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with all of the changes going on in the NFL, the over emphasis on merchandising and media deals, the girlification of play / rules, no fun league rules, lack of player individuality, overuse of instant replay, way too many commercials and play stoppages, way too much money for under educated over sized athletes, high beer prices, crap food, even tailgating regulations, fake grass and billion dollar domes, no run backs...


Isn't it time for a new league that gets back to playing real football? 3 yards and a cloud of dust.

Posted (edited)

A Spring Football league would absolutely work. There is zero question in my mind. Week 1 could be St. Patrick's Day weekend, a 10 game season and the Championship would be the first day of Summer.


I would absolutely watch.

Edited by Why So Serious?

with all of the changes going on in the NFL, the over emphasis on merchandising and media deals, the girlification of play / rules, no fun league rules, lack of player individuality, overuse of instant replay, way too many commercials and play stoppages, way too much money for under educated over sized athletes, high beer prices, crap food, even tailgating regulations, fake grass and billion dollar domes, no run backs...


Isn't it time for a new league that gets back to playing real football? 3 yards and a cloud of dust.


I like it, but the new league, if successful would eventually turn to crap over time like the NFL has. Other than Buffalo, I cant even watch football any more. Commercials and stoppages are beyond my pain threshold. But...I've enjoyed watching football for many years, back to the mid 60's.


A Spring Football league would absolutely work. There is zero question in my mind. Week 1 could be St. Patrick's Day weekend, a 10 game season and the Championship would be the first day of Summer.


I would absolutely watch.



Posted (edited)

at some point the NFL itself will probably back/support another development league like the NBA, MLB & NHL do.

Edited by papazoid
Posted (edited)

with all of the changes going on in the NFL, the over emphasis on merchandising and media deals, the girlification of play / rules, no fun league rules, lack of player individuality, overuse of instant replay, way too many commercials and play stoppages, way too much money for under educated over sized athletes, high beer prices, crap food, even tailgating regulations, fake grass and billion dollar domes, no run backs...




Idn't it great?

Edited by Triple Threat

at some point the NFL itself will probably back/support another development league like the NBA, MLB & NHL do.

NFL was heavily invested in the Arena League, the games were on the NFL network.

I think that was/is the plan with the Arena League.


NFL was heavily invested in the Arena League, the games were on the NFL network.

I think that was/is the plan with the Arena League.

Arena League gave us Kurt Warner. I think we need an outdoor league.

Check this out. Unions in college athletics is a possibility. This could change things significantly.




It's kind of funny that the universities are against this considering all of the booster influence, player payoffs, etc. that happens. At least if they were considered employees they could pay them off/bribe them legally (but then they have to pay taxes... boo hoo).

Posted (edited)

Like to see a no equipment league. No helmets. No shoulder pads. Nothing.

American tackle football the way we all played it - and the way it's still played - by young men in parks across our country from fall through winter.


There was at least one such league here in central nj a couple years back. No pay, just an organized weekend men's league called TownBeef for some reason. I'm going to google it after this to see if it's still operating.


yep, they're still going strong.. one of my kids played for a couple seasons with a core of guys from his HS team.. lots of tough guys who pretty much police themselves.. Fight Club with a ball :thumbsup:



Edited by BackInDaDay
Posted (edited)


Isn't it time for a new league that gets back to playing real football? 3 yards and a cloud of dust.

No. That is exactly the opposite of what the AFL was about. No one wanted three yards and a cloud of dust then and even fewer want it now. Look at the ever increasing popularity of CFB, with its spread offenses and blur attacks.


Edited by mannc

I still remember Cookie running for 243 yards in a Mosh Pit on a sleeting November Day. Wonder if AP could have done what he does on a field like the rockpile...

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