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A Fracking Marvelous Option

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"Strategic energy independence could break America's cycle of increasing debt and economic stagnation. Bush observes that although we have almost four times the amount of recoverable oil in oil shale than Saudi Arabia's proven oil reserves, we continue to send $300 billion dollars every year to oil producing countries, most of whom are either hostile to the United States or who support terrorism. He refers to analysis that finds just two states, Utah and Colorado, hold approximately 3 trillion barrels of oil in shale deposits which would provide us with the means to unleash domestic energy resources that would add jobs and re-industrialize our nation. Increasing supply would lower costs of oil, gasoline and natural gas to industry and the general population. Turning those $300 billion annual energy expenses from lost dollars into domestic reinvestment would help grow our economy and restore confidence among America's business community.

The obstructionists, fearful of competition, will, of course, not be silent. Oil exporters like Venezuela and the Arab Emirates are understandably nervous about losing those American petrodollars. It is not a surprise that they have underwritten Hollywood films attacking fracking as an environmental threat in hopes of swaying American public opinion and they will continue to use their wealth and influence to try and short circuit America's pursuit of accessing domestic energy resources."

Edited by 3rdnlng
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So we've got three light years of debt, but 20 light years of shale oil - according to the highest, most optimistic estimates.


A fracking stupid article.



I don't particularly like his analogy comparing debt in light year terms, but it is not a stupid article.

Edited by 3rdnlng
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I don't particularly like his analogy comparing debt in light year terms, but it is not a stupid article.


It uses the most optimistic estimates instead of the most realistic, then draws conclusions from that.


That's gatorman-level stupid.

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Job Bush talking about energy and debt? What did gas prices do under W? And didn't his brother start the debt soaring? If they think issue will get Bush elected they are nuts


This is what gas prices were in December of '08:



East Coast $1.63 .04 -New England $1.65 .04 -Central Atlantic $1.67 .04 -Lower Atlantic $1.59 .04 Midwest $1.57 .06 Gulf Coast $1.50 .05 Rocky Mountain $1.51 .02 West Coast $1.79 0 -California $1.81

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This is what gas prices were in December of '08:



East Coast $1.63 .04 -New England $1.65 .04 -Central Atlantic $1.67 .04 -Lower Atlantic $1.59 .04 Midwest $1.57 .06 Gulf Coast $1.50 .05 Rocky Mountain $1.51 .02 West Coast $1.79 0 -California $1.81


What were they in June of '08?


That would be more telling, it being before the capital markets fell off a cliff.

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So we've got three light years of debt, but 20 light years of shale oil - according to the highest, most optimistic estimates.


A fracking stupid article.


Where are you getting the 20 light years of oil from?


What were they in June of '08?


That would be more telling, it being before the capital markets fell off a cliff.


Now you've gone and done it again.

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