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Toronto is still the heavy favorite to land the Bills. I would say it looks like 80% likely. The Bills remaining in Buffalo at 20%.


...based on?

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Couldn't he have just ensured a deal upon his death and not before it so it wouldn't trigger this double taxation?


I think that may be what the OP is talking about? If possible that would make the most sense to avoid throwing money away and ensuring the Bills stay in town.


Amen.... and 'we people' built HIS stadium for him in 1973 (jon Bon jovi didnt)...but apparently that was not enough...


If Ralph had all along built his own stadium and not asked for our moneys all along the way then I'd listen far more to the chant he can do as he wishes...

However it was Ralph who demanded we build his stadium,...and demand that we have to pay for improvements to his stadium.. - he created the 'virtual partnership' with us....after all that I dont think its asking too much to have some type of stipulation that if an owner kept the team local they had first right to purchase the team for a set amount like 1 billion....


Toronto is still the heavy favorite to land the Bills. I would say it looks like 80% likely. The Bills remaining in Buffalo at 20%.

To think that you have taken the time to post on this website 867 times. So 80% Toronto, 20% Buffalo and 0% anywhere else? Got it. Personally, I would say 65% Buffalo, 20% LA and 15% Toronto.

Posted (edited)

Who said Toronto is being allowed to bid? As far as I know, the team isn't up for auction, nor will it be.


The trust has the right to sell to anyone they wish, as far as anyone is aware.


I'm also curious what makes you think that there aren't any plans in the works? Is it merely because you haven't heard that?



Edited by tsnbd

We see now the multiple vultures who may come into bid for the Buffalo team.


It seems clear now that Ralph easily could have done the following but refused to:

1- Secured a sale before his death to an owner dedicated to Buffalo

2- Secured that price for near Billion dollars for his family

3- He refused to do this - why? so the sale price might even be higher


Can anyone on this board imagine being 90+ years old and not taking that deal where your family is more than taken care of AND millions of supporters are left happy for generations?


Instead Ralph took the path that could jeapordize the relocation of the team but return a higher dollar


and we are supposed to praise this choice? you have to be kidding me.....


HOPING a Buffalo group buys and secures this team.....but this all could have been GUARANTEED for us fans AND guaranteed near billion dollar sale for his family.... yet chose not to do this....


I say shame on him......

So some of you are on this same old bull **** huh? Been discussed for YEARS as to why he wouldn't do it and its OVER either way.

Posted (edited)


Also in order:

  • He's doing nothing with that $1 billion because he's dead. Just FYI. His family isn't doing anything either due to the trust. Thanks Ralph!
  • You originally said he should do it "for his family". Either it's a good reason or not, so now choose. He should have left his family with a $200 million incremental tax liability for the fans? Not smart at all. It's irrelevant how much you CAN spend and how you spend it. Wasting money (and of that proportion) would be the work of a simpleton.
  • If his family is allowed to be an important factor, they trump everything. Mine do for me, which I'm sure is the same for most.
  • There is no middle ground for sure. You're just bitter because it could possibly happen in 2020 (i.e. a move). Cry in your cheerios and get over it already.
  • Most important, Ralph doesn't owe anyone anything.

Glad to see trolling is still the case here on 2BD.


Couldn't he have just ensured a deal upon his death and not before it so it wouldn't trigger this double taxation?


I think that may be what the OP is talking about? If possible that would make the most sense to avoid throwing money away and ensuring the Bills stay in town.


Nope. That's not how it works. Any deal pre-death is still a legal binding contract which would trigger that double taxation. No way to avoid it. Thanks Obama!

Edited by Beerball

So for all the naysayers, if the team is sold to someone that keeps the team in Buffalo, what's going to happen to you? Will you go away? Complain about the new owners? We already hear enough complaining about real things; now we have to listen to complaining about hypotheticals?


We see now the multiple vultures who may come into bid for the Buffalo team.


It seems clear now that Ralph easily could have done the following but refused to:

1- Secured a sale before his death to an owner dedicated to Buffalo

2- Secured that price for near Billion dollars for his family

3- He refused to do this - why? so the sale price might even be higher


Can anyone on this board imagine being 90+ years old and not taking that deal where your family is more than taken care of AND millions of supporters are left happy for generations?


