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If anyone wanted to pick a time and place where the political left's avowed concern for minorities was definitively exposed as a fraud, it would be now -- and the place would be New York City, where far left Mayor Bill de Blasio has launched an attack on charter schools, cutting their funding, among other things.

These schools have given thousands of low income minority children their only shot at a decent education, which often means their only shot at a decent life. Last year 82 percent of the students at a charter school called Success Academy passed city-wide mathematics exams, compared to 30 percent of the students in the city as a whole.

Why would anybody who has any concern at all about minority young people -- or even common decency -- want to destroy what progress has already been made?

One big reason, of course, is the teachers' union, one of Mayor de Blasio's biggest supporters. But it may be more than that. For many of the true believers on the left, their ideology overrides any concern about the actual fate of flesh-and-blood human beings.

Something similar happened on the west coast last year. The American Indian Model Schools in Oakland have been ranked among the top schools in the nation, based on their students' test scores. This is, again, a special achievement for minority students who need all the help they can get.

But, last spring, the California State Board of Education announced plans to shut this school down!

Why? The excuse given was that there had been suspicious financial dealings by the former -- repeat, former -- head of the institution. If this was the real reason, then all they had to do was indict the former head and let a court decide if he was guilty or innocent.

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but it would be unethical for democrat lawmakers to turn their backs on the teachers unions after all the hard work on the picket lines and generous contributions to their reelection campaigns. the left already has minorites all neatly wrapped up as groups of dedicated supporters, so there's no need to continue pandering to them with things like improved education for their children. besides, what do they need to learn anything for? the dems will always be there to provide them with food stamps, a welfare check, and a continuing vigil against the inherent racism of the right.


It's personal between the little dictator and Eva Moskowitz. He's a first class-warfare creep of the highest order.

The teaches unions despise her and love him.


It's personal between the little dictator and Eva Moskowitz. He's a first class-warfare creep of the highest order.

The teaches unions despise her and love him.


I can't see why there isn't more outrage here over this? Maybe because the gators and lyrbobs know they can't defend his actions?


Where is gator today?


He's teaching his daughter that it's ok to lie if you are the president. Once that's done he's training her to laugh at dead bodies.

Posted (edited)

The Liberal idea of a solid, egalitarian education in and of itself is a noble idea. Where the walls come crashing down is in the fact that reality is very rarely equal in any facet of life, and Unions are the anithesis of progress and building idea that actually work- they always want more control, and that usually means keeping crappy teachers on staff and tying a schools one hand behind their backs. The losers are oftens underserved kids and their families who were on their way up, on to have the rug pulled out from under them.


I was never a great student, and always a "Behavior" problem as identified by teachers in Wiliamsville Public Schools. When my parents sent me ot parochial school, all of the sudden I was engaged, grades got better and no more trips to the pricipals office. Why? Because the staff at my high school were not confined by public school rules... not they didn't beat me, but they held me accountable, invested time and energy into me and my potential, and naturally I became more proud and engaed.... the point is I was a marginal kids with parents who gave a ****, and we had the resources to send me to a good school... poor kids don't, but program like Charter Schools break down those barriers.. sad


another thought- why are there teachers Unions anyway? It was never considered dangerous work, and I don't think teachers were 8 day a week slaves... weird.

Edited by B-Large


I was never a great student, and always a "Behavior" problem as identified by teachers in Wiliamsville Public Schools.



Link ?






The Liberal idea of a solid, egalitarian education in and of itself is a noble idea. Where the walls come crashing down is in the fact that reality is very rarely equal in any facet of life, and Unions are the anithesis of progress and building idea that actually work- they always want more control, and that usually means keeping crappy teachers on staff and tying a schools one hand behind their backs. The losers are oftens underserved kids and their families who were on their way up, on to have the rug pulled out from under them.


I was never a great student, and always a "Behavior" problem as identified by teachers in Wiliamsville Public Schools. When my parents sent me ot parochial school, all of the sudden I was engaged, grades got better and no more trips to the pricipals office. Why? Because the staff at my high school were not confined by public school rules... not they didn't beat me, but they held me accountable, invested time and energy into me and my potential, and naturally I became more proud and engaed.... the point is I was a marginal kids with parents who gave a ****, and we had the resources to send me to a good school... poor kids don't, but program like Charter Schools break down those barriers.. sad


another thought- why are there teachers Unions anyway? It was never considered dangerous work, and I don't think teachers were 8 day a week slaves... weird.

I was the same way.


