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Bills acquire WR mike Williams

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Great pick-up by the Bills. I used to love watching Williams when he played for Cuse. I think we are pretty well set at WR now. I think Barden is going to turn out to be a steal, and Goodwin will show some skills this season if he stays healthy. Go Bills!

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And that can get you the cowboys of the 90s or the bengals of the 00s (or lions the last few years for an example close to our staff). It's a delicate balance layering these guys in. I like this move and the front office hasn't shown they are going to go tooooo far but I think some posters are all for 53 cheap talented troublemakers instead of 48 great guys that can help look after after a couple of talented guys that can be a handful

Ravens, Seahawks, 49ers & Saints all have or had their problem children. They also have HC's who are "strong willed" & have their own unique ways of running a team.


Best case...Williams comes in and performs well on the field and has no problems off of it. Worst case...Williams crashes and burns and takes another player or two with him.

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The consensus on this board is that the Mike Williams signing was a good one. Low risk, what do we have to lose, etc. I disagree. I also don't like some of the other signings and departures this off season.


Marv Levy disappointed us when he came back as GM, in part because he seemed to have forgotten the principles that helped build the championship years. Some of the key ones: Build through the draft, keep your own players and, especially, draft for character. The Superbowl Bills weren't just talented; they were tough. That famous resilience wasn't an accident: it was the result of the team's drafting and coaching philosophy. Talent is everywhere in the NFL. What's rare is team chemistry, the kind that brings out the best in the more marginal players (like Ray Benchley and Don Beebe), keeps the marquee players from becoming prima donnas and helps the team find the grit needed to win tough games and come back from tough losses.


No risk? Nothing to lose? You build your team with slackers, losers, criminals and there's no risk? No problem with the headlines about the latest charges, denials, accusations? No risk of locker room strife, sniping, feuds? No chance that the hardest-working Bills won't resent the work habits of perpetual underachievers like Keith Rivers and Chris Williams?


Yes, you can point to examples of shady characters who make good, and slackers making good with a change of scene. But the exceptions prove the rule that character DOES matter over time. These signings are cheap, and I don't mean money wise. They're the moves of a loser franchise trying to do it the easy way.

Really? Revisionist history at best.

Did the Super Bowls Bills have a nickname? Do you know the nickname?

I'll tell you Bickering Bills. Because this high character team you mention couldn't stop from vocally arguing with each other in public. And they did it regularly.

Not to mention that Smith, Kelly and Thurman were notorious party animals that could be found out and about in the wee hours of the morning ON GAME DAY.


If twitter/Facebook/Instagram were around in 1991. The Bickering Bills would have some crazy **** out there.

So before you paint the choir boy picture you may want to look at the facts.

Edited by Why So Serious?
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Really? What if he still has relatives in town?


Anyway, not sure what this says about our draft. May mean Stevie is one step closer to the door. He's not a Marrone/Whaley guy and they seem to be aggressively remaking the WR corps. SJ would be worth more in trade than we gave up for Williams.


Yup. Let's get rid our best and most veteran wr because we got a guy who didn't finish his last season in college & just got stabbed by his brother. Brilliant!


And I hope Williams can finally grow up being home but I won't assume anything. He's had problems since high school. But nothing would make me happier than MW being a success story & role model in his hometown.


Ravens, Seahawks, 49ers & Saints all have or had their problem children. They also have HC's who are "strong willed" & have their own unique ways of running a team.


Best case...Williams comes in and performs well on the field and has no problems off of it. Worst case...Williams crashes and burns and takes another player or two with him.


I already can picture Williams & Dustin Hopkins cruising the streets of Buffalo up to no good.

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Really? Revisionist history at best.

Did the Super Bowls have a nickname? Do you know the nickname?

I'll tell you Bickering Bills. Because this high character team you mention couldn't stop from vocally arguing with each other in public. And they did it regularly.

Not to mention that Smith, Kelly and Thurman were notorious party animals that could be found out and about in the wee hours of the morning ON GAME DAY.


If twitter/Facebook/Instagram were around in 1991. The Bickering Bills would have some crazy **** out there.

So before you paint the choir boy picture you may want to look at the facts.


Agreed but the Bickerin' Bills also destroyed the team. It wasn't a good thing. A lot of the guys hated Kelly. Luckily, they all matured somewhat & were able to just play ball.

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Noted. Went back through his posts and don't see anything that indicates great insider insight though. I long for the days of NGU

I also long for the days of NGU giving us inside info.


I scratch my head over the trying to acquire Chris Johnson move tho. Does that mean the Bills are thinking about trading CJ at draft time? Does bringing in another top WR mean Stevie's days in Buffalo are numbered? Does this signing WR Mike Williams move cancel the thoughts that the had bills trading up with the Texans. Perhaps for the #1 to draft Sammy Watkins? So many questions...guess we will need to wait until May 8-10.

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I heard we were trying to sign a top RB... News is a little late now seeing that they tried to get CJ... I will climb back in my hole now...


I can't imagine why they would blow big bucks on a RB right now. Unless, of course, they are looking to shop Spiller (or maybe offers are already on the table). CJ2K would break the bank. I don't like it one bit.

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I already can picture Williams & Dustin Hopkins cruising the streets of Buffalo up to no good.

Based on my post this is the best you can do? Totally uncalled for and an obvious misrepresentation of the point I was making.


For shame...

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Based on my post this is the best you can do? Totally uncalled for and an obvious misrepresentation of the point I was making.


For shame...


Wow, I was totally kidding. Someone woke up on the sensitive side of the bed. I agreed with your post about this being low risk.

Edited by C.Biscuit97
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Mike Williams trade pushes WR to the top of Tampa Bay's 2014 NFL draft board


Even before trading WR Mike Williams to Buffalo for a sixth-round pick Friday, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers figured to consider drafting at receiver at No. 7 overall if one of the top two options -- Sammy Watkins and Mike Evans -- happened to be on the board.
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Agreed but the Bickerin' Bills also destroyed the team. It wasn't a good thing. A lot of the guys hated Kelly. Luckily, they all matured somewhat & were able to just play ball.


The point is Levy didn't have a bunch of choir boys that went to bed at 9pm.

The difference between the 90s and today is that these very young men in their early 20s have a platform to expose their stupidity for the world to see.

Look at Thurman's twitter feed today.

If he had that in 1991 he would put himself in the "troubled" category in a heart beat. He was a self confessed raging alcoholic at the time.

So let's get off our high horses and not judge these young men unfairly.

Edited by Why So Serious?
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Yup. Let's get rid our best and most veteran wr because we got a guy who didn't finish his last season in college & just got stabbed by his brother. Brilliant!


And I hope Williams can finally grow up being home but I won't assume anything. He's had problems since high school. But nothing would make me happier than MW being a success story & role model in his hometown.




I already can picture Williams & Dustin Hopkins cruising the streets of Buffalo up to no good.


Relax. Looks like you're the one who crawled out of the wrong side of the race car bed today.


I'm not saying they should do this. It's speculation on what they might be thinking. It's my opinion that Marrone and Whaley may not be that impressed with SJ. They seem to want bigger and/or faster. By default, SJ has been the best receiver on a team that, for the past few years has been devoid (see Buddy Nix) of WR talent. Last year's draft changed the old Buddy way of treating the WR position (neglect) and this off-season clearly shows that Marrone/Whaley aren't simply looking to add a #3,4,5...WR receiver to the depth chart.

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