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ESPN's 30 for 30 Ghosts of Ole Miss


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Watching it now. Racists run wild and the federal government stepping in to bring justice to black citizens. The reaction of the red states to Obama isn't about policy, it's the ghosts of the chit covered Confederacy


Is everything you post a progressive ill informed rant?


You can't even complete a sentence you twat

Edited by meazza
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Watching it now. Racists run wild and the federal government stepping in to bring justice to black citizens. The reaction of the red states to Obama isn't about policy, it's the ghosts of the chit covered Confederacy


No, it's about policy.


Obama's done more to set back civil rights in his term than any cracker you'd care to think of.

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How can you ask for examples when you can't even refute my examples of government tyrranny.


LOL, because your examples were silly. Anyone at any time can piss and moan about something wrong and scream the sky is falling. So forgive me Chicken Little if I laugh you off as if you are very unimportant


You clowns really should all move to one state and declare independence



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LOL, because your examples were silly. Anyone at any time can piss and moan about something wrong and scream the sky is falling. So forgive me Chicken Little if I laugh you off as if you are very unimportant


You clowns really should all move to one state and declare independence

that is one of the lamest dodges I have ever seen. grow a pair, little man.

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LOL, because your examples were silly. Anyone at any time can piss and moan about something wrong and scream the sky is falling. So forgive me Chicken Little if I laugh you off as if you are very unimportant


You clowns really should all move to one state and declare independence




You truly are not only a dolt but a weak, ineffectual one with no balls.

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Beyond the fact that there was no question in that poll that asked "Would you like to bring back laws that make interracial marriage illegal?", is there anything more fun than a PPP poll?


Maybe they can do a polling of "400 usual California Democrats" and ask if they think gay sex is okay or immoral, and when 68% say it's okay, a conservative can run around telling people how three quarters of California likes anal sex! :lol:


Is it any wonder the progressive world is left with people like you and gatorman carrying the flag.

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