bbb Posted April 1, 2014 Posted April 1, 2014 I wonder if Beerball realized this thread would get this much traction??? I don't watch much local or even national or cable news - but I had it on last week watching about Jim Kelly..........And, then this stupid story came on. The two anchors were yakking it up about the karma angle, too. How the !@#$ did this stupid thing make it all over? Do they put viral videos on the news all the time now?
Southern McButterpants. Posted April 1, 2014 Posted April 1, 2014 This pretty accurately sums up the entire thread . . .
plenzmd1 Posted April 1, 2014 Posted April 1, 2014 This pretty accurately sums up the entire thread . . . I have never seen that before...pretty much me 100% LOL
BillsFan-4-Ever Posted April 1, 2014 Posted April 1, 2014 (edited) Slower traffic means well under the speed limit. He is breaking the law if he passes her over the speed limit. By what speed she was doing, she was NOT slower traffic. They are that lax. http://www.dmvflorid...tractions.shtml Any insurance agents on the board? They want no accidents! Can't say I don't blame them, it is premiums they collect... Do you think they want to pay out? I think one of the higher causes of accidents are idiots passing on the right. Anway, maybe she was going to move over and the idiot jumped the gun and got her on the right first... Happens all the time, being impatient... Now she speeds up, which was wrong. But BOOM, idiot is now in a ditch! Carry on, nothing to see here! Oh... While we are at it... Why not put real bumpers on cars... Ones that actually can "bump." What's with this plastic crap that breaks when touched. again assuming the speed limit was 55 suffice to say - to me 5 miles under is too slow (well under) for the fast lane. He passed her but not by using excessive speed. You see him dropping back for a second before he regains his speed. the road was damp. if you lived in Florida you'd know that it's damp practically every day after the 3PM daily showers. From the video we can see that it wasn't a torrential downpour. Think of the accidents caused by idiots driving slow in the fast lane, forcing people to pass them on the right, yes doing the posted speed limit. Can I ask ... do you drive slow in the fast lane? from the link you posted - the rules she broke Keep Your Eyes on the Road Use Common Sense DO...Reserve phone usage for emergencies or important calls. Edited April 1, 2014 by BillsFan-4-Ever
KD in CA Posted April 1, 2014 Posted April 1, 2014 again assuming the speed limit was 55 suffice to say - to me 5 miles under is too slow (well under) for the fast lane. Not that you haven't provided ample evidence in this thread that you are a juvenile idiot, but on top of it you seem to lack the ability to grasp the complexities of a speed limit. And why would anyone be "forced" to pass someone in any lane at any time? I don't think your fellow redneck was on his way to perform an emergency cesarean.
PastaJoe Posted April 1, 2014 Posted April 1, 2014 And why would anyone be "forced" to pass someone in any lane at any time? I don't think your fellow redneck was on his way to perform an emergency cesarean. But maybe his wife is having an emergency cesarean. She doesn't know, so the courteous thing to do would be get out of the way by putting on her right blinker to indicate she will move over ASAP. Otherwise she's just as much to blame for intentionally acting like a jerk.
ExiledInIllinois Posted April 1, 2014 Posted April 1, 2014 Otherwise she's just as much to blame for intentionally acting like a jerk. No. That was thrown all the window (pun intended) when he the guy pulled his "I am a redneck and loving it" act by giving that classic stare out and one finger salute out the driver's side window of his rig! All blame is put on him for going too fast for conditions. He simply lost it while going too fast and presumably OVER the speed limit since she was NOT driving slow @ 50-55. In the end, he just gave it too much gas and broke traction. It was bound to happen somewhere on that road... Glad it was there where all he harmed was himself! Give that lady a cigar! Also... Show me in any state law where a lane is designated: "fast lane." One should still only go the speed limit. I know we all (including myself) break the law. Why should she have to conceed to a law breaker when she is going a prudent speed? KD is right, it is scary how many people have no concept of what a speed limit means. Again, one is not suppose to pass over the speed limit. If passing @ or under the speed limit can't be accomplished then one has to fall back in line. It isn't about getting ahead of the next. Why did he have a problem staying behind her and going the legal speed?
boyst Posted April 1, 2014 Posted April 1, 2014 Uh. No. Uh. No. Granted the court systems are messed up but if the guy was to pass her in the travel lane due to her slower travel and this caused an accident - IN THIS SITUATION WHWRE SHE PROVOKED THE INCIDENT AND RECORDED IT - and someone would have been injured u would bet any court would find fault in her actions and she would would at least be guilty and successfully sued in civil court You can't lessen one idiot of a bunch simply by showing one to be more of an idiot. They're both idiots. One licks shiny things and the other plays with matches.
