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Clean Debt Ceiling Vote??


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The right has one job: spend the next ten months laying low and letting Obama and his party keep doing what it's doing, which is eating itself from the inside out.


Millions of people have literally quit looking for work. Sick people can't get doctors to see them. No one knows how Obamacare is supposed to be working. Obama is standing on a patio telling Americans he can do whatever he wants.


Another debt ceiling fight would be too costly. Just lay low. Let them go. Focus on charting out the bloodbath in November when they can take over the Senate while gaining more House seats.


Fight the long fight.

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The right has one job: spend the next ten months laying low and letting Obama and his party keep doing what it's doing, which is eating itself from the inside out.


Millions of people have literally quit looking for work. Sick people can't get doctors to see them. No one knows how Obamacare is supposed to be working. Obama is standing on a patio telling Americans he can do whatever he wants.


Another debt ceiling fight would be too costly. Just lay low. Let them go. Focus on charting out the bloodbath in November when they can take over the Senate while gaining more House seats.


Fight the long fight.



At this point, it's just smart politics. The TEA Party, new to DC, didn't play the game well last time, but they're quick studies, and have learned.


They aren't going to give liberal-big government Republicans any ammo to primary against them; much less Demorcats.


By not making waves, they can voice their opposition when it's approprite to making real change, and increase the seats they hold in the House, further increasing their reach and influence. And will be able to do so without the circus of negativity that an ugly fight draws.


There will be no charges of "terrorism" or "anarchists"; because with nothing will stick, and they can take the offensive and force big government to justify itself, rather than allow it to put them on defense, and distort their message.

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The right has one job: spend the next ten months laying low and letting Obama and his party keep doing what it's doing, which is eating itself from the inside ouillions of people have literally quit looking for work. Sick people can't get doctors to see them. No one knows how Obamacare is supposed to be working. Obama is standing on a patio telling Americans he can do whatever he wants.


Another debt ceiling fight would be too costly. Just lay low. Let them go. Focus on charting out the bloodbath in November when they can take over the Senate while gaining more House seats.


Fight the long fight.

exactly, this thing about drowning in debt was all political bs just like the idea that big government is strangling us is total bs
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exactly, this thing about drowning in debt was all political bs just like the idea that big government is strangling us is total bs

How do you figure huge deficit spending is no big deal but get your panties in a wad over a perceived man made global warming?

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How do you figure huge deficit spending is no big deal but get your panties in a wad over a perceived man made global warming?


After all this government borrowing that is killing us, we still borrow more each year than we pay in interest. Sounds like a good deal man

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The right has one job: spend the next ten months laying low and letting Obama and his party keep doing what it's doing, which is eating itself from the inside out.


Millions of people have literally quit looking for work. Sick people can't get doctors to see them. No one knows how Obamacare is supposed to be working. Obama is standing on a patio telling Americans he can do whatever he wants.


Another debt ceiling fight would be too costly. Just lay low. Let them go. Focus on charting out the bloodbath in November when they can take over the Senate while gaining more House seats.


Fight the long fight.


You left out the part about when they get elected, they can get sworn into office and immediately begin acting just like the commies they replaced.

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You left out the part about when they get elected, they can get sworn into office and immediately begin acting just like the commies they replaced.


Or the part where they manage to elect more conservative candidates to replace the commies from both sides...just before the commies on the left call them names like "teabaggers" and cry because they're not doing what the establishment tells them to do..


I don't mind saying it's taken me a while but I"m warming up to Rand Paul quite a bit.

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After all this government borrowing that is killing us, we still borrow more each year than we pay in interest. Sounds like a good deal man


Yeah because you and most others wake up every day, the sun comes up and you go about you business and never "feel" the debt. At some point if we continue as we have been for the last dozen years or so (and there is no evidence that we won't continue on the debt path), it will be felt in a very large way.

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You didn't understand why the bank foreclosed when stopped paying your mortgage, right?



What does that have to do with our federal debt? Are we in danger of default? Sometimes I think you are actually intelligent, but more and more I'm coming around to the conclusion you sniff glue before you post.






Shake down?

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What does that have to do with our federal debt? Are we in danger of default? Sometimes I think you are actually intelligent, but more and more I'm coming around to the conclusion you sniff glue before you post.


It has to do with your lack of understanding of debt, you idiot.

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I always thought the Tea Party hysteria in 2010 was a bit overblown. Given 4 years they've accomplished zero. Didn't stop Obamacare or the debt ceiling from being raised, & presided over a 2% payroll tax increase, and a roll back if W's tax cut. All in the name of a $2T spending cut in name only. All they did was lower the spending rate percentage increase over a decade.


Which begs the question, can the Tea Party run on their record?

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I always thought the Tea Party hysteria in 2010 was a bit overblown. Given 4 years they've accomplished zero. Didn't stop Obamacare or the debt ceiling from being raised, & presided over a 2% payroll tax increase, and a roll back if W's tax cut. All in the name of a $2T spending cut in name only. All they did was lower the spending rate percentage increase over a decade.


Which begs the question, can the Tea Party run on their record?


It takes real effort to be this intentionally stupid. Well done!

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