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If you could have beers with your guardian angel...

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You're out on a Friday night, had a few too many or maybe a few just right, either way you're doing alriiiight. You stop at your local bar, the one you go to for last call because it's close to home in case you have to walk. As you're crossing the street -- WHAM! You're shoved out of the way by an ethereal stranger who saves you from being road kill thanks to a speeding pickup that just ran the light.


The stranger helps you to your feet and reveals themselves to be your guardian angel and you have no reason to believe it's anything but the truth. You offer to buy him a drink as a thank you, you are right outside a bar after all. You discover that your guardian angel enjoys a pint or two themselves (they are your guardian angel after all, liking what you like seems to go with the job description) so they accept.


It's now three drinks in. What would you ask them?


Me? I'd want to know about the big picture type, mysteries of the universe, kind of questions. Probably a lot of religion as well considering the reality I was faced with meeting my guardian angel. But I also apologize a lot I think, just thinking now about the things this poor creature must have witnessed me doing while standing his post makes me want to buy him a hooker or something more than alcohol to assuage my shame.


That probably wouldn't work out too well.

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In 30 seconds of thought:

1) how much bacon is too much bacon?

2) How old is Beerball...like, really?

3) are you allowed to fly with your wings after 3 beers?

4) when my time comes to meet the ground and go under it what is it I will regret or not have done? ( then I would do them!)

5) what happens to my nieces and nephews?

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I'd buy him a pint (because I know my guardian angel is a dude, rather than a gal). After yarnin' for awhile, I'd buy him another, then another and finally buy him shot. When my angelic brother is nicely toasted, I'd invite him outside. After stepping outside the tavern, I'd wait for some punk to make a snide comment about by buddy's feathery wings. The punk will probably try to start something (either with me or my ethereal protégé) and at that point I'd lay the smack down on his punkish ass. When the delinquent is laying on the pavement, my angel might say "Gee thanks BBF, I appreciate you lookin out for me" at which point I'll say "Not a problem...you owe me one"....and the cycle begins again.

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