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@jboyst, why did i picture you as a 60 year old farmer? And good work with the lady friend there! Stuck approves. :thumbsup:

no idea. I am 32 and act 12

I'll post this here, too...



You know how some pictures are misleading sometimes.

In this pic, your girlie looks like kelly bundy from married with children.


no idea. I am 32 and act 12

So you have to call me sir now. I'm 34.


Like stuckinsomecity, I thought you were at minimum older than me, maybe 40ish. Oh well, just call me sir.


Now it`s black ice day. Made it up my quarter mile drive ,to my one lane road,then hit the state route.Ice skating rink. Couldn`t stop going 5mph. Somehow made it home.Wait it out. It`s 24 and freezing rain.


Just went 4 days without power in chester county pa...yeah I'm over it...thanks to wegmans for being open with WiFi and beer


Yeah pooj, it's been hell here in the Valley too. There's so much snow on the ground my tree's buried to the branches.

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