Southern McButterpants. Posted April 1, 2014 Posted April 1, 2014 What are you an insurance agent? Blame everybody? She did nothing to warrant that kind of rage. The sole repsonsibilty falls on him to control himself and his vehicle... That he failed @ and miserably! She had no problem controlling her vehicle and herself... But gets blamed for "goading." Maybe, but again, it doesn't warrant that kind of reaction and he paid for it = karma! She did "goad" him. She sped up when he went to pass her on the right.
ICanSleepWhenI'mDead Posted April 2, 2014 Posted April 2, 2014 (edited) I've read the first 125 posts in this thread and watched the video several times. Everybody is assuming that the totality of the interaction between these drivers is shown on the video. That seems unlikely. It takes time to go from driving along minding your own business, to video recording somebody behind you. Maybe she honestly thought that nobody should be going faster in the rainy conditions than she was driving, regardless of the speed limit, and got frustrated watching other drivers zoom by her, and decided to play traffic cop by forcing everyone to slow down to the speed of a commercial truck in the right hand lane. For all we know, she held him up for miles BEFORE he started tailgating. The video STARTS with him already on her bumper - - we just don't know how long she kept him back there to start with, although it's likely that whenever he started to tailgate it was only THEN that she decided to start making the video and KEPT him back there so that she could record the type of aggressive behavior he had by then started to show. You can also be certain that IF she was driving badly in any fashion BEFORE she decided to video things, her behavior changed when she turned the video camera on. You can't assume that she was driving the same way BEFORE she turned the camera on as she was AFTER she turned the camera on. We also don't know if she flipped him off as he passed her on the right the first time, which might explain why a guy trying to pass her for a while goes by on the right, only to wind up farther back again. He only flipped her off the SECOND time he was side-by-side with her in the right hand lane. If she did nothing to goad him, and he's a hothead, how come he didn't flip her off the first time he went by? Maybe the reason the "redneck" wasn't perfectly centered in the frame as he was flipping her off (even though every other shot is centered), is because by then they were both flipping the bird at each other. I think there might be a lot more to the interaction than what the camera showed. We also don't know if both drivers got past the first commercial truck because the commercial truck decided to slow down. I have personally been in the right lane minding my own business on a freeway at a steady speed, when a car in the left lane shadowed me to stop a third car from being able to get by. When I realized what was happening, I slowed down to avoid being involved in their dispute. For all we know, that's what the right lane commercial trucker did in this video. Main point being, there's a lot we don't know. I'm especially suspicious because of the fact that the "redneck" didn't flip her off the first time he went by her. Edited April 2, 2014 by ICanSleepWhenI'mDead
SactoBillFan Posted April 2, 2014 Posted April 2, 2014 Both probably share the blame. I was impressed with her video skills. And anyone who thinks you can only pass cars by staying within the speed limit please stay off the highways espescially in California.
boyst Posted April 2, 2014 Posted April 2, 2014 (edited) JBoys - you got a picture of this woman? I did some looking around and came up with this from Topix in Tampa Bay Topix is very useful, you can look at it - tells you the guy is named Jeffrey. Not a bad name. Edited April 2, 2014 by jboyst62
ExiledInIllinois Posted April 2, 2014 Posted April 2, 2014 I've read the first 125 posts in this thread and watched the video several times. Everybody is assuming that the totality of the interaction between these drivers is shown on the video. That seems unlikely. It takes time to go from driving along minding your own business, to video recording somebody behind you. Maybe she honestly thought that nobody should be going faster in the rainy conditions than she was driving, regardless of the speed limit, and got frustrated watching other drivers zoom by her, and decided to play traffic cop by forcing everyone to slow down to the speed of a commercial truck in the right hand lane. For all we know, she held him up for miles BEFORE he started tailgating. The video STARTS with him already on her bumper - - we just don't know how long she kept him back there to start with, although it's likely that whenever he started to tailgate it was only THEN that she decided to start making the video and KEPT him back there so that she could record the type of aggressive behavior he had by then started to show. You can also be certain that IF she was driving badly in any fashion BEFORE she decided to video things, her behavior changed when she turned the video camera on. You can't assume that she was driving the same way BEFORE she turned the camera on as she was AFTER she turned the camera on. We also don't know if she flipped him off as he passed her on the right the first time, which might explain why a guy trying to pass her for a while goes by on the right, only to wind up farther back again. He only flipped her off the SECOND time he was side-by-side with her in the right hand lane. If she did nothing to goad him, and he's a hothead, how come he didn't flip her off the first time he went by? Maybe the reason the "redneck" wasn't perfectly centered in the frame as he was flipping her off (even though every other shot is centered), is because by then they were both flipping the bird at each other. I think there might be a lot more to the interaction than what the camera showed. We also don't know if both drivers got past the first commercial truck because the commercial truck decided to slow down. I have personally been in the right lane minding my own business on a freeway at a steady speed, when a car in the left lane shadowed me to stop a third car from being able to get by. When I realized what was happening, I slowed down to avoid being involved in their dispute. For all we know, that's what the right lane commercial trucker did in this video. Main point being, there's a lot we don't know. I'm especially suspicious because of the fact that the "redneck" didn't flip her off the first time he went by her. He didn't flip her off the first time he went by... BUT there seems to something said or a motion made that casued her to speed up and possibly think: 'What was that?" Was it a stare or a look or something mouthed? It appears to be... Then she sped up to imply: "What did you say?" That's when he proceeded to get heated up and flip her off. IMO - tells you the guy is named Jeffrey. Not a bad name. Sounds pretty gay to me, not that there is anything wrong w/the name Jeff. Only thing worse would be if he spelled it: Geoffrey. Now a manly, Germanic name like Eric is way cooler.
