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Bills adopt variable pricing in 2014, ala Sabres

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I don't think the ticket price has much to do with low attendance at December games.


I think they are cloaking a price increase. I'm a little surprised they did that considering we have to buy 10 games now. They cut preseason and december games but the net result is still an increase.


the games sell-out in december regardless of the opponent if the bills are in the playoff hunt.


Maybe, if Ch 4 buys out the last couple thousand unsold seats. Hopefully we can test this theory this year.

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I don't think the ticket price has much to do with low attendance at December games.

It is a strategy to divert groups (ie churches, schools, social organizations) from early in the year (where they are typically shut out by STH anyways). I don't think that price has much to do with it either and I have argues on here numerous times the value of Bills tickets. It certainly will not negatively impact the late season games and it will maximize the revenue early in the season or the team. There is no downside IMO, just basic supply and demand.
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I think they are cloaking a price increase. I'm a little surprised they did that considering we have to buy 10 games now. They cut preseason and december games but the net result is still an increase.

They have to make up for the Toronto money they won't be getting this year somehow.


It is a strategy to divert groups (ie churches, schools, social organizations) from early in the year (where they are typically shut out by STH anyways). I don't think that price has much to do with it either and I have argues on here numerous times the value of Bills tickets. It certainly will not negatively impact the late season games and it will maximize the revenue early in the season or the team. There is no downside IMO, just basic supply and demand.

yup. Just so long as the early season games sell out with the price increase that is.


And the overall price increase plus the extra game this year makes the cheap t-shirt give away for the non-refundable deposit more Brandon marketing brilliance.

Edited by CodeMonkey
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This works for teams like the sabres because you have natural rivals (Toronto, Boston, Montreal) that would increase the demand. When we have been irrelevant in the AFC East for so long the Bills greates rival is the Cleveland Browns, not sure it makes a difference!

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I think they are cloaking a price increase. I'm a little surprised they did that considering we have to buy 10 games now. They cut preseason and december games but the net result is still an increase.




Maybe, if Ch 4 buys out the last couple thousand unsold seats. Hopefully we can test this theory this year.

yea, i agree, its been so long, would love to see a meaningful december game, packed house, snow..
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When I worked in the NBA and we first introduced it we did it for self serving reasons. We hid behind the "more affordable games that everyone could attend" but the reality is we did it to maximize the revenue from the Lakers, Cavs (with LeBron) and Celtics (Pierce, KG teams). It worked perfectly. The games all sold out at about double the gate price of the previous year and raised the overall ticket revenue on the season by like 15% (with roughly the same number of tickets sold). The Bills will be less opponent driven and more time of year driven but it will have the same result.

Edited by Kirby Jackson
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Yeah it's a lock they will make more money on New England and Green Bay, and they will have to cut prices for Minny and San Diego. I think it's a good strategy to sell out games here. Now they won't piss off season ticket holders by holding fire sales on late season ticket inventory.


Still the cheapest NFL season tickets you can find anywhere and I'm happy to pay for them and the extra home game.

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Bills tix have been cheap forever. No problem with any pricing increase. Even if they go up a bit now they will still be, if not the cheapest in the league, amongst the cheapest. I know the product has sucked the past several seasons at least, but this is the year folks need to show up to the games. Just to prove this point: with proper impetus the stadium will sell out. It’s not because the area is too economically damaged that sellouts have been hard to get in December. It’s because people were too disgusted with onfield performance to continue to show up late in the season. i.e. "it’s not us, it’s you.”


No TO game is a good impetus to show this. Give us something we give you something.

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I think they are cloaking a price increase.


They didn't cloak ticket price increases last year.


They have to make up for the Toronto money they won't be getting this year somehow.




Any money over the full Ralph sellout gate that Rogers would have been paying for that game is found money. Not having it is not a loss. Also, do we know what the the last renewed deal was worth per game? Hiow do we know it was as much as the first deal--or over what the Bills would get at the Ralph at all?


Anyway, StubHub offers variable pricing all the time--often at below face value.

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I'm a rockpiler! I'm disappointed in the price increase because I can only make about 1 game a year (live in NC now...), and being able to sell the tickets for $25 was awesome way to keep my tickets, and be able to offload them easily during games I can't make.


Of course winning takes care of all of this, pumped we have an 8th game though!! I'll pay for that extra game any day to keep them at the Ralph!

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I have 10 tix between sec 110 & the rockpile


sec 110 was 77 now 90 = 16.8 % increase


rockpile was 25 now 30 = 20.0 % increase



i'm fine with this.


as far as variable price goes, it's all good.


September games should cost much more than December games. like 150 vs 50




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