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As Senate and House committees hold hearings on the export of liquefied natural gas this week, it is notable that even in Washington’s hyper-partisan atmosphere, support for LNG exports is both bipartisan and bicameral. In addition, newspapers from across the country and across the political spectrum have written editorials encouraging Congress and the president to take the steps necessary to speed the approval process.

There is clear recognition that our domestic natural gas resource is sufficient not only to power our economy and fuel a manufacturing renaissance here at home, but also to help our friends and allies globally power their economies and improve the global environment.


The U.S. is the world’s leading natural gas producer. Thanks to innovative technology that allows us to safely produce this vast domestic resource, we are cleaning our air, strengthening our economy and enhancing our energy security. Another benefit, one that is only heightened by recent events in Ukraine, is allowing the U.S. to influence global energy dynamics and to be a stabilizing geopolitical force by exporting LNG. This, however, will require a more certain and speedy process to approve the construction of export terminals.


Read more: http://thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/energy-environment/201722-yes-we-can-export-natural-gas-and-revive-manufacturing#ixzz2x6L7Kt7M

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Ship that **** direclty to Ukraine and those surrounding Russia- Putin, take your oil eslewhere.


Would be nice...but not that easy, of course. Not enough infrastructure to move LNG in the quantities necessary.


Not the least bit ironicaly, it'd likely be easier if Ukraine controlled the Crimean ports.

Posted (edited)

Ship that **** direclty to Ukraine and those surrounding Russia- Putin, take your oil eslewhere.


We are a few years away from making a major push in the world's supply. Russia supplies 30% of Europe's natural gas, but the link below may show how that can be circumvented. I don't believe that Ukraine has a terminal that can accept it. The thing is we need to build terminals (Europe too) so that we can supply our LNG to the world.



Edited by 3rdnlng

We are a few years away from making a major push in the world's supply. Russia supplies 30% of Europe's natural gas, but the link below may show how that can be circumvented. I don't believe that Ukraine has a terminal that can accept it. The thing is we need to build terminals (Europe too) so that we can supply our LNG to the world.



We should do this asap. Vote in a Constitutional conservative president next and watch America become strong again.

We should do this asap. Vote in a Constitutional conservative president next and watch America become strong again.


Our energy resources are the thing that can turn our economy around and maybe save us from all this debt. Cheap energy to build manufacturing here and exports for the trade deficit. With the largest known reserves in the world we can control the Putins and the rogue states a lot better.


Our energy resources are the thing that can turn our economy around and maybe save us from all this debt. Cheap energy to build manufacturing here and exports for the trade deficit. With the largest known reserves in the world we can control the Putins and the rogue states a lot better.

Any sane country would do this. Problem the current administration is anything but. Our president hates his country so he is in no hurry to make it strong. We also have the new religion of environmentalism that the president is more than happy to appease. Just a couple hurdles on the way to sensibility.

We should do this asap. Vote in a Constitutional conservative president next and watch America become strong again.


The president is merely a hand on the rudder. Obama isn't killing America and Rand Paul won't lead us into an economic boom. To think otherwise is to overstate POTUS's control on the economy. Presidents only wish they had so much influence.


The president is merely a hand on the rudder. Obama isn't killing America and Rand Paul won't lead us into an economic boom. To think otherwise is to overstate POTUS's control on the economy. Presidents only wish they had so much influence.


The administration's Keystone Pipeline policy, its avalanche of restrictive regulations and its cutting back of exploration and drilling on federal lands certainly is holding back the energy business. Throw in the laughable ACA and that rudder has the ship sailing directly into the wind. "Locked in Irons", so to speak.




The administration's Keystone Pipeline policy, its avalanche of restrictive regulations and its cutting back of exploration and drilling on federal lands certainly is holding back the energy business. Throw in the laughable ACA and that rudder has the ship sailing directly into the wind. "Locked in Irons", so to speak.

John's right and you are wrong.

The president is merely a hand on the rudder. Obama isn't killing America and Rand Paul won't lead us into an economic boom. To think otherwise is to overstate POTUS's control on the economy. Presidents only wish they had so much influence.

Well Obama seems to disagree tossing out executive orders like a Vegas black jack dealer with total disregard for the Constitution.

Well Obama seems to disagree tossing out executive orders like a Vegas black jack dealer with total disregard for the Constitution.


Better check your stats sharky....BO has only a fraction of executive orders that most presidents have..




Any sane country would do this. Problem the current administration is anything but. Our president hates his country so he is in no hurry to make it strong. We also have the new religion of environmentalism that the president is more than happy to appease. Just a couple hurdles on the way to sensibility.


Really - "He hates this country" ? Come on statements like that just undermine any other relevant statements you might come up with...


Better check your stats sharky....BO has only a fraction of executive orders that most presidents have..






Really - "He hates this country" ? Come on statements like that just undermine any other relevant statements you might come up with...

He doesn't? Any prez that wants to fundamentally change the country certainly doesn't love it there chief. And that apology tour he went on after he got elected the fist time. That's loving the country? All he does is constantly beat the drum of how f'ed up we are.Income inequality, healthcare you name it it's all wrong in his eyes.He does everything he can to keep our borders unprotected and when a state tries on its own he sues the them! Siding with federal criminals instead of one of your own governors. More loving your country I guess. Gutting the military. Deliberately driving up energy prices by screwing coal. Real love for us. Guy sucks. Shouldn't be a 7 Eleven night manager let alone president. But you keep on keepin on with him. Your backing a wiener winner.

He doesn't? Any prez that wants to fundamentally change the country certainly doesn't love it there chief.


I used to think Obama hated America. Now I just think he's too stupid and incompetent to hate America. He's simply a guy who used affirmative action to climb up a ladder far enough that one day enough people were able to sustain him for fear of being called a racist.


And since those who insist smart is measured mostly on your education, I look forward to the release of his college transcripts to prove me wrong otherwise.

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