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[closed]More turmoil internally at OBD

Jerry Jabber

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From Tim Graham: “But team sources tell me executives such as Littmann, Overdorf and Berchtold still hold too much sway and haven't afforded Whaley or Marrone as much control as either feels he needs to correct a losing culture. These sources tell me Marrone and Whaley would like more control over personnel decisions, especially free agents.”

This is disheartening to hear as the culture at OBD has not changed. Then again, I guess we shouldn’t be surprised as Littmann, Overdorf, and Berchtold have been part of the problem in Buffalo for years. Russ Brandon is supposed to be the man in completely in charge at OBD, but it doesn’t appear that way as Whaley and Marrone keep running into roadblocks with the front office. I hate to say it, but I don’t think anything will change until the Bills have a new owner and the three stooges “Littmann, Overdorf, and Berchtold” are gone.

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