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Donald Trump asked to invest in the Bills

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He says on a message board about a public post on said message board? Now that is funny! :lol:


So tell me then, Campy, what's your take on Trump owning the Bills? Would you bail ship like your little bro, or would you remain a Bills fan regardless of the ownership situation (as long as they remained in Buffalo)?

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The answers are upthread and probably not too much different than your opinion.


I didn't care for the way you called out that other guy and I called you on it. Let it go. Bro.


You bet. One more question, though: thoughts on Richard Sherman?

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You bet. One more question, though: thoughts on Richard Sherman?


That's a bit off topic but...


I think sticking microphones in people's faces seconds after they make a huge play on the sport's biggest stage is stupid and I don't blame him for what he said, if that's what you mean. Other than that, he's a very good DB on a team that is not the Bills.


That's all I got for Richard Sherman. Why do you ask?

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That's a bit off topic but...


I think sticking microphones in people's faces seconds after they make a huge play on the sport's biggest stage is stupid and I don't blame him for what he said, if that's what you mean. Other than that, he's a very good DB on a team that is not the Bills.


That's all I got for Richard Sherman. Why do you ask?


Just seeing if we are on the same page. We are. Except where "comedic" value comes into play.

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I'm not going to get in the political mud... That should go to another board. I will say however that I would *prefer* a less controversial owner, but I'd take Trump if he leaves the team in Buffalo and I would not stop following the team even if he acts like an a** constantly... As long as most of that was non football related. However if someone considers him such a reprehensible racist then I respect their right to change teams. If the Bills had made Vick the face of the franchise I would have reduced or withdrawn my support. Everyone has their limits, I suppose.

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PTI was just discussing..."more fun in the NFL: Johnny Football or Donald Trump"... Kornheiser was on the side of Trump, because he is a 24/7 grand-stander, and "has no humility", how can that not be fun? Wilbon, took a more thoughtful approach...agreed with Kornheisers points about Trump...when Kornheiser asked if the other NFL owners would welcome to the club, Wilbon said, earnestly. "they may have too if they really are serious about keeping the Bills in Buffalo".


This thread is amazing. To think I was banned for 90 days once for just mentioning Bush threw out the first ball in Yankee stadium after 9/11.


Welcome back... was kind of wondering where you went!


Yes, because pointing out the reasons he acts like a maladjusted teenage girl is "political correct dogma." :rolleyes:


Anyone who knows me here, knows I lean left... but I can honestly, in very good conscience, state that I have thought Trump was an idiot long before he got "involved" with politics. I always assume, a very rich man is not going to share my political views, and I can accept that...I just find his personality to be....uh, how shall I say? Revolting? I appreciate his apparent willingness to buy the Bills, with a promise to keep them home....but even in that, he comes off like a major jack-ass... why is someone so wealthy so defensive all the time? He can't release a statement, or give an interview that isn't full of bragging, threatening, insulting... his politics aside, I just think he wold be a nightmare of an owner. Think George Steinbrenner at his worst. As Kornheiser said (in a strangely complementary way), "he has absolutely no humility". Also, I am just not convnced, should he buy our club, he keeps them there any longer than their lease already requires. He doesn't strike me as a man of his word. But, we shall see....

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jim irsay is a jerk, jerry jones is a jerk, dan snyder is a jerk, hopefully, for your sake, maybe the dalai lama will express interest in buying the bills.


I could care less if the Dalai Lama expressed interest in buying the Bills because expressing interest means nothing. Remember when Trump expressed interest in running for governor? Remember when he expressed interest in running for president?


What makes you think this is any different? Desperation?


For all of our sake I hope Pegula, Jeremy Jacobs Jr, or Galisano don't express interest but instead put together a group allowing one of them to buy the team. I believe those guys are the only safe bets to keep the team in Bflo over the long haul. I also believe the real players are not going to talk too much.

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I could care less if the Dalai Lama expressed interest in buying the Bills because expressing interest means nothing. Remember when Trump expressed interest in running for governor? Remember when he expressed interest in running for president?


What makes you think this is any different? Desperation?


For all of our sake I hope Pegula, Jeremy Jacobs Jr, or Galisano don't express interest but instead out together a group allowing one of them to buy the team. I believe those guys are the only safe bets to keep the team in Bflo over the long haul. I also believe the real players are not going to talk too much.

of course jacobs, pegula, etc are preferred.. but so far trump expressed an interest, liked what i heard.. just expressing my opinion on him.. i put his TMZ persona, political stance aside.. so far i cannot find fault with what he has said regarding the bills.. never watched his show, know of his political stance(s), doesnt bother me..
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of course jacobs, pegula, etc are preferred.. but so far trump expressed an interest, liked what i heard.. just expressing my opinion on him.. i put his TMZ persona, political stance aside.. so far i cannot find fault with what he has said regarding the bills.. never watched his show, know of his political stance(s), doesnt bother me..

That's fine, but i don't think you can fault people for equating the man with his persona when he has pretty much relied upon said persona to advance his position in the world. His conduct makes what he has said regarding the Bills less trustworthy.


Now, some people will be swayed by his friendship with JK. And perhaps that's genuine. We shall see, if DT even gets close enough to be in the bidding.

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of course jacobs, pegula, etc are preferred.. but so far trump expressed an interest, liked what i heard.. just expressing my opinion on him.. i put his TMZ persona, political stance aside.. so far i cannot find fault with what he has said regarding the bills.. never watched his show, know of his political stance(s), doesnt bother me..


Funny thing is, after going back and forth with you all evening, the only real difference we have in this is that I don't want his TMZ personna (good name for it, BTW) anywhere near my Bills - our Bills. Sure, if he's the Hail Mary play, it's better than the team moving, but I really, really hope it doesn't come down to that/him.

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That's fine, but i don't think you can fault people for equating the man with his persona when he has pretty much relied upon said persona to advance his position in the world. His conduct makes what he has said regarding the Bills less trustworthy.


Now, some people will be swayed by his friendship with JK. And perhaps that's genuine. We shall see, if DT even gets close enough to be in the bidding.

well, lots of people have advanced their position on a "persona" .. i think those that do not like trump's "persona" have their reasons, in my case, in my humble opinion, he doesnt bother ME, but until somebody else comes forward, i will continue to evaluate trump based on what continues to come out


Funny thing is, after going back and forth with you all evening, the only real difference we have in this is that I don't want his TMZ personna (good name for it, BTW) anywhere near my Bills - our Bills. Sure, if he's the Hail Mary play, it's better than the team moving, but I really, really hope it doesn't come down to that/him.

ok.. i do get your point.. and i can understand your reservations.. just hope if he does end up with the team, the perceived baggage doesnt turn into an ugly reality..
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