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Just for ***** and giggles, Fun Fact:


Fred Phelps was a hard line Democrat, and actually garnered more than 30% of the vote in Kansas in a Democratic US Senatorial Primary as recently as 1992.


You realize that it's the media hype machine, and people who gave this crackpot attention that gave him ANY kind of a pulpit, right? I any rational society, a nutter like this guy would have never gotten ANY spotlight.


IMO, Phelps was the creation of a hyperactive liberal media hellbent on painting ANYONE who disagrees with their views on homosexuality (or anything else for that matter) as being "phelpsian."


I get your point, but I believe that any media, liberal or not, would run a story on the obvious outrage over a group who was low enough to protest funerals, especially of those who lost their lives in service to the country. that they behaved that way to draw attention to themselves, I don't doubt for a moment.


Just for ***** and giggles, Fun Fact:


Fred Phelps was a hard line Democrat, and actually garnered more than 30% of the vote in Kansas in a Democratic US Senatorial Primary as recently as 1992.


ah, the sound of stereotypes exploding.


I get your point, but I believe that any media, liberal or not, would run a story on the obvious outrage over a group who was low enough to protest funerals, especially of those who lost their lives in service to the country. that they behaved that way to draw attention to themselves, I don't doubt for a moment.




ah, the sound of stereotypes exploding.


I have it from an authoritative source (gator) that all the bad guys left the democrat party in the early 60's.


I have it from an authoritative source (gator) that all the bad guys left the democrat party in the early 60's.

well then, I guess it must be true. so it must just be a nasty rumor about former senator Robert Byrd (D-WV) being a former Klansman. otherwise, he obviously would have otherwise become a republican.

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