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What did we get for Marshawn Lynch?

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We got fair market value for him at the time. Do you know what Baltimore got for Anquan Boldin? A 6th rounder. We have CJ Spiller and Fred Jackson and of the 2-3 best running games in the league and Baltimore was unable to replace Boldin. So the Ravens must be an even more awful franchise than the Bills

Sarcasm, right? They have two championship rings to our zero.
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In two words, JACK SQUAT.


Until Seattle wins a Super Bowl with Lynch than who gives a bleep. We did give up on him early but at the rate he was getting in trouble he was bound for a suspension. Seattle's locker room probably has better leadership around it, and when you win consistently guys normally don't fall into the trap of ahhh we suck who cares what we do off the field....


LOL. Meanwhile the Bills have even sniffed the playoffs in over a decade while Marshawn Lynch near single-handedly has won the Seahawks two.

Edited by DDD
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In two words, JACK SQUAT.




LOL. Meanwhile the Bills have even sniffed the playoffs in over a decade while Marshawn Lynch near single-handedly has won the Seahawks two.


So??? Just take a look at Travis Henry! Traded to Tennessee, suspended 4 games for substance abuse, had 1200+ yards and 7 TDs for Tennessee, and then... jail for drugs.


"Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose"

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The Lynch trade comes up every time Seattle makes some noise. But the Lynch trade might not be the worst all-time for the Bills, not even close. For old-timers (sorry for that label guys) who lived through the AFL days trading Daryle Lamonica to the Raiders might be remembered as the worst trade ever. Lamonica finished his career with a 90% winning percentage, highest in the history of pro football.

It still galls me...
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Only reason I was ok with trading lynch is because it was becoming obvious he was never going to re-sign here and he kept getting into trouble. better to get something for him than nothing. Otherwise, it is an annoying move and I can't wait until he retires and I dont have to see him anymore to remind me.


The only reason I was OK with it was because...by that time...the Bills had no choice...They basically had 3 starting caliber RB's, and Freddie may have been the best of the 3...So the minute...actually the second...they Drafted CJ I knew it was over...Time to move Lynch and get what you can for him...


Maybe it's simply because I was SO against the CJ pick that the whole Lynch thing pisses me off to this day...And I was not ever against CJ as a player, I just thought it was a really stupid team-building move...And the key to me in the whole thing...The absolute key...was Freddie...The Bills already had Jackson who had shown so well to that point, they could gamble a bit by keeping Marshawn and hoping he would work through the immaturity issues...But instead they brought in an old school GM and an old school HC who wanted Lynch gone, and were willing to throw the team-building aspect of it out the window in order to make him dispensable...At the time the Bills had needs all over the field and they Drafted a player at their deepest position in the 1st round...Not to mention that position was RB...A position I'm not crazy about using a 1st round pick at anyway...So there you go...Bye bye Marshawn...


I think team building is almost an art form in the NFL...And Buddy proved to me right there, from day one, he was clueless in that art... B-)

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Did you know the Lynch pick was one made on the insistence of Ralph Wilson? Maybe they old fart knew more than we give him credit for?



yes, that insistence might have been useful to us fans had he not made so many other stupid decisions. 1 for 1000 isn't a great batting average.anyway, the answer to the original question is: less than the indians got for manhattan.

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Haha. It never fails. Lynch has a godo game and the 20/20 hindsight posts start. If Lynch did grow up, good for him. But let's all forget the facts. He hit someone and left them in the street. After learning from that mistake, he was rolling around with ganja and gats. He got suspended and trust me, he was still doing illegal activities.


The funniest part is both Jackson (4.5) and Spiller (5.1) have higher career ypc than Lynch (4.2). I love Lynch the football player when he was hurt but I hated Lynch the idiot. And the same people whining about Lynch would be the same ones whining about he getting suspended for a year if we kept him.

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Superbowl trophy? I'd just be happy to get into the playoffs again. That at least signifies you had a winning season.


We didn't get there with Lynch either. But I agree. I'm 33 now. The last time I saw the Bills in the playoffs I was 19! It's funny because I grew up with the Bills being in the playoffs every year. So half my life, they've been good and half, they've been bad. Time to be good again, righT?

