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Enormous Craft Detected on the Moon?

Deranged Rhino

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It's a good story regardless of its validity...


Article one:




Audio Interview with NASA whistle blower:




Article two:





Then there was this little nugget over a month ago now from Iran. This one is perhaps the most interesting of all the articles. Originally published in Combat Aircraft Monthly then picked up by Forbes, the Iranian airforce claims to have engaged with several high tech US Drones which:


"...displayed astonishing flight characteristics, including an ability to fly outside the atmosphere, attain a maximum cruise speed of Mach 10, and a minimum speed of zero, with the ability to hover over the target. Finally, these drones used powerfuc ECM that could jam enemy radars using very high levels of magnetic energy, disrupting navigation systems."


In trying to tell the world of the USAF's secret drones, did the Iranians accidentally let slip an even bigger secret that we are most definitely not the only species flying crafts in the skies above?


Forbes Article:



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