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I am officially a Grumpy Old Man


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This back and forth over shoveling between EII and BBF is what I like to refer to as a grumpy old man fight.

Whipper snapper


The opportunity cost of missing the fresh powder outweighed the sweet $10. Stop being cheap or shovel yourself.

...and the same goes for you.
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15 minutes goes into 60 minutes (1 hour) four times. 4 x $10 = $40/hour. What's not to like?? As I said, I am a grumpy old man.



I don't get kids today either. I suppose many of them are just reflecting the lessons learned from their parents. I wonder who is paying for this kid's hobby.


Btw - make sure yo include that $10 in your 2014 income tax :P


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I don't get kids today either. I suppose many of them are just reflecting the lessons learned from their parents. I wonder who is paying for this kid's hobby.


Btw - make sure yo include that $10 in your 2014 income tax :P

As you know, an award for pain and suffering is tax free. It purchased exactly 3.2 gallons of gas for my truck. :thumbsup:
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Fair enough. The story I posted can be reviewed from both ways and moderated for a middle outcome. Anyway... It isn't just 15 minutes if he has to constantly keep you in the back of his mind. Now, if he was there and walked right past with +2" of snow on the ground, I could see your point.


I wonder if he was out snowboarding and thought: "I wonder if I got Mr. Bring Back Fergy's sidewalk, maybe I should give a jingle to my hired help."


Such is the problem w/these arrangements. Do you have anybody else on staff? Put: "All duties as assigned" in their job description and then make them do it. Straight out of Ebenezer Scrooge and you won't have to fork out an extra dime since it is being done "in-house."


Oh... I must of missed it, how much snow needed to be shoveled again?


Somehow I just don't see you two on the same wavelength. ;-P


Your living in a dream world. It is not like he runs a construction company. You think some attorney after their all dressed up to go to court is going to be willing to take 20 minutes out of their morning to shovel the sidewalk?

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Your living in a dream world. It is not like he runs a construction company. You think some attorney after their all dressed up to go to court is going to be willing to take 20 minutes out of their morning to shovel the sidewalk?

I'll have you know this morning I got up at 5:30, had my coffee, plowed out my own driveway, shoveled my house steps and walk and then drove the tractor down to my office, cleared my sidewalk and shoveled my steps....you guys guilted me into it. And EII will be happy to know I plowed damn near the entire sidewalk for the neighbors. Then went home, showered and arrived to work without cursing under my breath....I feel young again. :nana:

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The opportunity cost of missing the fresh powder outweighed the sweet $10. Stop being cheap or shovel yourself.


Because there is no way for him to have done both of course.


I'll have you know this morning I got up at 5:30, had my coffee, plowed out my own driveway, shoveled my house steps and walk and then drove the tractor down to my office, cleared my sidewalk and shoveled my steps....you guys guilted me into it. And EII will be happy to know I plowed damn near the entire sidewalk for the neighbors. Then went home, showered and arrived to work without cursing under my breath....I feel young again. :nana:


BTW I wear a suit and tie to work every day. I get up at 5:30am every morning and today was a real B word. I got out of my car at the office and I debated whether or not to use my umbrella seeing we're in the middle of STORM WATCH 2014!! I decided against it which was a close call. I got a couple of drops on my shoes. Boy was that close. My decision could have been a real disaster.

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Because there is no way for him to have done both of course.




BTW I wear a suit and tie to work every day. I get up at 5:30am every morning and today was a real B word. I got out of my car at the office and I debated whether or not to use my umbrella seeing we're in the middle of STORM WATCH 2014!! I decided against it which was a close call. I got a couple of drops on my shoes. Boy was that close. My decision could have been a real disaster.

Well if you had read the third scrolling line up from the bottom with the up to the minute weather data you would have seen that an umbrella was unnecessary....you raise a good point: These scrolling news and weather banners along the bottom and side of the tv screen are a pain in the ass. Whoever invented this maximum screen usage should be transported to Antarctica and left on an iceberg.
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I'll have you know this morning I got up at 5:30, had my coffee, plowed out my own driveway, shoveled my house steps and walk and then drove the tractor down to my office, cleared my sidewalk and shoveled my steps....you guys guilted me into it. And EII will be happy to know I plowed damn near the entire sidewalk for the neighbors. Then went home, showered and arrived to work without cursing under my breath....I feel young again. :nana:


See Gordio... You just gotta get up early during hard winters. The problem is, too many want to cut it too close when there is work to be done!

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Ginkgo biloba is supposed to help. ;-P


Can we just turn this thread into a winter grumpfest? It is Thursday, seeing how we don't have "complaint Thursdays" anymore. ;-)

I think a lot of my problem is that "seasonal disorder" thing...plus those damn pesky kids.
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I'll have you know this morning I got up at 5:30,, plowed out my own driveway, shoveled my house steps and walk and then drove the tractor down to my office, cleared my sidewalk and shoveled my steps....you guys guilted me into it. And EII will be happy to know I plowed damn near the entire sidewalk for the neighbors.

You should have deposited all of the snow from the jobs at the doorway of the snowboarder/neighbor.

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I only get really grumpy after sex. If that happens to you, you will actually have credence as a GOM. Un til then just pay some other peeon and get over it.

How could someone be grumpy AFTER sex?

Dont you do that stupid face where you're happy and cant blink?


I actually told a kid yesterday "Get off my lawn!"


Of course, the dumbass had parked his car on my lawn. Who the !@#$ does that?

Yeah that's not cool.

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You should have deposited all of the snow from the jobs at the doorway of the snowboarder/neighbor.


LoL... He probably would have walked right through it without a care in the world. It is amazing how spoiled we have been here. Drive down the road and you will see somebody trying to ram their vehicle through the plow line that was deposited @ the foot of their driveway, wheels spinning madly... WTF


Maybe I don't blame the kid afterall. Don't they say enlightenment is non-attachment?


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I actually told a kid yesterday "Get off my lawn!"


Of course, the dumbass had parked his car on my lawn. Who the !@#$ does that?


He must be related to the dumbass who parked a big ass well drilling rig on my neighbors property with a banner advertising his business. She had to call the police to get him off her property. He even opened a gate to drive onto the property. Who !@#$ing does that?

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