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I am officially a Grumpy Old Man


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I'm 44. I own the building where my office is located in town. As part of ownership, you have a corresponding duty to maintain the sidewalk in front of the building for pedestrians. At the beginning of the winter, I asked a young guy (age 21-23) if he'd be interested in handling the shoveling any time the snow falls over 2". Even though he still lived with his parents and I heard that he recently fathered a kid of his own, I knew he wasn't employed on a regular basis. Therefore, I offered him $10 to shovel the front walk each time. It is about 60ft long by 7 ft wide. I assumed a young man would want to shovel once on a morning like this (8" of snow) and then come back in the afternoon for another $10. I even suggested that he talk to the surrounding business owners and he could make $20/day x 8 buildings/businesses. It might help getting some clothes or food for his young baby (who lives 15 miles away). I arrived this morning and shoveled the sidewalk myself. It took me about 15 minutes. I think he is out snowboarding. I paid myself $10 from the operating account. Youngins'....psssshh :wallbash:

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Where does he live? Does he have to bring his own shovel? Does he have to drive? $10 just doesn't seem worth the effort involved


15 minutes goes into 60 minutes (1 hour) four times. 4 x $10 = $40/hour. What's not to like?? As I said, I am a grumpy old man.

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Where does he live? Does he have to bring his own shovel? Does he have to drive? $10 just doesn't seem worth the effort involved

He lives around the corner....about 300 feet down the road. My shovel sits outside the door...waiting, lonely, unloved. :D I guess I assumed a young guy (who has a back stronger than mine) would want to walk five minutes, bang out a 60ft section of sidewalk, get $10, go to the next business, get another $10, and then another, etc. and then come back this afternoon (as we anticipate more snow) and do it over again. He could make about $150/day cash. Shoot, I used to sell golf balls as a kid for $5.00/dozen in an egg carton and I had to climb through some nasty **** to generate revenue.

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$10 is fair for each time he shovels a small amount of snow, given it could be a number of times in a day and his travel time zero. But when he need make extra effort as in the snowfall being more than a few inches or iced over and requiring a great deal of work he should be compensated fairly. One should not pay a person any less than they would expect for themselves for doing such work.

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15 minutes goes into 60 minutes (1 hour) four times. 4 x $10 = $40/hour. What's not to like?? As I said, I am a grumpy old man.


Disagree. You expect him to get up in the freezing cold weather, go outside & shovel your sidewalk for $10? It is not worth the effort imo.

Edited by Gordio
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Grumpy old man? Pffffft. Dude you've got a lot to learn. I would have told that lazy !@#$ shovel my walk and I won't come kick him in the ass. And then I'd kick his parents in the ass.



Yeah & he would of kicked your wrinkled old *** right in front of all your employees. These younger kids don't put up with sh*t nowadays. You look at them cross eyed & they want to kick your a**

Edited by Gordio
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60ft long by 7 ft wide --- $10 wont cut it.


To him your not a Grumpy Old Man, your as cheap bastard


2 car length at 7 ft wide is at least a $20


See this would make sense if he was actually out doing the work or coming back with the counter offer but the lazy !@#$ is out spending mom and dad's cash snowboarding.


Yeah & he would of kicked your wrinkled old *** right in front of all your employees.


No, I don't think so.

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you just said it he's got mom and dads cash and can go snowboarding


Exactly, why would he want to to shovel the sidewalk for a lousy $10 when he is mooching off mom & dad & enjoying the day snowboarding while his girlfriend is knee deep in dirty diapers & taking care of his screaming baby? It sounds like this kid has got his priorities straight & has a level head on his shoulders. I admire that.

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Exactly, why would he want to to shovel the sidewalk for a lousy $10 when he is mooching off mom & dad & enjoying the day snowboarding while his girlfriend is knee deep in dirty diapers & taking care of his screaming baby? It sounds like this kid has got his priorities straight & has a level head on his shoulders. I admire that.


I'll kick your ass next. :lol:

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