BillsFan-4-Ever Posted April 1, 2014 Posted April 1, 2014 (edited) Not that you haven't provided ample evidence in this thread that you are a juvenile idiot, but on top of it you seem to lack the ability to grasp the complexities of a speed limit. And why would anyone be "forced" to pass someone in any lane at any time? I don't think your fellow redneck was on his way to perform an emergency cesarean. spoken like someone who drives too slow in the fast lane, and or who talks and texts while driving. fellow redneck? complexities of a speed limit.? I didn't know only rednecks threw people the finger. > did you see the sign that CLEARLY stated Slower Traffic Keep Right? ... or is that too complex for you Yes, there are posted speed limits, YET police often allow people to drive 10 MPH over the speed limit w/o enforcing it. If your driving habits cause dozens of other drivers to go out of their norm to get past you ..... YOU are at fault. - I do hope that this was not too complex for you to grasp. I commute over 40 miles to work. My commute can be less than an hour and much less stressful IF all the slow drivers STAYED in the right lane. Edited April 1, 2014 by BillsFan-4-Ever
Gugny Posted April 1, 2014 Posted April 1, 2014 She did not provoke anything. Her recording also had no bearing on the outcome. Her only fault was being in the left lane in the first place ... which isn't against the law.
BillsFan-4-Ever Posted April 1, 2014 Posted April 1, 2014 KD is right, it is scary how many people have no concept of what a speed limit means. Again, one is not suppose to pass over the speed limit. If passing @ or under the speed limit can't be accomplished then one has to fall back in line. It isn't about getting ahead of the next. Why did he have a problem staying behind her and going the legal speed? Please read what I just posted WRT the speed limit. I have driven 75 in a 65 many a times on the highway and have passed many a police officer and nothing has happened. If I were to speed and drive erratically (while take pictures with my phone) when I was driving by a law officer I would EXPECT to be pulled over. She did not provoke anything. Her recording also had no bearing on the outcome. Her only fault was being in the left lane in the first place ... which isn't against the law. actions speak louder than words. IF she would have pulled to the right and not aggravated the situation more with her actions the country bumpkin would not have crashed going around her, You've heard these and most likely used these many times pick your favorite It takes two to tango Two wrongs don't make it right. Both were in the wrong .
KD in CA Posted April 1, 2014 Posted April 1, 2014 But maybe his wife is having an emergency cesarean. She doesn't know, so the courteous thing to do would be get out of the way by putting on her right blinker to indicate she will move over ASAP. Otherwise she's just as much to blame for intentionally acting like a jerk. He ensured he would not receive any courteous treatment when he decided to ride her bumper like a complete a--hole. Much like our angry, dumb friend BillsFan4ever, this clod apparently didn't understand that other people have egos too and when he went out of his way to harass her via tailgating, she was almost certainly not going to give him the satisfaction of rewarding that behavior by moving over. For you to excuse his wild escalation of the confrontation and danger he posed to other drivers is frankly embarrassing. If your driving habits cause dozens of other drivers to go out of their norm to get past you ..... YOU are at fault. - I do hope that this was not too complex for you to grasp. Dozens?? Yes, your math of one = dozens is too complex for me. Must be Common Core. Perhaps you should find another way to get to work since driving is obviously having a significant impact on your stress level. I drive 40 miles to work too and the people who create the biggest danger are the idiots who drive like the a--hole in the video (and presumably -- based by your increasingly shrill defense of him -- you).
