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Fish heads, fish heads roly poly fish heads eat them up, yum!!


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True story. Grandma used to make fish head soup every Xmas eve. Delicious. The "cheek" of the fish is one of the most tender, tastiest pieces of meat.


I wasn't being facetious. Fish heads are indeed good eats. Grilled or deep fried whole head is great also good in soups and curries.


Not much eating in the eyeballs

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I wasn't being facetious.


I'm completely serious also. I grew up in a Sicilian family. Besides being extremely short, my family members eat all kinds of weird stuff. All kinds of organs, calfs brain, and cheap oily fish to name a few. I've dined on fish heads more times than I can remember. I also can't do the eyeballs. My uncles suck those things down like grapes. Gross.

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