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Comparison of Stadium wall to other message board


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During the season, in between games, you'd be challenged to find more knowledgeable fans than you find here. During the off-season, the draftniks do a great job of putting up great discussions about the upcoming draft.


The trick is, there are a bunch of folk here who occasionally mistake the board for their own blog, and tend to post whatever thought comes out of their mind, or whatever topic seems to make them chuckle. The OT stuff is fine, in general, but some people tend to overdo it, and the good football talk tends to get buried.


If you can navigate your way through the LAMPS and the Rainmen, you find good stuff.

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The trick is, there are a bunch of folk here who occasionally mistake the board for their own blog[.]



This was probably a big part of the reason the blog feature was added. And which few people have paid any mind to.


The main Bills board is a lot like Grapenuts sometimes, to borrow from Seinfeld.


The BB forum is categorized/compartmentalized better in this regard. PPP here is a nice example of how to divide things up in their own place.

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I obviously find TSW to be a neat place for thinking things through, learning new stuff about the Bills and also occaisionally finding new and interesting stuff which is OT.


I hear and understand folks who complain about the board being polluted by non-football stuff, but I have found a radicaL, outrageous, dicey, risky and dangerous way to deal with this problem.


I don't read everything and if I stumble on something even briefly that is annoying or inappropriate, I leave it anf do away.


This works for me and makes TSW a fun place.

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One of the things about this board is that we tend to attract the more fun, reasonable and polite (okay maybe not polite all the time) fans from other teams..


Bob the Jets Fan

Foxboro Mike

T-Bone (but of course if the Bills were in the AFC championship game--we would know where his loyalties would lie)

Our resident Phin fans


I actually like the dialog when opposing fans visit our board most of the time--the other boards the conversation almost always starts and ends with you suck, no you suck worse, etc, etc...

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Everyone who is a member here has one thing in common, they are Blls fans so that is the backdrop for all our conversations. Of course when something important going on in Billdom that is the primary topic. In down times like now there is nothing wrong with some off topic stuff,imho. We all know that when something relating to the Bills happen we will all be talking about it. It really is hard to talk about the same things all the time. It would be a pretty boring message board if all OT were banned

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It would be a pretty boring message board if all OT were banned



OT topics add to the board and give it that community feeling. Yet as one poster stated above, some use it to post EVERY thought that crosses their mind ( LAMP), when a Blog is more appropriate for that context.


When it becomes a chat room rather than a message board, most people become annoyed. Self control and discretion should be exercised when posting.

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When it becomes a chat room rather than a message board, most people become annoyed. Self control and discretion should be exercised when posting.


Agreed. I don't like it when I'm looking at the new posts during the game on Sunday and see several posts in a row basically talking about the previous play. SDS put up a chat room to cut down on that, yet some people ignore it.

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I obviously find TSW to be a neat place for thinking things through, learning new stuff about the Bills and also occaisionally finding new and interesting stuff which is OT.


I hear and understand folks who complain about the board being polluted by non-football stuff, but I have found a radicaL, outrageous, dicey, risky and dangerous way to deal with this problem.


I don't read everything and if I stumble on something even briefly that is annoying or inappropriate, I leave it anf do away.


This works for me and makes TSW a fun place.


I save time by not reading your posts. :blink:

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Me too!



I like reading your posts, I usually find them logical and coherent. I also know better to open one if I'm busy or about to go somewhere.


Comparing TSW to the other boards, the biggest thing that really sticks out is that we don't allow HUGE pictures in our signature area! I find that to be very annoying and distracting. As far as content goes I think that we are well above average with respect to insightful and informative posts. We like every other board have our share of idiots and homers, but our board does have that neighborly and supportive feeling to it.


HUGE props go to Scott for creating this family that I am a proud member of!

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