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Baseball team with more $ than sense

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One MLB team has invested in a Cray supercomputer according to Pete Ungaro, the company’s chief executive officer.

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The team obtained one both because the machine has the capacity to analyse enormous quantities of data and because of the short time in which it can process them.


A $500k Cray supercomputer? To analyze baseball stats to make in-game decisions?


I got no problem with computer-aided in-game decision making, but a Cray? Really? Are they gonna be playing in an alternate universe where things happen orders of magnitude faster than on earth?


Is Buddy Nix moonlighting for some MLB team?

Edited by ICanSleepWhenI'mDead
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Teams pay 14 million for one season of average pitching, this 500k looks like a wise investment compared to a lot of player salaries.

Maybe the umps should get one, too, so they can more quickly determine when the count reaches 3 strikes or 4 balls. There's something to be said for getting the right tool for the job. Edited by ICanSleepWhenI'mDead
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Maybe the umps should get one, too, so they can more quickly determine when the count reaches 3 strikes or 4 balls. There's something to be said for getting the right tool for the job.


Why would they need a supercomputer to count to 3 or 4? I mean the umps can be pretty bad but I am pretty sure they can handle this task.

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Ruben: Yeah, hey, guy. Need one of these.


**Taps computer with World Series ring**


Computer salesman: A, uh... computer?


Ruben: **snorts condescendingly** Yeah.


Computer salesman: Well do you have any idea what sort of model you're interested in? Or do you want to tell me what sort of usage you're trying to get out of your--


Ruben: **makes 'speed it up' gesture while looking out window**


Computer salesman: I'm sorry?


Ruben: Look, why don't you give me the one with the biggest engine and then you can cuddle back up inside one of these things and nurse on some wires sticking out of the mother board or whatever.

I don't think the Bill will shop for their analytics dept. hardware that way, 'cause Buddy Nix isn't in charge of it..

Edited by ICanSleepWhenI'mDead
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Maybe I'm underestimating the speed required to get answers that can be used to make in-game decisions, but I don't think we're talking about the level of complexity required to forecast the weather, model nuclear explosions, or model molecular dynamics:





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