Gugny Posted April 2, 2014 Posted April 2, 2014 We are really, really wearing this thin. But it is entertaining. We can only go off of this video and her words and the outcome She was in the wrong lane - maybe not illegally or maybe so. She still had no business being in that lane and clearly taunting the guy - who in the video was not at all on her bumper. Trust me, I drive a big truck - that is not being on someones bumper like you'd think. Yeah, it's 12-15 feet at the least but it's not that much closer. Big trucks look bigger behind you. Yes, he was still, too close. Yes, he was a dumb... for acting the way he did. But, just based on this video, where you can see she is driving 50@36 seconds, maybe 52 mph and should heed the right of way to those wishing to travel faster then she is. If she was doing 57, as she claims below, I would also like her charged for speeding based on this video and admission of guilt. Both need to be made examples of and punished for being idiots. Since we cannot have them both shot I am fine with a ticket. Plus, the idiot posts this on her YouTube: Uh, we do not need her permission or YouTubes. And further, who cares what YouTube says. They are the original source of major pirating today and they don't seem to care. Why would we? You cannot seriously be opining that the redneck was not tailgating this girl. He clearly was. And her videotaping had absolutely nothing to do with the cause of his idiotic antics OR the accident the dildo ended up getting into. Is driving a pickup truck like being part of some cult?? How can anyone stick up for this dicktard?
boyst Posted April 2, 2014 Posted April 2, 2014 You cannot seriously be opining that the redneck was not tailgating this girl. He clearly was. And her videotaping had absolutely nothing to do with the cause of his idiotic antics OR the accident the dildo ended up getting into. Is driving a pickup truck like being part of some cult?? How can anyone stick up for this dicktard? Because we did not see the full situation I am merely mentioning my take from what we do know and what we did see. He was tailgaiting her and could have been pulled for it. He was not on her bumper that much or enough that I would have been alarmed. I would have moved over first, but that is beside the point. Her video taping only incited the guy further. Yes, people are stupid, dumb and do moronic things but it takes a special kind of jackass to get in to such a heated state as that dude. And, we do not know the whole story. And any woman who has a video camera on for several minutes after saying the guy had been on her for 3 minutes already - well, why did she feel the need to put her cape on and be some sort of vigilante super hero to slow down the dude? And, I would bet we do not know the whole story. I cannot comment anymore on this. There is nothing that hasn't been said a million times and EII is going after this a ton.
ExiledInIllinois Posted April 2, 2014 Posted April 2, 2014 Is driving a pickup truck like being part of some cult?? How can anyone stick up for this dicktard? I am not... I am with ya brutha! I am fighting hard for that lady. Dicktard lost his cool and paid dearly... Hope he learned his lesson. There is justice in this world. Now we find out his name is Jeffrey and we know he was from the south... Sorry boyst, it is what we latch on to! I gotta deal w/idiot Chicago drivers everyday on my 18 mile odessey to work where I encounter every self-serving mofo on the planet it seems! This dude was no exception. I am glad she made a stand. There was true venom in his eyes!
ICanSleepWhenI'mDead Posted April 2, 2014 Posted April 2, 2014 (edited) He didn't flip her off the first time he went by... BUT there seems to something said or a motion made that casued her to speed up . . I don't see anything in the video that allows anyone to say for sure whether, after he passed her the first time, (1) she sped up, or (2) he slowed down. Do you? Wouldn't both scenarios look exactly the same on the video? Because she knows she's got the video camera rolling, seems like she would be likely to maintain constant speed and do nothing confrontational that the camera would show. Edited April 2, 2014 by ICanSleepWhenI'mDead
bbb Posted April 2, 2014 Posted April 2, 2014 I did some looking around and came up with this from Topix in Tampa Bay Topix is very useful, you can look at it - tells you the guy is named Jeffrey. Not a bad name. Wow - she's hotter than I was thinking!
BillsFan-4-Ever Posted April 2, 2014 Posted April 2, 2014 you b-@$tard!!!! Wow - she's hotter than I was thinking! one last (well maybe) sarc comment Was she standing her ground? You cannot seriously be opining that the redneck was not tailgating this girl. He clearly was. And her videotaping had absolutely nothing to do with the cause of his idiotic antics OR the accident the dildo ended up getting into. Is driving a pickup truck like being part of some cult?? How can anyone stick up for this dicktard? Are you sure people are "sticking up" for the dicktard, or are we saying that both had shown bad driving behavior? what if the dicktard died? would that change things in the eyes of the law?
