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Finally, proof that Bigfoot exists!


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I didn't realize Dyer had also been busted for fleecing people on Ebay, selling corvettes that he never deilivered. This guy is batting a thousand. I am in Austin, and I have to confess, I am almost amazed by the lengths this guy is going to, in order to perpetuate yet anotehr hoax...I wonder what psychology is at work here. People love attention, i realize, but this guy has had nothing but negative attention...

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I didn't realize Dyer had also been busted for fleecing people on Ebay, selling corvettes that he never deilivered. This guy is batting a thousand. I am in Austin, and I have to confess, I am almost amazed by the lengths this guy is going to, in order to perpetuate yet anotehr hoax...I wonder what psychology is at work here. People love attention, i realize, but this guy has had nothing but negative attention...


It's a harmless hoax. Kind of like a carnival attraction: if you don't know what you're paying for before you shell out your money, you deserve to get fleeced.


Not like selling Vettes he doesn't deliver, which is theft, not a hoax.

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It's a harmless hoax. Kind of like a carnival attraction: if you don't know what you're paying for before you shell out your money, you deserve to get fleeced.


Not like selling Vettes he doesn't deliver, which is theft, not a hoax.


You are probably aware of this, but back in 2008 he was supposed to be a dead "bigfoot" carcass, which he, and a police officer supposedly found in Georgia. As I recall, it was purchased by some organization...the body was frozen in a block of ice...as it thawed, it was learned that the feet were made of rubber...the hair, when burned, disintegrated in a way not consistant with hair...it was a frozen gorilla costume! The officer was ousted, for knowingly partaking in fraud.


I get what you are saying...I was the kid who always longed to go to the "freakshow" at the Erie County Fair every year...but my dad always said no. When I finally got old enough to be able to shell out my own cash, I went in...it was rediculous...obviously not real.

Edited by Buftex
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You are probably aware of this, but back in 2008 he was supposed to be a dead "bigfoot" carcass, which he, and a police officer supposedly found in Georgia. As I recall, it was purchased by some organization...the body was frozen in a block of ice...as it thawed, it was learned that the feet were made of rubber...the hair, when burned, disintegrated in a way not consistant with hair...it was a frozen gorilla costume! The officer was ousted, for knowingly partaking in fraud.


I get what you are saying...I was the kid who always longed to go to the "freakshow" at the Erie County Fair every year...but my dad always said no. When I finally got old enough to be able to shell out my own cash, I went in...it was rediculous...obviously not real.


I remember that - I remember the company that made the costume issuing a press release saying "That's one of ours."


I heard about his current hoax about a month ago.

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Wouldn't this be considered murder if its real? I say throw him in jail for his crime.


I think it would fit a manslaughter charge.


"Sec. 19.04. MANSLAUGHTER. (a) A person commits an offense if he recklessly causes the death of an individual.

(b) An offense under this section is a felony of the second degree."


That is if what he killed fit this definition for individual.


"Individual" means a human being who is alive, including an unborn child at every stage of gestation from fertilization until birth."


If what he killed is defined as an animal I would think he would at least need to be in possession of a Texas hunting license. A quick look at the Texas parks and wildlife web site Came up negative for Daily Bag Limit or Possession Limit for Bigfoot.

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:lol: If a chimpanzee doesn't have human rights, neither does Bigfoot. At worst it's poaching.


Could you even conceive a dumber question?


I have plenty more where that came from. Where is your sense of humor? You can have a lot of fun with that scenario. What if they are more human like than chimp like? Obviously you didn't think it out all the way.

Edited by Fan in San Diego
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I have plenty more where that came from. Where is your sense of humor? You can have a lot of fun with that scenario. What if they are more human like than chimp like? Obviously you didn't think it out all the way.


My sense of humor is fine. I'm laughing at your ass.

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Read the Les Stroud story about BigFoot. I actually believe his story. The guy doesn't joke around like these idiots or that show on Discovery, "BigFoot".


I watched a few Youtube videos interviewing Les Stroud, the Discovery channel is going to fund an expedition where he spends a year in the woods of British Columbia and Alaska to try and obtain video, audio or hair samples of proof. If anybody can do it, this dude can.

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Well it looks like it could be real but I'll wait for the scientific evidence.






Rick Dyer




Son got a better pic .




Said the feet and hands will be revealed in Houston and the proof from the university is coming.

Edited by mac4095
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