Gugny Posted April 1, 2014 Posted April 1, 2014 Please read what I just posted WRT the speed limit. I have driven 75 in a 65 many a times on the highway and have passed many a police officer and nothing has happened. If I were to speed and drive erratically (while take pictures with my phone) when I was driving by a law officer I would EXPECT to be pulled over. actions speak louder than words. IF she would have pulled to the right and not aggravated the situation more with her actions the country bumpkin would not have crashed going around her, You've heard these and most likely used these many times pick your favorite It takes two to tango Two wrongs don't make it right. Both were in the wrong . Yup. I acknowledged that she and he were both at fault in their own ways. However, the fact remains that the filming and the subsequent accident could have easily been avoided if the redneck simply exercised a little patience and passed her on the right at an appropriate speed. Let's face it; slow drivers drive in the left lane EVERY DAY all the time. It's not nearly as frequent to have some ignorant redneck in a 2-ton vehicle respond the way this ass face did. I still maintain that he got what he deserved and I absolutely LOVE that she got in on film and got to laugh at his stupid ass.
ExiledInIllinois Posted April 1, 2014 Posted April 1, 2014 Wow... This is getting crazy... People flaunting driving over the speed limit. Now, everybody does it, but bragging about it? Crazy And that sign: "slower traffic keep right." Was that posted on the road in this video. Those are sight specific signs. Those signs mean that one still has to not go over the speed limit. This lady was not "slower traffic" she had a right to that lane. The burdened vehicle was the truck. The privledged vehicle was the lady's. Yup. I acknowledged that she and he were both at fault in their own ways. However, the fact remains that the filming and the subsequent accident could have easily been avoided if the redneck simply exercised a little patience and passed her on the right at an appropriate speed. Let's face it; slow drivers drive in the left lane EVERY DAY all the time. It's not nearly as frequent to have some ignorant redneck in a 2-ton vehicle respond the way this ass face did. I still maintain that he got what he deserved and I absolutely LOVE that she got in on film and got to laugh at his stupid ass. ^^^This^^^ Would have been a better post had you used the word whilst. ;-) :-)
KD in CA Posted April 1, 2014 Posted April 1, 2014 Bengals' Orson Charles arrested for road rage: What a travesty. The other driver probably wasn't exceeding the speed limit enough so Charles' actions were entirely justified.
PastaJoe Posted April 1, 2014 Posted April 1, 2014 He ensured he would not receive any courteous treatment when he decided to ride her bumper like a complete a--hole. Much like our angry, dumb friend BillsFan4ever, this clod apparently didn't understand that other people have egos too and when he went out of his way to harass her via tailgating, she was almost certainly not going to give him the satisfaction of rewarding that behavior by moving over. For you to excuse his wild escalation of the confrontation and danger he posed to other drivers is frankly embarrassing. Sorry you're embarrassed, but I never said he was blameless. But she could have been the smarter person and avoided the escalation. Instead she chose to exacerbate the situation, and therefore was also to blame.
ExiledInIllinois Posted April 1, 2014 Posted April 1, 2014 (edited) Sorry you're embarrassed, but I never said he was blameless. But she could have been the smarter person and avoided the escalation. Instead she chose to exacerbate the situation, and therefore was also to blame. What are you an insurance agent? Blame everybody? She did nothing to warrant that kind of rage. The sole repsonsibilty falls on him to control himself and his vehicle... That he failed @ and miserably! She had no problem controlling her vehicle and herself... But gets blamed for "goading." Maybe, but again, it doesn't warrant that kind of reaction and he paid for it = karma! I think what really change my mind and is doing so even more is that I went back and looked @ that expression on his face... He took his eyes off the road for a long time... AND, that she missed half of that shot and got his passenger door! Good for her! Edited April 1, 2014 by ExiledInIllinois