Instead Ralph took the path that could jeapordize the relocation of the team but return a higher dollar


and we are supposed to praise this choice? you have to be kidding me.....


HOPING a Buffalo group buys and secures this team.....but this all could have been GUARANTEED for us fans AND guaranteed near billion dollar sale for his family.... yet chose not to do this....


I say shame on him......


Thank you for your uniformed, whiny rant.


Also in order:

  • He's doing nothing with that $1 billion because he's dead. Just FYI. His family isn't doing anything either due to the trust. Thanks Ralph!
  • You originally said he should do it "for his family". Either it's a good reason or not, so now choose. He should have left his family with a $200 million incremental tax liability for the fans? Not smart at all. It's irrelevant how much you CAN spend and how you spend it. Wasting money (and of that proportion) would be the work of a simpleton.
  • If his family is allowed to be an important factor, they trump everything. Mine do for me, which I'm sure is the same for most.
  • There is no middle ground for sure. You're just bitter because it could possibly happen in 2020 (i.e. a move). Cry in your cheerios and get over it already.
  • Most important, Ralph doesn't owe anyone anything.

Glad to see trolling is still the case here on 2BD.




Nope. That's not how it works. Any deal pre-death is still a legal binding contract which would trigger that double taxation. No way to avoid it. Thanks Obama!


Why is speaking against Ralph considered trolling? I have been registered here for 10 years.


Glad to see you care more for ralph's immediate family so they can see $200million more when they already have a billion...that should trump the happiness of over a million people ??


If it was povery or $200 million for ralphs family I might agree.... but they already will have a billion....so they are set enough so you can also please the million followers who have supported the team for 54 years


Thank you for your uniformed, whiny rant.


Please enlighten me Promo of how this team is guaranteed to stay here and I will keep peace. And if its shown that Ralph made steps to not jeapordize a relocation I will keep peace.


So far that has not been shown by anyone..... and if it was not done...I will not praise the person who had the opportunity to do so and refused to do it.


Why is speaking against Ralph considered trolling? I have been registered here for 10 years.


Glad to see you care more for ralph's immediate family so they can see $200million more when they already have a billion...that should trump the happiness of over a million people ??


If it was povery or $200 million for ralphs family I might agree.... but they already will have a billion....so they are set enough so you can also please the million followers who have supported the team for 54 years




Please enlighten me Promo of how this team is guaranteed to stay here and I will keep peace. And if its shown that Ralph made steps to not jeapordize a relocation I will keep peace.


So far that has not been shown by anyone..... and if it was not done...I will not praise the person who had the opportunity to do so and refused to do it.


You can't be enlightened, people have tried, you won't listen.


If Ralph would have sold the Bills for $1 Billion while he was alive he would have had to pay roughly $400 - $500 million dollars in captial gains taxes because he would have been taxed on the gain he had above the original cost basis ($25,000) he paid for the team back in 1959. Bottom line... the Wilson family ends up with $500 million from the sale if Ralph sells while he is alive.


Since he did not sell and the team went to his trust upon his death... the cost basis now shifts up to the value of the franchise at date of death ( probably $900 mil or so). So if the team sells for $1.5 Billion let's say.. then Ralph's family only pays taxes on the $600 million gain ( probably $200 - $300 million in taxes). Wilson family ends up with $1.2 Billion dollars for selling the team after his death.


So you're saying Ralph is wrong for waiting until he died to sell the team and wanting his family to gain an addtional $700 million for the sale of the team??????


I think he's already done enough for WNY by agreeing to that $400 million relocation clause ...


Yes...and he may have very well laid out a handshake deal (obviously not guaranteed) with a buyer who is certain to be accepted by the NFL. We have no idea. He has to keep it quiet to play the tax game. Does anyone honestly think Ralph never discussed this with Goodell? I'm not saying that's a guarantee but, rather, suggesting everyone wait and see it play out. Ralph owes us nothing. That's life. We'd like to think he would be 'loyal' to us but it certainly is his right to sell to the highest bidder. I, for one, think he had a plan and we are required to see it play out. I'll gladly eat my words later if necessary but that's just my 2 pennies.


