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Hollywood liberals being slain by their own sword. Kind of satisfying. I guess the only problem is that Cali will give them what they want because of all the fellatio Barry does in the state. The difference will be made up by getting more out of people like me.



Edited by Dante
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Hollywood liberals being slain by their own sword. Kind of satisfying. I guess the only problem is that Cali will give them what they want because of all the fellatio Barry does in the state. The difference will be made up by getting more out of people like me.





But, But think of all the starving children.....

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Hollywood liberals being slain by their own sword. Kind of satisfying. I guess the only problem is that Cali will give them what they want because of all the fellatio Barry does in the state. The difference will be made up by getting more out of people like me.




Why does cutting taxes help or something ?...........................lol


Screw cutting them more,


I say, repeal the Hollywood tax cuts!

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