Dorkington Posted April 2, 2014 Posted April 2, 2014 (edited) As much as she may have been going slower than I would have liked. She does pass a couple people in the video, so I wouldn't really be caring too much. Dude tails her, then swerves to go around her. If she wasn't taping, or if it was me in that situation, I would have gotten over, but with that guy acting like the way he was, it's hard to predict what he's going to do, and it's safer to stay put and let him do what he needs to do. He could have just passed and been on his marry way, but instead he got dumb, then dumber, and paid the price for it. There's been plenty of times where I'm passing someone, but I'm not going as fast as the person behind me would like (often times an obscene speed), and I have every intention of getting over safely, but before I can do that in my own comfort, the person behind me (often in a truck or SUV) gets super aggressive, and passes me on the right side. How about just giving me a second, let me get over, and then you get the left lane to yourself? Two wrongs don't necessarily make a right, but she didn't do anything seriously damning in my view. A little annoying? Sure. But she passed people, and he could have made an easy pass and there would be no story. Edited April 2, 2014 by Dorkington
millbank Posted April 2, 2014 Posted April 2, 2014 above is imagine of Tracy Lynne Sloan person who made video
boyst Posted April 2, 2014 Posted April 2, 2014 above is imagine of Tracy Lynne Sloan person who made video no
bbb Posted April 2, 2014 Posted April 2, 2014 above is imagine of Tracy Lynne Sloan person who made video She looks better in Jboys picture.
KD in CA Posted April 2, 2014 Posted April 2, 2014 Is driving a pickup truck like being part of some cult?? How can anyone stick up for this dicktard? I think it's called "Day after a NASCAR race was in TV" syndrome. Are you sure people are "sticking up" for the dicktard, or are we saying that both had shown bad driving behavior? Maybe he's saying that only a total idiot would continue trying to equate the behavior of the two. As much as she may have been going slower than I would have liked. She does pass a couple people in the video, so I wouldn't really be caring too much. Dude tails her, then swerves to go around her. If she wasn't taping, or if it was me in that situation, I would have gotten over, but with that guy acting like the way he was, it's hard to predict what he's going to do, and it's safer to stay put and let him do what he needs to do. He could have just passed and been on his marry way, but instead he got dumb, then dumber, and paid the price for it. There's been plenty of times where I'm passing someone, but I'm not going as fast as the person behind me would like (often times an obscene speed), and I have every intention of getting over safely, but before I can do that in my own comfort, the person behind me (often in a truck or SUV) gets super aggressive, and passes me on the right side. How about just giving me a second, let me get over, and then you get the left lane to yourself? Two wrongs don't necessarily make a right, but she didn't do anything seriously damning in my view. A little annoying? Sure. But she passed people, and he could have made an easy pass and there would be no story. Best post in the thread -- spot on. She was in fact passing other drivers so was not in the left lane inappropriately. But the best point made here is that aggressive tailgating often makes people less likely to move over because of the likelihood of unpredicable/unstable actions by the aggressive driver. I didn't think about it till you wrote this, but I've certainly seen and been in situations like you have where you are moving into the right lane and the impatient jerk almost rams you from behind because they couldn't wait 3 seconds and started to pass on the right. In that instance, better to stay put and let them pass on the right. I would say in this instance it had more to do with the woman wanting to antagonize the a--hole, but I think most people are more interested in maximizing their safety than in getting into a dispute with some redneck.
ExiledInIllinois Posted April 2, 2014 Posted April 2, 2014 (edited) As much as she may have been going slower than I would have liked. She does pass a couple people in the video, so I wouldn't really be caring too much. Dude tails her, then swerves to go around her. If she wasn't taping, or if it was me in that situation, I would have gotten over, but with that guy acting like the way he was, it's hard to predict what he's going to do, and it's safer to stay put and let him do what he needs to do. He could have just passed and been on his marry way, but instead he got dumb, then dumber, and paid the price for it. There's been plenty of times where I'm passing someone, but I'm not going as fast as the person behind me would like (often times an obscene speed), and I have every intention of getting over safely, but before I can do that in my own comfort, the person behind me (often in a truck or SUV) gets super aggressive, and passes me on the right side. How about just giving me a second, let me get over, and then you get the left lane to yourself? Two wrongs don't necessarily make a right, but she didn't do anything seriously damning in my view. A little annoying? Sure. But she passed people, and he could have made an easy pass and there would be no story. ^^^^BINGO... We have a winner^^^^ This was exactly what I was alluding to... These situations where people jump the gun and go on the right I think is one of the biggest causes of accidents. Yet, I am not sure that happened... He did give her a little time to get over... But maybe she wanted to stay in the left lane because she was going to make a left turn? This wasn't an expressway they were on... The road had intersections. Edited April 2, 2014 by ExiledInIllinois
Gugny Posted April 3, 2014 Posted April 3, 2014 you b-@$tard!!!! one last (well maybe) sarc comment Was she standing her ground? Are you sure people are "sticking up" for the dicktard, or are we saying that both had shown bad driving behavior? what if the dicktard died? would that change things in the eyes of the law? If the dicktard died, then he would have gotten more than he deserved. And the girl would have been exactly 0.0000 % responsible.
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