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California Hens

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He fought the new standards initially but had a change of heart after inviting people into his barns to see conditions there first hand. “I brought people in for tours and showed them what we did — and women would break down sobbing,” Mr. Riebli said. “The producers in other states don’t want to hear about animal welfare, but they’re ignoring what’s going on among the public.”


People love animals

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I've changed how I feel about how livestock are raised. Driving up the 5 freeway between LA and SF you drive by Harris Ranch. You see cows jammed together and it's kind of disgusting. And that's before the smell hits you. Once I moved to Northern CA I've had the chance to see how the ranches are mostly here out in Marin and Sonoma. Whether they livestock is for meat or to produce milk for cheese you get a whole different perspective on it. I've visited several dairies seeing I've been making my own chesse and it's quite refreshing to see how they are handled and treated. I've spoken with ranchers seeing I also make my own sausages and cure my own meats and I'd rather not use crap from the grocery store so I'm always looking for what's fresh and available. Is it more expensive? Hell yeah but well worth it.

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I've changed how I feel about how livestock are raised. Driving up the 5 freeway between LA and SF you drive by Harris Ranch. You see cows jammed together and it's kind of disgusting. And that's before the smell hits you. Once I moved to Northern CA I've had the chance to see how the ranches are mostly here out in Marin and Sonoma. Whether they livestock is for meat or to produce milk for cheese you get a whole different perspective on it. I've visited several dairies seeing I've been making my own chesse and it's quite refreshing to see how they are handled and treated. I've spoken with ranchers seeing I also make my own sausages and cure my own meats and I'd rather not use crap from the grocery store so I'm always looking for what's fresh and available. Is it more expensive? Hell yeah but well worth it.

Totally agree. Just not sure how I feel about California saying you can only sell eggs in their state that were created with well treated hens. If it was cars and pollution controls I might understand, but with eggs I'm not sure.
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Totally agree. Just not sure how I feel about California saying you can only sell eggs in their state that were created with well treated hens. If it was cars and pollution controls I might understand, but with eggs I'm not sure.


Well of course that bit is absolute bull ****. I may prefer that my food it raised humanly if someone else wants to eat food raised in horrendous condition the should be allowed to. This is another case of government presenting laws without thinking of the consequences. The government forcing people/businesses to do certain things drives me nucking futz.

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Well of course that bit is absolute bull ****. I may prefer that my food it raised humanly if someone else wants to eat food raised in horrendous condition the should be allowed to. This is another case of government presenting laws without thinking of the consequences. The government forcing people/businesses to do certain things drives me nucking futz.

The article says that that part of bill was passes at behest of California businsses that would be at a competitive disadvantage without it
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