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Ultimately, I guess it would depend upon a real assessment by me of my own level of talent and how my interaction with the agent as an individual went (if I would have to compete with other clients for my agents time and attention I would generally be less interested and if my agent was as into himself and his own issues as a character like a Jerry MacGuire I would be less interested).


However, assuming that these unknowables are pretty equal, I would look at results and thus my interest in hiring Euguene Parker to represent my interests would be high.


Judging from the results of high profile cases like Jarius Byrd and Jason Peters he has simply done the job of getting these clients contracts at a level which seems to me to be above their talent and also give them the flexibility to chose the team they wanted.


To a great extent the rules of free agency provide a dynamic where if you put in some time and also produce, the market will compensate you and you will have choices the market allows. However, in these cases Parker has clearly held to his clients guns with a Bills FO that can sometimes throw nickels around like they are manhole covers to force the Bills to let their client maximize his power if choice.


Since Littman and Overdorfer are givens for me in the world of Mr. Ralph I root in, it always gives me a moment of pause when I hear that an athlete is represented by Parker as it seems to be likely he is gonna do the job of representing his clients interests to the max and play the Bills and the situation to deliver for his clients interests (which unfortunately are different than my interests as a fan).


If I wanted to be paid and be hated I would use Parker

If I wanted a drinking buddy I would use Leigh Steinberg

If i wanted constant amsusment I would choose Rosenhous

If I wanted to get paid and hand with the In crown I would choose J z

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