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Rick Azar article

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Man.. where does the time go? I guess I moved from Buffalo, right around the time Azar went off the air...to me, for better or worse, he is the media person I most associate with Buffalo sports, to this day. From time to time, I pull out the old Bills highlight films, and Azar did the narration for many of them...always will remember that voice. I had thought I read, a few years back (probably 10 years for all I know) that he was a country music DJ in Nashville, or maybe it was in NC.

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84 years old???? How the hell did that happen???


I actually thought he was a few years older. He was friends with my mother growing up (in the Spanish community) and she would have been 88 this year.........Then he was friends with my father in college. But, my father fought in WWII and was on the GI bill, so being in the same grade then didn't mean you were the same age.


My mother took her first plane flight - to Gary, indiana - to see Rick in a play, along with my grandmother. Turned out the play was very "blue" - hahaha

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I actually thought he was a few years older. He was friends with my mother growing up (in the Spanish community) and she would have been 88 this year.........Then he was friends with my father in college. But, my father fought in WWII and was on the GI bill, so being in the same grade then didn't mean you were the same age.


My mother took her first plane flight - to Gary, indiana - to see Rick in a play, along with my grandmother. Turned out the play was very "blue" - hahaha



Jeez...I hope it wasn't Rick Azar starring in "Equus"! Your poor mom! :lol:

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