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Father & friend drag son across road & tie him to a tree


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This crap is really starting to piss me off. There are people out there that want children and can't have them. Then you get these f-tards doing this to a 4 year old! We need some Wild West justice here.

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It's amazing, but this story pales in comparison to some of the abuse/neglect stories I hear every day at work. Kid I worked with recently had cigarette burns all over his arms and back. His "parents" are meth heads who used to lock he and his brother in a dog kennel so they could get high. Made the boys watch the movie Saw as punishment when they soiled their pants. I could tell more, but I won't.


Sometimes I think, that if I found out I only had a couple days to live, I would like to visit some of these creatures with a blow torch and a pair of needle nose pliers.

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