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This is something I have been screwing around with all day, but I dunno. I don't have a punchline, that is better than the nothing that's in there now. You could do something like "Nice Vote, Moron", or "Learn anything? Good. 2014 is coming(sorta like Winter is coming)" but that's not funny, and more campaigny. I don't know.


I'm tired of monkeying with it, so I figured PPPers can decide what to put in the last box, or should I just leave it as is? Or, is it better to just do the last square with "HA HA Thou must pay most for Obamacare?" I dunno. I think something funny is here, but I can't decided if less is more, etc.





Also, if you want to make your own: here it is without text: http://s30.postimg.o...r_Obamacare.jpg

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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