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Ex-Bill Dwight Harrison

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Stunning article, well written and almost makes me ashamed to be a NFL fan. From the comments section


" dei1c3 17 hours ago


Every story like this is like another log on the funeral pyre for my interest in the NFL. I love the sport, have been a fan for almost 40 years, and still look forward to Sundays in the fall every year. But the continued (and escalating?) behavior of greed on the part of the NFL has been getting to me a for a while, especially since Goodell took over. I understand how capitalism works, but the degree to which the NFL works to ensure not only that revenues are as high as possible no matter the effect on fans (e.g. teams in London, etc...) but to make sure that every other person or group gets as little as possible (e.g. cheerleaders, vendors, former players, even charities they are supposedly helping) has just become sickening.


I look forward to the day I say "enough is enough" and move on...


...but until then I'll be watching the games just like most everyone else."

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8 picks in 1975 and 5 in 1973 for the Bills. Riddled with dementia, he's now involved in a Kafka-esque dispute with the league.




Pesonally, I find it increasingly hard to be a fan of the NFL--the league specifically. That's just my personal opinion.

I used to love watching boxing in the 70's and 80's, but never was proud of the fact that I enjoyed the sport so much. Loved watching football as well and was proud of it. Haven't watched boxing for a very long time now, and feel about football the way I used to feel about boxing - still love to watch the games but not very proud of it any more.
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Stunning article, well written and almost makes me ashamed to be a NFL fan. From the comments section


" dei1c3 17 hours ago


Every story like this is like another log on the funeral pyre for my interest in the NFL. I love the sport, have been a fan for almost 40 years, and still look forward to Sundays in the fall every year. But the continued (and escalating?) behavior of greed on the part of the NFL has been getting to me a for a while, especially since Goodell took over. I understand how capitalism works, but the degree to which the NFL works to ensure not only that revenues are as high as possible no matter the effect on fans (e.g. teams in London, etc...) but to make sure that every other person or group gets as little as possible (e.g. cheerleaders, vendors, former players, even charities they are supposedly helping) has just become sickening.


I look forward to the day I say "enough is enough" and move on...


...but until then I'll be watching the games just like most everyone else."







Well said. reading that article I felt ashamed also. All the corporate suits in the NFL offices really should be ashamed of themselves for the amount of greed they have displayed. It does seem worse since Goodell took over. Believe me I firmly believe there is a special place in hell for that guy. I remember Mike Ditka went on a crusade a couple years ago calling every NFL owner to donate some money towards the retired players. He said he got one return call(out of 32 owners) & the owner sent him a check for like $2,500 or something. He said he was so disgusted by the lack of compassion of all the owners that he ripped the check up.

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