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[OT] The Apprentice

Just Jack

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Something interesting to watch for is Brian on the Net worth team. I know this guy personally, and went head 2 head against this guy in business. He is shrewd, rude, and cut throat... Won't stop at anything, and in business, all is fair game. I wouldn't be surprised one bit if he makes it all the way. Now that our businesses no longer conflict, we are on good terms, but he can be nasty, watch out! He's like 28-29 years old now, and is a millionaire, guy is just good at bringing in the $$$.

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Something interesting to watch for is Brian on the Net worth team.  I know this guy personally, and went head 2 head against this guy in business.  He is shrewd, rude, and cut throat... Won't stop at anything, and in business, all is fair game.  I wouldn't be surprised one bit if he makes it all the way.  Now that our businesses no longer conflict, we are on good terms, but he can be nasty, watch out!  He's like 28-29 years old now, and is a millionaire, guy is just good at bringing in the $$$.



i thought that guy was as annoying as hell.........loudmouth, big voice, wouldn't shut up and wanted to steal the spotlight at dinner........i don't think he'll last long with that style......

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Something interesting to watch for is Brian on the Net worth team.  I know this guy personally, and went head 2 head against this guy in business.  He is shrewd, rude, and cut throat... Won't stop at anything, and in business, all is fair game.  I wouldn't be surprised one bit if he makes it all the way.  Now that our businesses no longer conflict, we are on good terms, but he can be nasty, watch out!  He's like 28-29 years old now, and is a millionaire, guy is just good at bringing in the $$$.



oh, and what do you sell?.........glow-in-the-dark suspenders?? haha just kidding

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Something interesting to watch for is Brian on the Net worth team.  I know this guy personally, and went head 2 head against this guy in business.  He is shrewd, rude, and cut throat... Won't stop at anything, and in business, all is fair game.  I wouldn't be surprised one bit if he makes it all the way.  Now that our businesses no longer conflict, we are on good terms, but he can be nasty, watch out!  He's like 28-29 years old now, and is a millionaire, guy is just good at bringing in the $$$.


Is that the one that asked The Donald about the mortage story at dinner? The Donald does not care for swearing, and I think that alone could get him fired if he does it during a Board Room.

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I like the values it teaches our children.


They do watch it, after all... :P



What? That sex sells? That you need to be cut throat in business? That you need to stick up for yourself, and not take everyone's crap? And that money makes the world go around?


Wow - they can actually learn something from TV!


I'd say that teaches them more than "Let's have a week where we don't call each other names!"


Give me a break...

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What? That sex sells? That you need to be cut throat in business? That you need to stick up for yourself, and not take everyone's crap? And that money makes the world go around?


Wow - they can actually learn something from TV!


I'd say that teaches them more than "Let's have a week where we don't call each other names!"


Give me a break...




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Something interesting to watch for is Brian on the Net worth team.  I know this guy personally, and went head 2 head against this guy in business.  He is shrewd, rude, and cut throat... Won't stop at anything, and in business, all is fair game.  I wouldn't be surprised one bit if he makes it all the way.  Now that our businesses no longer conflict, we are on good terms, but he can be nasty, watch out!  He's like 28-29 years old now, and is a millionaire, guy is just good at bringing in the $$$.



nice call!........told ya the guy was a douche bag.......great to see loudmouth get the boot........

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I missed tonights show, did he get booted?



yep, basically the entire team turned on him, as the project manager, but he deserved it after doing a horrible job.......when he got called into the boardroom first thing trump asked him was "should i fire you?" and to this he answers YES..........hahaha...........then he spends 10 mins arguing and trying to defend himself, making a complete a** of himself..........the guy showed ZERO leadership skills and deserved to go.......just another mouthpiece with nothing to say.......

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I just don't think it was a stupid thing to do......Bradford basically threw himself out there onto the block because everyone - including himself - knew that he had done the best job on the task. The examples Trump was using to defend his firing of him were ridiculous, I thought. All great businessmen take risks, anyway - including Trump. So his criticism on those grounds was unwarranted and hypocritical.  Bradford was not putting anyone at risk other than himself in that situation, and given his performance the risk to him was basically  non-existent.  I just thought it was a stupid firing.



all great businessmen take risks -- because there's a great REWARD they are trying to achieve. bradford took a risk FOR NO REASON other than to show off. it was an impulsive, arrogant, stupid decision. his firing was completely justified.

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all great businessmen take risks -- because there's a great REWARD they are trying to achieve.  bradford took a risk FOR NO REASON other than to show off.  it was an impulsive, arrogant, stupid decision.  his firing was completely justified.


Yeah, you make a good point. I just think you also need to consider the circumstances involved. The things Trump and the other two were saying about what Bradford's decision was akin to were ridiculous. The guy was just confident that he did the best job. Everyone who watched, including him, knew that. Anyway, I just thought that firing was done for dramatic purposes.......not because it was the right thing to do. Either way, it's the Donald's decision and it was last season.......looks like we have plenty to talk about already this season. But I do understand what you are saying and agree with your point.

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yep, basically the entire team turned on him, as the project manager, but he deserved it after doing a horrible job.......when he got called into the boardroom first thing trump asked him was "should i fire you?" and to this he answers YES..........hahaha...........then he spends 10 mins arguing and trying to defend himself, making a complete a** of himself..........the guy showed ZERO leadership skills and deserved to go.......just another mouthpiece with nothing to say.......


I actually agreed with his call about the dumpster (to just go ahead and order it prior to setting the budget) cause it was an obvious need. But he should have sat down with the team immediately after that to set budget and time frame. I think that step would have quieted down that one chick who just would not shut the hell up. But I agree, Brian should have gotten the axe. Saying you "should be fired" in front of Trump isn't going to get you anything but a taxi ride off the show.

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I actually agreed with his call about the dumpster (to just go ahead and order it prior to setting the budget) cause it was an obvious need. But he should have sat down with the team immediately after that to set budget and time frame. I think that step would have quieted down that one chick who just would not shut the hell up. But I agree, Brian should have gotten the axe. Saying you "should be fired" in front of Trump isn't going to get you anything but a taxi ride off the show.


My same thoughts. I would have just gone ahead with getting a dumpster, then gone through each room to see what each room needed, then sat down with the team to start assigning jobs and getting things bought.


I couldn't believe he would just go and replace all the toilets.

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I actually agreed with his call about the dumpster (to just go ahead and order it prior to setting the budget) cause it was an obvious need. But he should have sat down with the team immediately after that to set budget and time frame. I think that step would have quieted down that one chick who just would not shut the hell up. But I agree, Brian should have gotten the axe. Saying you "should be fired" in front of Trump isn't going to get you anything but a taxi ride off the show.



I agree with you regarding the dumpster issue. He should have said, "listen Kristen, you and I both know that the dumpster is needed so we will order it now since we are under a time crunch. While we are waiting for it to arrive we can sit down and discuss the budget and how we will appropriate the rest of the funds. There is no need to put EVERYTHING off until after the budget meeting since we know that the dumpster is needed regardless of the paths we take in tis task."


Kristen gets her budget talk, the dumpster is ordered, and the rest of the team knows that ideas will be listened to but there is someone in charge who will make the final decisions.

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