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Need advice. Catching litterers.


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Hi Chef, glad you stopped by to offer advice.


Also I have been having an issue with litterers along my property. I know who it is and I know all I need to know to know them but without seeing them do it I cannot in good faith and ethically sign my name to a magistrates affidavit swearing that I have seen them. I spoke to them two weeks ago and told them I would give them two weeks. They have done nothing. They are riff-raff type and I do not want to be involved in what would escalate quickly and not be resolved regardless. I gave them fair and stern warning I would go to the ends of the earth to have the bottles and trash off my hay land - and I will.


However, going back to the first few statements where I pointed it out. How can I realistically catch them doing it? When I spoke to the "associates," as they called themselves, of the renting tenant they said it was not them but friends. I realize that if I could get them to admit they were the guilty party or the tenant allowed the trash to be done - well, yeah, maybe it'd get somewhere. But, until I can prove it was individuals I fear that they would just say it was someone else they had over or something.


And, if all else fails, I'll just throw it all back over the fence. And I am talking about 150 bottles (no exaggeration, I squared out a 10'x10' and counted 37 in the box), and 100 cans, and misc. trash...it's a mess.


So I am wondering what ideas some may have to catch them? I have a deer camera but I do not think that'd work easily. Since everyone here is very mature and wise I expect realistic and valuable ideas and, as always, I thank you for spending your time to assist me.

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Hi Chef, glad you stopped by to offer advice.


Also I have been having an issue with litterers along my property. I know who it is and I know all I need to know to know them but without seeing them do it I cannot in good faith and ethically sign my name to a magistrates affidavit swearing that I have seen them. I spoke to them two weeks ago and told them I would give them two weeks. They have done nothing. They are riff-raff type and I do not want to be involved in what would escalate quickly and not be resolved regardless. I gave them fair and stern warning I would go to the ends of the earth to have the bottles and trash off my hay land - and I will.


However, going back to the first few statements where I pointed it out. How can I realistically catch them doing it? When I spoke to the "associates," as they called themselves, of the renting tenant they said it was not them but friends. I realize that if I could get them to admit they were the guilty party or the tenant allowed the trash to be done - well, yeah, maybe it'd get somewhere. But, until I can prove it was individuals I fear that they would just say it was someone else they had over or something.


And, if all else fails, I'll just throw it all back over the fence. And I am talking about 150 bottles (no exaggeration, I squared out a 10'x10' and counted 37 in the box), and 100 cans, and misc. trash...it's a mess.


So I am wondering what ideas some may have to catch them? I have a deer camera but I do not think that'd work easily. Since everyone here is very mature and wise I expect realistic and valuable ideas and, as always, I thank you for spending your time to assist me.


Bottles and cans?


You have their DNA, you idiot. :doh:

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Video surveillance? Should be pretty easy to do & I assume that would be adequate evidence (likely better than a sworn affidavit).

I could use the deer camera to do this, but it is in a pasture with limited ability to simply put a camera up without it being obvious - and likely taken.


Monday I will go to the Magistrates office and speak with them. I'll have pictures of it and hopefully it can get something done.


These guys, I will treat lightly, are the stereotype of country hood trash. 3 or 4 cars in the driveway at all times, different ones, coming and going. Always different people standing around outside. It's a duplex and in the country enough that I could not just sit there, wait, watch and take pictures. And, I am almost certain I would get shot, stabbed, beaten if I blinked the wrong way.

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I could use the deer camera to do this, but it is in a pasture with limited ability to simply put a camera up without it being obvious - and likely taken.


Monday I will go to the Magistrates office and speak with them. I'll have pictures of it and hopefully it can get something done.


These guys, I will treat lightly, are the stereotype of country hood trash. 3 or 4 cars in the driveway at all times, different ones, coming and going. Always different people standing around outside. It's a duplex and in the country enough that I could not just sit there, wait, watch and take pictures. And, I am almost certain I would get shot, stabbed, beaten if I blinked the wrong way.


shoot first, and leave no witnesses!!

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Bottles and cans?


You have their DNA, you idiot. :doh:

Could be a very costly option for littering. Not so say the littering problem isn't a pain. But in the end these clowns won't be getting anything more than a fine. Getting DNA off a bottle may be doable. But getting the matching sample from the clowns littering and getting a judge to use it is a whole other story (Law enforcement won't spend a penny to help you out here) and more costly than good infrared cameras . The Sheriffs could care less if my experience with owning acreage is typical. We had a 30K uninsured loss in a barn including (2) 4 wheelers, thousands in tools, fishing gear, even a 600 pound maple burl plus a small old Kabota, my deceased wifes kick ass kiln and some ceramics of hers. Needless to say I was pissed. We tracked the meth ghouls stash spot but the Sherrifs did nothing because they did not have just cause And "couldn't see the stolen items with a spotting scope on their Dads ranch". Meaning they had no evidence other than my word. So no search warrant issued. At that point I developed a whole new mindset using county Sheriffs as a resource.