Glad to see you care more for ralph's immediate family so they can see $200million more when they already have a billion...that should trump the happiness of over a million people ??



Come on. It's not chump change. You can guarantee the financial freedom of your family for eternity. An extra 200million or 500million is still that.....HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of dollars. You'd just give it away because your family 'wouldn't want it?????' As for your bolded comment, "Glad to see you care more for strangers who engage your business than your own immediate family." Sounds pretty dumb in the converse right? Please put away the pitchfork until we see what happens.


Toronto is still the heavy favorite to land the Bills. I would say it looks like 80% likely. The Bills remaining in Buffalo at 20%.


Yeah and the controlling owner of the Buffalo Bills Mary Wilson is serving on the stadium task force to trick us all.


Why is speaking against Ralph considered trolling? I have been registered here for 10 years.


Glad to see you care more for ralph's immediate family so they can see $200million more when they already have a billion...that should trump the happiness of over a million people ??


If it was povery or $200 million for ralphs family I might agree.... but they already will have a billion....so they are set enough so you can also please the million followers who have supported the team for 54 years




Please enlighten me Promo of how this team is guaranteed to stay here and I will keep peace. And if its shown that Ralph made steps to not jeapordize a relocation I will keep peace.


So far that has not been shown by anyone..... and if it was not done...I will not praise the person who had the opportunity to do so and refused to do it.

I don't think anything you've written is anything I would consider trolling. I think you went a little far in "shaming" Ralph Wilson. But as you continue to say, "prove to me that Ralph made steps as to not jeopardize relocation," I would simply say to you, prove to me he hasn't.

Posted (edited)

Toronto is still the heavy favorite to land the Bills. I would say it looks like 80% likely. The Bills remaining in Buffalo at 20%.


Care to elaborate on the conclusion of your percentages?

Edited by It's in My Blood
Posted (edited)

Please enlighten me Promo of how this team is guaranteed to stay here and I will keep peace. And if its shown that Ralph made steps to not jeapordize a relocation I will keep peace.


So far that has not been shown by anyone..... and if it was not done...I will not praise the person who had the opportunity to do so and refused to do it.


First of all no one can say what the future will bring. However the lack of certainty does not instantly mean that there is a conspiracy afoot, like you suggest.


First of all if Ralph was so greedy why did he sign a lease?? Seriously, if he is as evil and greedy as you purport then why make things harder on his estate by tying the Bills down for 6 more years? If anything that lowers the value of the Bills at auction.


Second, there are committees working to find a solution to keep the Bills here that include people at all levels. People with the power to get money and make things happen. So there is an effort being made.


It was reported that Ralph could not legally do what you suggest. You forget that the NFL has a say in what happens too. Ralph can want a lot of things. None of it happens if the NFL doesn't sign off.


Sorry if that spoils your "woe-is-me-I'm-a-victim" narrative. Ralph did more than you want to give him credit for. It's also a good thing that most WNY'ers have an appreciation for Mr. Wilson and what he's done for the area. If I owned the Bills and more fans were like you I'd move the team.



Edited by PromoTheRobot
Toronto is still the heavy favorite to land the Bills. I would say it looks like 80% likely. The Bills remaining in Buffalo at 20%.
Care to elaborate on the conclusion of your percentages?

Isn't it obvious? He pulled them out of his arse...



Couldn't he have just ensured a deal upon his death and not before it so it wouldn't trigger this double taxation?


I think that may be what the OP is talking about? If possible that would make the most sense to avoid throwing money away and ensuring the Bills stay in town.


So, get someone to agree to a locked in sale and price for the team, but the sale doesn't actually close until an event occurs which the committed buyer has no way of predicting or controlling?


Yeah, I can't imagine why he didn't do that.


So, get someone to agree to a locked in sale and price for the team, but the sale doesn't actually close until an event occurs which the committed buyer has no way of predicting or controlling?


Yeah, I can't imagine why he didn't do that.


Yeah and what reasonable buyer wouldn't promise a billion dollars to someone at an unknown time?

Posted (edited)

Thank you for your uniformed, whiny rant.


Are you suggesting he is military? Police? Royal Canadian Mountie? Royal Palace Guard? Or maybe Royal PITA has a standard dress I'm not aware of. :devil:

Edited by transient
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