is someone, or a group of someones that is interested in buying the team and keeping it in Buffalo.


The one thing I would agree with you on is that the only way the Bills are going to stay in Buffalo is if a owner that wants to keep them here buys them, but just because YOU don't know who that is doesn't mean they don't exist.



1. I fear that by opening it up to the highest bidder, you actually create a situation where it can ONLY make sense for an ownership group who plans on moving them to a new, bigger market.


For the 97th time in this thread, let me reiterate that there is no evidence that the team HAS to be sold to the highest bidder. Sometimes, when businesses are sold it's not just to the bidder with the most money, its to the bidder that has the best fit - money, employees, location, etc.

Edited by Heitz
Posted (edited)

What are you talking about? Who from Toronto has "stepped forward" and said they want to buy the Bills aside from several media reports saying that Bon Jovi has expressed interest in buying an NFL franchise, that he has links to NFL owners and the Toronto group?


You keep saying this, but never provide any supporting information. Also you seem convinced that no one from Buffalo is interested - again, based on what? Even JW said that the Jacobs statement from Delaware North wasn't as cut and dry and you want us to believe. Plus who knows about any of the other potential suitors...


Just don't understand your stance that the alleged Toronto is the ONLY one interested (or even that someone there has actually come out and said "Hey, were going to bid on the Bills"). Maybe there actually is someone, or a group of someones that is interested in buying the team and keeping it in Buffalo.


The one thing I would agree with you on is that the only way the Bills are going to stay in Buffalo is if a owner that wants to keep them here buys them, but just because YOU don't know who that is doesn't mean they don't exist.





For the 97th time in this thread, let me reiterate that there is no evidence that the team HAS to be sold to the highest bidder. Sometimes, when businesses are sold it's not just to the bidder with the most money, its to the bidder that has the best fit - money, employees, location, etc.

I thought the Bon Jovi / Toronto group's interest was so widely reported that most of the folks on the board were aware of it, here is the cbssports, nfl.com and buffalo rumblings links to their reports on it. You should check out Buffalo Rumblings if you haven't before, a good site with tons of Bills info. http://www.cbssports...y-buffalo-bills ; http://www.nfl.com/n...g-buffalo-bills; http://www.buffaloru...-mark-poloncarz . I NEVER said that their were no local buyers interested, I said, "NONE have stepped forward". If you have links contradicting that statement, please post. I made it clear in all my posts that regarding the sale as "my fear"; I wasn't stating anything other than that based on the information that is in public domain. There are tons of hurdles for ANY buyer, including those from Toronto or LA. I also never said the Toronto group was the ONLY group interested, I said they were the ONLY group who has stated their interest. I heard last night, that Trump might have officially thrown his hat into the ring since that post. I haven't confirmed that. Edited by TXBILLSFAN

I thought the Bon Jovi / Toronto group's interest was so widely reported that most of the folks on the board were aware of it, here is the cbssports, nfl.com and buffalo rumblings links to their reports on it. You should check out Buffalo Rumblings if you haven't before, a good site with tons of Bills info. http://www.cbssports...y-buffalo-bills ; http://www.nfl.com/n...g-buffalo-bills; http://www.buffaloru...-mark-poloncarz . I NEVER said that their were no local buyers interested, I said, "NONE have stepped forward". If you have links contradicting that statement, please post. I made it clear in all my posts that regarding the sale as "my fear"; I wasn't stating anything other than that based on the information that is in public domain. There are tons of hurdles for ANY buyer, including those from Toronto or LA. I also never said the Toronto group was the ONLY group interested, I said they were the ONLY group who has stated their interest. I heard last night, that Trump might have officially thrown his hat into the ring since that post. I haven't confirmed that.


It wouldn't make good business sense for ANY buyer, local or otherwise to "step forward" at this juncture. Until the investment banks do their due diligence and establish a value, anyone coming forward is just bidding against themselves at this point.


There have been quotes from locals like Golisano in the past saying they would do whatever they could to help keep the Bills in Buffalo, but that's not stepping forward, either.




Important date to remember: November 4, 2014. Election Day. If the team is sold before this date - I would assume it is to a Buffalo friendly buyer.


No way Cuomo will allow the team to be sold under his watch to a buyer with relocation intentions.


NY State will come thru with the funds to construct a new stadium - mark my words. Cuomo can kiss any and all political aspirations from Albany to Washington, DC should this team get sold to any unfriendly Buffalo buyer.


Don't give any odds to that. I feel your not in touch with the most realistic economic situation here in NYS. I've dealt directly with NYS, and I'll tell you out right, 8k in jobs were on the line with WNY. The project fell through, and not based on my clients failures, but on the states failures to find general funds. You fool yourself if you think the money will flow from the state.




Don't give any odds to that. I feel your not in touch with the most realistic economic situation here in NYS. I've dealt directly with NYS, and I'll tell you out right, 8k in jobs were on the line with WNY. The project fell through, and not based on my clients failures, but on the states failures to find general funds. You fool yourself if you think the money will flow from the state.


As a counterpoint, NYS chipped in a cool $10M to turn one of my former client's projects into a full-scale treatment facility.


It all depends upon the case, the timing, and the parties.

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