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Mass Stabbing at Pittsburgh School


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It's crazy how many kids do these stupid things now. My wife teaches 4th grade at a small catholic school and she had a girl tell her last week that she likes to blow up buildings. The girl is incredibly odd and I've heard a lot of stories about her throughout the year. I told my wife that she needs to tell someone about what the girl said. It's more than likely nothing as the girl sounds harmless, but that's not a chance you can take anymore.

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It's crazy how many kids do these stupid things now. My wife teaches 4th grade at a small catholic school and she had a girl tell her last week that she likes to blow up buildings. The girl is incredibly odd and I've heard a lot of stories about her throughout the year. I told my wife that she needs to tell someone about what the girl said. It's more than likely nothing as the girl sounds harmless, but that's not a chance you can take anymore.


Same situation @ my daughter's school last year... Small Catholic school... Boy there in 5 grade saying the same things. I guess there has always been these children around. Getting attention? Private or Catholic schools give them more chances since they are paying. ??

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Same situation @ my daughter's school last year... Small Catholic school... Boy there in 5 grade saying the same things. I guess there has always been these children around. Getting attention? Private or Catholic schools give them more chances since they are paying. ??


Media over-saturation makes them fearful of the world. Some of them think or say or do weird sh-- as a result.

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So sad.


Makes you think that metal detectors should be present in every school





Yeah... But it is always something. What about composite knives? Look @ Fort Hood thing(s). They were spot on saying how the heck are they going stop a soldier from having a weapon. Same thing w/metal detectors. Nothing will truly be foolproof.




Media over-saturation makes them fearful of the world. Some of them think or say or do weird sh-- as a result.


Dude in my son's high school (Catholic) was overheard (by a girl, off in the distance, if that means anything... Figure I would throw it out there) saying: "He's going to blow the school up."


Huh? WTF? It is something you just don't joke about! What are these kids learning, especially @ this level.


He got a week off and free psych evaluation @ the local hospital down the road. He was Tweeting his friends (what little he had left) from the hospital. Oh my!

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