In the public schools I wasn't being challenged. I had immediate understanding of all subject matter being taught, and was constantly bored while waiting weeks for the other kids and the lesson plan. My parents were called in for parent teacher conferences, and was told of my behavior, lack of focus, and not doing my homework. They managed to leave out my perfect test scores, and my parents inquired as to why. The teacher said it wasn't relevant. Fortunately my parents disagreed.


My parents took me to a child psycologist who recommended a battery of aptitude and IQ tests.


The results confirmed my parents suspicions, and they pulled me out of the public school system, and moved me into a Catholic school with excellent accelerated learning programs.


I was fortunate. My parents had the resources to get me into a place where I would be encouraged to push myself to the best of my abilities at all times, rather than being restrained by the lowest common denominator, and a system that taught to it.


Had I been an inner city kid, and had my parents been without the resources, I would have languished away in the public system, nothing more than wasted talent.


Charter schools fill those gaps; and without them, bright kids, whose parents don't have the means to send them elsewhere, will be trapped by the system the Democrats and their union allies have built.


Link ?






Oh, B, I am sure it was well documented... lol... never a bad kid, in fact teachers liked me, just couldnt sit down...


I was the same way.


In the public schools I wasn't being challenged. I had immediate understanding of all subject matter being taught, and was constantly bored while waiting weeks for the other kids and the lesson plan. My parents were called in for parent teacher conferences, and was told of my behavior, lack of focus, and not doing my homework. They managed to leave out my perfect test scores, and my parents inquired as to why. The teacher said it wasn't relevant. Fortunately my parents disagreed.


My parents took me to a child psycologist who recommended a battery of aptitude and IQ tests.


The results confirmed my parents suspicions, and they pulled me out of the public school system, and moved me into a Catholic school with excellent accelerated learning programs.


I was fortunate. My parents had the resources to get me into a place where I would be encouraged to push myself to the best of my abilities at all times, rather than being restrained by the lowest common denominator, and a system that taught to it.


Had I been an inner city kid, and had my parents been without the resources, I would have languished away in the public system, nothing more than wasted talent.


Charter schools fill those gaps; and without them, bright kids, whose parents don't have the means to send them elsewhere, will be trapped by the system the Democrats and their union allies have built.


Public schools often fail to hone in a students individual needs, whether it be accerated courses or simple guidance on growing up, showing repsect and learning self control. I would send my kids to a parochial school should I have them, it was just an excellent expereince and great back-up from the school on issues. I am not slamming Public Schools, there were many friends of mine who did well there... but many who languished and ended up !@#$ed up


He's teaching his daughter that it's ok to lie if you are the president. Once that's done he's training her to laugh at dead bodies.

social studies WW2 is gonna be a hoot.



But don't let the facts interrupt your circle jerk



LOL...........Teacher's Union Cheerleader Valerie Strauss and the word facts in the same post..


did you even note who the author was ?



So Charter Schools are bad............what a surprise.



She even attacked President Obama (from the left) for not spending enough on education.




and yes.......I did use the age old Liberal tradition of criticizing the author for bias..........you know ....just like you do in every thread ....lol

Posted (edited)

LOL...........Teacher's Union Cheerleader Valerie Strauss and the word facts in the same post..


did you even note who the author was ?



So Charter Schools are bad............what a surprise.



She even attacked President Obama (from the left) for not spending enough on education.




and yes.......I did use the age old Liberal tradition of criticizing the author for bias..........you know ....just like you do in every thread ....lol

To be fair, that is not in any way what the article says.

Edited by GreggyT




The article is a pile of dog****, and vacant of data; save the fact that nearly 50% of the schools in the group under attack were denied, and that was lauded as a positive.


Beyond that, it was a mishmash of ancedotals (the parents we spoke to felt their students were being well served), education prioritizing the lowest common denominator at the expense of the expectional (what about the special needs students?!?!), and class warfare (OMG! Can you even believe the woman in charge makes $500k/year! That's more than we pay a public employee!).


It's evidence of nothing other than rapidly decreasing standards for what used to be journalism.


“The City spends a smaller percentage of its total education budget on maintenance and operations than six of the seven largest school districts in the country. New York City reports less than two percent of school buildings to be in ‘good’ condition and the majority to be in only ‘fair’ condition. The City is forced to triage a growing list of building deficiencies while hundreds of schools fail to meet accessibility, environmental, and building code criteria.”


And yet:




"In line with data released last year and the year before that, the bureau found that New York spends more money per pupil than any other state."


So where does all the money go?

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