plenzmd1 Posted April 1, 2014 Posted April 1, 2014 (edited) He ensured he would not receive any courteous treatment when he decided to ride her bumper like a complete a--hole. Much like our angry, dumb friend BillsFan4ever, this clod apparently didn't understand that other people have egos too and when he went out of his way to harass her via tailgating, she was almost certainly not going to give him the satisfaction of rewarding that behavior by moving over. For you to excuse his wild escalation of the confrontation and danger he posed to other drivers is frankly embarrassing. Dozens?? Yes, your math of one = dozens is too complex for me. Must be Common Core. Perhaps you should find another way to get to work since driving is obviously having a significant impact on your stress level. I drive 40 miles to work too and the people who create the biggest danger are the idiots who drive like the a--hole in the video (and presumably -- based by your increasingly shrill defense of him -- you). Couple of things here KD. As I mentioned upthread, I am often in mile long slow traffic caused by one driver staying in the left lane and either not speeding up and passing, or not slowing down and then moving into the right lane to continue at that same speed So you are right, not dozens affected, potentially several dozens. If i understand your and EII arguments correct, she is going the speed limit so has no reason to move to another lane, no matter the effect it is having on others? This attitude just baffles me.I know that is not how i was taught to drive, and I am fairly certain that is not how todays drivers are taught. To me,It is exactly what i mentioned in my first "me first" that causes so much of the road rage today. Also, as i said, i believe this guy was wrong to tailgate, and yes i have done similiar when there is a line two miles long behind me as some dolt drives along another vehicle for 8-10 miles and causes backups. Edited April 1, 2014 by plenzmd1
BillsFan-4-Ever Posted April 1, 2014 Posted April 1, 2014 (edited) He ensured he would not receive any courteous treatment when he decided to ride her bumper like a complete a--hole. Much like our angry, dumb friend BillsFan4ever, this clod apparently didn't understand that other people have egos too and when he went out of his way to harass her via tailgating, she was almost certainly not going to give him the satisfaction of rewarding that behavior by moving over. For you to excuse his wild escalation of the confrontation and danger he posed to other drivers is frankly embarrassing. Dozens?? Yes, your math of one = dozens is too complex for me. Must be Common Core. Perhaps you should find another way to get to work since driving is obviously having a significant impact on your stress level. I drive 40 miles to work too and the people who create the biggest danger are the idiots who drive like the a--hole in the video (and presumably -- based by your increasingly shrill defense of him -- you). is that too complex for you to understand? this 1 woman was partly to blame for what caused the accident in question. MULTIPLY that to accommodate a daily commute and you will see why people get upset at slow drivers and why we are not making her out to be the saint you think she is. Also, you are the one taking it to extremes. I NEVER said the "redneck" (as you put it) was innocent. I run into a dozen idiot drivers each commute. Rarely do I get stressed out and throw them the bird. you assumed I did? Admit she was partly in the wrong and you will feel better. Wow... This is getting crazy... People flaunting driving over the speed limit. Now, everybody does it, but bragging about it? Crazy If you were referring to me then I will reply thusly. I was not flaunting anything. I was stating a fact. When I drive I tend to a go a standard 5 to 10 mph over the speed limit, which often times keeps me following the pack and traffic flowing, - meaning 5 or more vehicles driving uninterrupted on a highway and nary a brake light shining. Edited April 1, 2014 by BillsFan-4-Ever
boyst Posted April 1, 2014 Posted April 1, 2014 We are really, really wearing this thin. But it is entertaining. We can only go off of this video and her words and the outcome She was in the wrong lane - maybe not illegally or maybe so. She still had no business being in that lane and clearly taunting the guy - who in the video was not at all on her bumper. Trust me, I drive a big truck - that is not being on someones bumper like you'd think. Yeah, it's 12-15 feet at the least but it's not that much closer. Big trucks look bigger behind you. Yes, he was still, too close. Yes, he was a dumb... for acting the way he did. But, just based on this video, where you can see she is driving 50@36 seconds, maybe 52 mph and should heed the right of way to those wishing to travel faster then she is. If she was doing 57, as she claims below, I would also like her charged for speeding based on this video and admission of guilt. Both need to be made examples of and punished for being idiots. Since we cannot have them both shot I am fine with a ticket. Plus, the idiot posts this on her YouTube: Published on Mar 26, 2014 All Media Inquiries should be forwarded to the Highway Patrol in Tampa. If it is a legitimate news source, they will pass on the information. To those copying my video and pasting it elsewhere on the web, unless you are paying me or those that I've licensed it with, you do not have the right to this video. You will be reported if you do not remove it, and further action will be taken. Comments & Messages remain disabled for the time being. I don't understand the necessary need to voice your uninformed opinion on me. I don't force the fact that I hate toe seams in socks onto you now do I? Uh, we do not need her permission or YouTubes. And further, who cares what YouTube says. They are the original source of major pirating today and they don't seem to care. Why would we?
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