Edited by C.Biscuit97
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Superbowl trophy? I'd just be happy to get into the playoffs again. That at least signifies you had a winning season.


Not always true. When the Seahawks beat the Saints in the playoffs in the Lynch earthquake game they were 7-9 in the regular season.

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Haha. It never fails. Lynch has a godo game and the 20/20 hindsight posts start. If Lynch did grow up, good for him. But let's all forget the facts. He hit someone and left them in the street. After learning from that mistake, he was rolling around with ganja and gats. He got suspended and trust me, he was still doing illegal activities.


The funniest part is both Jackson (4.5) and Spiller (5.1) have higher career ypc than Lynch (4.2). I love Lynch the football player when he was hurt but I hated Lynch the idiot. And the same people whining about Lynch would be the same ones whining about he getting suspended for a year if we kept him.


I get what you're saying about the Lynch love now...And granted some of it, when compared to our other two backs, is a bit misguided...But I think that's missing the whole point...


The real argument concerning the Lynch trade was team building 101...Or as Buddy Nix knows it...How to screw up team building 101...


The argument about Lynch goes beyond who is a good back and who isn't...All three are good, proven, NFL RB's...There is not a question about it...


The problem is we had two of them already and we used a premium #9 overall pick on another one...Even assuming Marshawn was going to have his issues, which he did no question...We still had Freddie, and we ended up signing Joique Bell as a UDFA...It was a dumb move to Draft Spiller, which led to the inevitable trading of Lynch...That's the real issue here IMHO...And I think time has shown that it pretty much blew up in the Bills face...Anthony Davis, Earl Thomas, Jason Pierre-Paul, Demaryius Thomas, Jermaine Gresham, Dez Bryant, and more, all went after Spiller in the 1st Round...The Bills could have kept Lynch and built a team, not a RB stable... B-)

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Lynch was an idiot in Buffalo, FJax outplayed him. End of story. Good for his success in Seatlle, more power to him. BUT HERE IN Buffalo he was terrible


Agreed 100%


This was a no-brainer trade by the Bills.


After his rookie year, Lynch regressed to the point of being a total bust. 2007 (rookie year)-- very good. 2008-- 2008 stats were inflated due to 3 games against mostly bad teams.


Then 2009 was a total disaster--he was lost out there. His stats reflect it. He had one 84-yard game, and that was it in 2009. 2010 was also really painful, even though we were trying to showcase him to trade him. After he was traded mid-2010, he was still below average. Again, his stats bear this out. No 100-yard games, a 3.6 ypc average. It wasn't until after the Sehawks mid-season bye in 2011 that he just exploded.


Other posters have mentioned that Lynch admitted that he didn't study at all when he was here in Buffalo. That probably explains the lightbulb going off.


So, the guy stinks here, goes to Seattle and learns to study and prepare, and does well. Good for him. He grew up.


But at the time, trading Lynch made sense, especially since we had two guys who were outperforming him.

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Agreed 100%


This was a no-brainer trade by the Bills.


After his rookie year, Lynch regressed to the point of being a total bust. 2007 (rookie year)-- very good. 2008-- 2008 stats were inflated due to 3 games against mostly bad teams.


Then 2009 was a total disaster--he was lost out there. His stats reflect it. He had one 84-yard game, and that was it in 2009. 2010 was also really painful, even though we were trying to showcase him to trade him. After he was traded mid-2010, he was still below average. Again, his stats bear this out. No 100-yard games, a 3.6 ypc average. It wasn't until after the Sehawks mid-season bye in 2011 that he just exploded.


Other posters have mentioned that Lynch admitted that he didn't study at all when he was here in Buffalo. That probably explains the lightbulb going off.


So, the guy stinks here, goes to Seattle and learns to study and prepare, and does well. Good for him. He grew up.


But at the time, trading Lynch made sense, especially since we had two guys who were outperforming him.


I very much disagree about 2008. He was pretty consistent all year, and 2 of this 3 really strong games came against the #7 and #8 teams overall in rushing ypa defense (SF and the Jets). He had a good season. http://www.pro-footb...ms/buf/2008.htm. The reason his carry # was down from the year before was because they gave the ball to Freddy a lot that season.


The rushing offense overall that season was pretty solid, as was the defense. What killed them was the weak passing game.

Edited by dave mcbride
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