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Thank you


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Simply wishing to say thank you Scott, Nervous Guy, Moderators , staff, all those responsible for this site being the wonderful place it is. A place over the years now have had the great privilege to get to know more fine people than I can count. Through the up times and down some many kindnesses extended. To any that I have offended my most sincere apologies, it would be my desire to do better. Remembering Paul always, thankful for Rockpile, Steve, Cablelady, Fezmid, Rico, Spikedlemonade, meade, beerball, gugny and cgf, and DC Tom In my 74 th year, at post 5000, never would have thought remembering back in the day first post and doing so in trepidation. I am most thankful for this site and the many who frequent it.

Edited by millbank
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Your right about this being a special place for all of us Bills fans. Have made a lot of new close friends over the years.


Mill, you got to make an opener.


DC Tom who? Lol





A big thanks to Scott

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Have you people learned nothing from me?


Yes! How to be nicer! When that urge hits to "be like DC Tom", DC Tom's lesson kicks in and says: "Don't be an azzwipe, so be nicer."


So be like Millbank. Stop being an azzwipe like DC Tom. But, if you can't handle that, your lessons are still serving a purpose.

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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Doesn't work that way....you are now part of the "Millbank 12" and will forever be tied to the likes of Gugny and DC Tom. You made your bed...etc. :)


No, let him go. I'd rather be a member of Millbank's 11, not part of the ****ty sequel.


Now let's go hit the Bellagio...

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