So, we went to cameras with long range infrared and we snagged those freaks. When they bit on a chain saw left out on purpose. They walked as usual on the charges. The DA sucked. Finally my neighbor saw them by our properties (their 40 year old twins BTW) and jammed a 9MM down one of their throats, They both literally pissed their pants. Then taunted them to call the sheriff on him. Because no one believes a meth freak. Problem solved on our properties anyways.


In this situation I would use whatever means necessary to hide good infrared cameras. Not a judge in the world will dispute that evidence. They will walk on DNA because they could claim someone is stealing their trash piles for recycling, etc.

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Do they own the property where they live? If not, having a chat w/ the owner is a possibility. Chances are your littering problem is only one of the things that might bring law enforcement attention to them; see if the "authorities" have other concerns w/ this gang of thugs. Offer your land as a base for the authorities use to catch this crew. Any other neighbors suffering the same or similar problems caused by this crew? If so, get together and contact the authorities as a group. Have a chat with the county supervisor/local top political official about the problem. Any agricultural organization in the area that might get involved?


The more people you can enlist in your cause, the better. Plus that offers some anonymity for you.

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Thanks for the help so far guys. Another resource I have yet to tap is the Ag network. My local cooperative extension, other farmers or someone with some experience would likely be found. Ag is powerful.


This is hay land, too. If it is not picked up in the next two or three weeks I will have to do it myself before it it is lost beneath the hay.


They do not own the apartment or the land.


Could be a very costly option for littering. Not so say the littering problem isn't a pain. But in the end these clowns won't be getting anything more than a fine. Getting DNA off a bottle may be doable. But getting the matching sample from the clowns littering and getting a judge to use it is a whole other story (Law enforcement won't spend a penny to help you out here) and more costly than good infrared cameras . The Sheriffs could care less if my experience with owning acreage is typical. We had a 30K uninsured loss in a barn including (2) 4 wheelers, thousands in tools, fishing gear, even a 600 pound maple burl plus a small old Kabota, my deceased wifes kick ass kiln and some ceramics of hers. Needless to say I was pissed. We tracked the meth ghouls stash spot but the Sherrifs did nothing because they did not have just cause And "couldn't see the stolen items with a spotting scope on their Dads ranch". Meaning they had no evidence other than my word. So no search warrant issued. At that point I developed a whole new mindset using county Sheriffs as a resource.


So, we went to cameras with long range infrared and we snagged those freaks. When they bit on a chain saw left out on purpose. They walked as usual on the charges. The DA sucked. Finally my neighbor saw them by our properties (their 40 year old twins BTW) and jammed a 9MM down one of their throats, They both literally pissed their pants. Then taunted them to call the sheriff on him. Because no one believes a meth freak. Problem solved on our properties anyways.


In this situation I would use whatever means necessary to hide good infrared cameras. Not a judge in the world will dispute that evidence. They will walk on DNA because they could claim someone is stealing their trash piles for recycling, etc.

The no trespassing signs are up. I will put more up this weekend, probably just because. There is a pile of boulders I stacked about 40 yards from the apartment, and a tall tree there too. I figure setting the camera up about 20' beyond their reach and aiming it right at the camera would get them paying attention...but they'd notice me doing it and likely steal it.


Littering and...? Littering and...?


You could always post no trespassing signs and dig a spike pit. Or get a guard dog and set uo invisible fence and let him watch your property

No trespassing - they're not technically entering my land.


Do they own the property where they live? If not, having a chat w/ the owner is a possibility. Chances are your littering problem is only one of the things that might bring law enforcement attention to them; see if the "authorities" have other concerns w/ this gang of thugs. Offer your land as a base for the authorities use to catch this crew. Any other neighbors suffering the same or similar problems caused by this crew? If so, get together and contact the authorities as a group. Have a chat with the county supervisor/local top political official about the problem. Any agricultural organization in the area that might get involved?


The more people you can enlist in your cause, the better. Plus that offers some anonymity for you.

I do not own the property that they live on but the property next to it. I did research this morning to get owner and manager of the property. I am going to head down there in a little bit after lunch and look at some logistics of it.


edit: It is pretty fun, though. Talking to people, because believe it or not I am intimidating.

Edited by jboyst62
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I figure setting the camera up about 20' beyond their reach and aiming it right at the camera would get them paying attention...but they'd notice me doing it and likely steal it.


Setup a dummy camera, then a real camera pointed at the dummy camera. So then you'll get them littering and stealing.

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May I suggest something?


Don't forget to get pictures of the approach, the getaway, the northwest corner and the southwest corner. Key here is aerial photography. Do not forget tire tracks, footprints, and dog smellin' tracks, they will help too.


But what really helps is... Get 27 8x10 color glossy pictures w/circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back explaining what each is. Then when you take the litterbugs to court, the man with the seeing-eye dog will fine them 50 bucks and make them pick up the litter in the snow. Only then will justice will be served!



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