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Pithovirus Sibericum

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Well here's some good news:




As climate change leads to rapidly melting permafrost in the Russian tundra, a recent find has scientists worried that trouble may be lurking below. A 30,000 year old virus of unprecedented size has been found and reactivated.


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"There is now a non-zero probability that the pathogenic microbes that bothered [ancient human populations] could be revived, and most likely infect us as well," study co-author Jean-Michel Claverie, a bioinformatics researcher at Aix-Marseille University in France, told LiveScience in an email.

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It is all about fear. Gotta have a boogeyman... Read on:



We are inundated by millions of viruses as we move through our everyday life," said Curtis Suttle, a marine virologist at the University of British Columbia in Canada, who was not involved in the study told LiveScience. "Every time we swim in the sea, we swallow about a billion viruses and inhale many thousands every day. It is true that viruses will be archived in permafrost and glacial ice, but the probability that viral pathogens of humans are abundant enough, and would circulate extensively enough to affect human health, stretches scientific rationality to the breaking point."


"I would be much more concerned about the hundreds of millions of people that will be displaced by rising sea levels than the risk of being exposed to pathogens from melting permafrost."

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... Read on:


. . . Curtis Suttle, a marine virologist at the University of British Columbia in Canada, who was not involved in the study . . .


"I would be much more concerned about the hundreds of millions of people that will be displaced by rising sea levels than the risk of being exposed to pathogens from melting permafrost."

First off, Suttle's a Canadian.


Second, his area of expertise is marine virology in the world's oceans, so OF COURSE he's gonna be more concerned about rising sea levels.


But Pithovirus Sibericum was found in melting permafrost, not in the ocean.


C'mon man - - think a little.




Dr. Curtis Suttle is a biologist and Senior Fellow of CIFAR's Integrated Microbial Biodiversity program. He studies viruses in the world's oceans and the important role they play in marine ecosystems.


Despite their ubiquity in nature; a teaspoonful of seawater contains a billion viruses - little is known about most oceanic viruses.


So he's not only Canadian, he's an "expert" about something "little is known about." Yeah, and I'm an expert on how to make burritos on Mars. If I was concerned about viral effects on sperm whales or puffer fish, maybe I'd listen to Suttle.

Edited by ICanSleepWhenI'mDead
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Boy, they've really been amping up the Global Warming Climate ChangeTM propaganda lately. And it's not just freeing 30,000 year old viruses, it's causing ROCK SNOT!!!



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Boy, they've really been amping up the Global Warming Climate ChangeTM propaganda lately. And it's not just freeing 30,000 year old viruses, it's causing ROCK SNOT!!!




Yeah... But the murder rate in Chicago for the month of February (2014) is the lowest since 1957.


If not getting the shot means taking the snot, I guess it is a good trade-off.


:-P I am just messing around... I am w/you on this one KD....

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Yeah... But the murder rate in Chicago for the month of February (2014) is the lowest since 1957.


Say what?!? Didn't last month's headline say climate change was going to lead to an increase in murders??

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Say what?!? Didn't last month's headline say climate change was going to lead to an increase in murders??


it was just a slow down in murders, maybe the bodies are hiding at the bottom of Lake Michigan?

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It's true we are bathed in microbes of many kinds and most are harmless. But they are harmless because we've developed antibodies for them.


But all it takes is one bug we have no resistance to to make a Stephen King novel come to life. Ever wonder why lost tribes die shortly after coming in contact with other people?


It is all about fear. Gotta have a boogeyman... Read on:



We are inundated by millions of viruses as we move through our everyday life," said Curtis Suttle, a marine virologist at the University of British Columbia in Canada, who was not involved in the study told LiveScience. "Every time we swim in the sea, we swallow about a billion viruses and inhale many thousands every day. It is true that viruses will be archived in permafrost and glacial ice, but the probability that viral pathogens of humans are abundant enough, and would circulate extensively enough to affect human health, stretches scientific rationality to the breaking point."


"I would be much more concerned about the hundreds of millions of people that will be displaced by rising sea levels than the risk of being exposed to pathogens from melting permafrost."

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Say what?!? Didn't last month's headline say climate change was going to lead to an increase in murders??


LoL! Yep!


You can't win w/"the consensus." They will find a reason! Now, it's the persistent thunderstorms in SE Asia that are causing the polar vortex to collapse. That idea I can actually rally around, its weather!






It's true we are bathed in microbes of many kinds and most are harmless. But they are harmless because we've developed antibodies for them.


Understandable. Yet, is this suppose to scare us into trying to keep global climate change from happening? Something carbon taxes will fix? Guess what, no matter what we as humans do, we will always be surrounded by change. Time to get used to it and stop thinking the sky is always falling. Adapt and overcome.

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. . . Guess what, no matter what we as humans do, we will always be surrounded by change. Time to get used to it and stop thinking the sky is always falling. Adapt and overcome.

Tell that to the bereaved survivors of the Nahua and the Murunahua tribes in Peru:




Introduced diseases are the biggest killer of isolated tribal people, who have not developed immunity to viruses such as influenza, measles and chicken pox that most other societies have been in contact with for hundreds of years.


In Peru, more than 50% of the previously-uncontacted Nahua tribe were wiped out following oil exploration on their land in the early 1980s, and the same tragedy engulfed the Murunahua in the mid-1990s after being forcibly contacted by illegal mahogany loggers.

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Tell that to the bereaved survivors of the Nahua and the Murunahua tribes in Peru:




Only if you let Darryl and you other brother Darryl come along for protection!




Sorry for the lack of empathy. Change still happens. There are unintended consequences to almost everything we do as humans.

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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Understandable. Yet, is this suppose to scare us into trying to keep global climate change from happening? Something carbon taxes will fix? Guess what, no matter what we as humans do, we will always be surrounded by change. Time to get used to it and stop thinking the sky is always falling. Adapt and overcome.


Whatever. IMO it's probably too late to do anything. A meteor will probably wipe us out anyway.

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