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1st peek at Andre 3000 as Jimi Hendrix

The Poojer

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  • 4 months later...

i prefer to judge for myself and not listen to reviewers....i rarely find any value in their opinion, even if it is from an insider, usually they have sour grapes and as is stated from article, went in already prejudiced


Well it looks like they !@#$ed this one up as usual.



Edited by The Poojer
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i prefer to judge for myself and not listen to reviewers....i rarely find any value in their opinion, even if it is from an insider, usually they have sour grapes and as is stated from article, went in already prejudiced

Even if this reviewer happens to be someone who was there, knew Hendrix and is depicted in the film?

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i prefer to judge for myself and not listen to reviewers....i rarely find any value in their opinion, even if it is from an insider, usually they have sour grapes and as is stated from article, went in already prejudiced


I value the word of someone that was there versus someone who feels their need for artistic rendition of what actually happened. You all know my opinion of Hollywood and those who are associated with it.


You should read her book first (I have not) before you go see the movie.

Edited by Chef Jim
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Regardless of the outcome of the movie itself and how it compares to real actual events, I think the point was how well Andre 3000 plays Jimi. He really seems like he's a good fit regardless of how false the movie may be.

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Regardless of the outcome of the movie itself and how it compares to real actual events, I think the point was how well Andre 3000 plays Jimi. He really seems like he's a good fit regardless of how false the movie may be.


I watched a great documentary last night were Jimi was played by...........Jimi.

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You know, i'm completely shocked by your reaction to all this.


I know imagine me being more interested in reality than Hollywood's interpretation. Funny how I'd rather watch interviews with Jimi and live concert footage of him I've never seen before (and I've seen a LOT) than someome playing make believe.

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One of the best parts of the documentary is the promoters of Monterey Pop called Paul McCartney and asking if the Beatles could play. He said they were busy in the studio and couldn't make it but Paul said there's this American playing in London you really need to have. His name is Jimi Hendrix. They all said who is he??

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Why is Jim catching flack? Seriously, look at all of these movies rewriting history.


We've completely changed the lives of people like Howard Hughes, Ray Charles, William Wallace, and Jesus. Now we will see Jimi Hendrix and James Brown rewritten as some cheesy spoof of reality glamorizing the good and the bad and negating the actual middle ground and parts in between which were far more relevant.

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just to be a pain in the ass, but how is Jesus' history being re-written?


Why is Jim catching flack? Seriously, look at all of these movies rewriting history.


We've completely changed the lives of people like Howard Hughes, Ray Charles, William Wallace, and Jesus. Now we will see Jimi Hendrix and James Brown rewritten as some cheesy spoof of reality glamorizing the good and the bad and negating the actual middle ground and parts in between which were far more relevant.

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how do we know the king james bible is accurate 'history'? honestly i am not prepared to argue one side or the other,but i am a bit on the side that the whole story is more fairy tale than history...but i know people take religion a whole hell of a lot more serious than i do...


From the King James bible to whatever that movie the Braveheart guy directed.

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how do we know the king james bible is accurate 'history'? honestly i am not prepared to argue one side or the other,but i am a bit on the side that the whole story is more fairy tale than history...but i know people take religion a whole hell of a lot more serious than i do...

Without getting in to a religious debate, the King James Bible and all modern stories of Jesus are exaggerated.
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like i said, just being a pain in the ass...and for the record, i misread your statement about '...from king james...' i am speaking of the entire story of JC, who's to say how much of it is history and how much is folklore....


Without getting in to a religious debate, the King James Bible and all modern stories of Jesus are exaggerated.

Edited by The Poojer
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how do we know the king james bible is accurate 'history'? honestly i am not prepared to argue one side or the other,but i am a bit on the side that the whole story is more fairy tale than history...but i know people take religion a whole hell of a lot more serious than i do...


I bet if he had turned water to beer you'd change your tune.

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