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"True Detective" anyone?


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De nada.


Also, to go along with the discussion Buff and I were having, there's this article from Slash Film that hints at what Season 2 will be about: "Hard women, bad men, and the secrete occult history of the United States transportation system." Looks like it will be two women as the lead...




Here's a quote from the article that sums up where he wanted to take Cohle's character:


"This is a story that began with its ending in mind, that Cohle would be articulating, without sentimentality or illusion, an actual kind of optimism. That line, you ask me, the light’s winning, that was one of the key pieces of dialogue that existed at the very beginning of the series’ conception. For me as a storyteller, I want to follow the characters and the story through what they organically demand. And it would have been the easiest thing in the world to kill one or both of these guys. I even had an idea where something more mysterious happened to them, where they vanished into the unknown and Gilbough and Papania had to clean up the mess and nobody knows what happens to them. Or it could have gone full blown supernatural. But I think both of those things would have been easy, and they would have denied the sort of realist questions the show had been asking all along."


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They should bring back "Barney Miller"...Dietrich as the athiest cop that gets flipped, and Wojo as the whoring detective! Can't you just see it? :)








You can also go the the third icon from the left, in the top row, called "Special BB Code"... it brings a drop down, where you can choose "Spoiler", and type your text in there....now you gotta tell me how you post pictures!

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They should bring back "Barney Miller"...Dietrich as the athiest cop that gets flipped, and Wojo as the whoring detective! Can't you just see it? :)






You can also go the the third icon from the left, in the top row, called "Special BB Code"... it brings a drop down, where you can choose "Spoiler", and type your text in there....now you gotta tell me how you post pictures!

:lol: That would be something!


If they do go with two female leads, who would OTW cast in the roles? The first two that jump to my mind: Amy Adams and Eva Mendes.

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Charlize Theron and Julianne Moore scream out at me as the peffect fit, but HBO might not want to recycle an actress like Moore that quickly.



:lol: That would be something!


If they do go with two female leads, who would OTW cast in the roles? The first two that jump to my mind: Amy Adams and Eva Mendes.

Edited by KikoSeeBallKikoGetBall
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:lol: That would be something!


If they do go with two female leads, who would OTW cast in the roles? The first two that jump to my mind: Amy Adams and Eva Mendes.


I like Eva Mendes in just about anything... I saw her in "Beyond the Pines" recently, and she was remarkabley good. Amy Adams might be a little "too hot" right now for tv series, no? When McCounaughey was filming this, I am guessing, his full on transformation as star of crappy movies, to a full time great actor hadn't quite happened yet...

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Charlize Theron and Julianne Moore scream out at me as the peffect fit, but HBO might not want to recycle an actress like Moore that quickly.

Solid choices. Both would be great.


I like Eva Mendes in just about anything... I saw her in "Beyond the Pines" recently, and she was remarkabley good. Amy Adams might be a little "too hot" right now for tv series, no? When McCounaughey was filming this, I am guessing, his full on transformation as star of crappy movies, to a full time great actor hadn't quite happened yet...


I have no idea if Adams would want to do it, but she has done plenty of TV before and is used to the grind of it compared to films. That might make it tougher for her to be convinced considering MM and Woody both were apparently taken aback by the pace of filming a series rather than a film. It's a different world, much more intense, much more time sensitive than a film. So who knows.

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great finale imo. i don't agree with this critics conclusions on this episode but think his interpretations of the shows allegories are right on: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/arts/television/true-detectives-journey-was-better-than-its-disappointing-destination/article17411255/.


the only thing i didn't like about the last episode is that i couldn't sleep well last night. nihilism, even blunted nihilism, isn't conducive to a good nights sleep for me.

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TD is a well-written, well-acted, well-edited, masterpeice... However, It's still my 2nd favorite next to GOT.


Honorable mention also goes to "Vikings"... The show is really starting to grow on me.

And get this: -None of the cool characters get beheadded once I'm used to them. :thumbsup:

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TD is a well-written, well-acted, well-edited, masterpeice... However, It's still my 2nd favorite next to GOT.


Honorable mention also goes to "Vikings"... The show is really starting to grow on me.

And get this: -None of the cool characters get beheadded once I'm used to them. :thumbsup:


Sorry, what is "Vikings"? What channel? Never heard of it.


Kind of curious about the new show coming up on AMC called "Turn". It is about "America's first spies" during the Revolutionary War. It's right up my alley, as long as they don't take huge liberties with history. I know there will be some...looks intriguing.


great finale imo. i don't agree with this critics conclusions on this episode but think his interpretations of the shows allegories are right on: http://www.theglobea...rticle17411255/.


the only thing i didn't like about the last episode is that i couldn't sleep well last night. nihilism, even blunted nihilism, isn't conducive to a good nights sleep for me.


I loved the first six episodes...the last two were a little disappointing for me. It was so much better than most things on tv, but in the end, just took the easy way out, in my book. I still enjoyed it, but was underwhelmed by the finale. Great acting til the end... beautiful to see, but such a trite ending to something that was, dare I say, masterfully constructed. I actually got a chill down my spine from the last scene of episode 6, where 2012 Rust and Marty finally encounter each-other. Show had me in the palm of its' hands right there...but then the story just went down like something I feel like I have seen a million times, complete with Steven Spielberg "deep" ending. Not to take anything away from the production, the acting... or Nic Pizzolato...in the end, it just seemed like his bite was bigger than his belly.

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I definitely would have liked a lot more answers!


the answers they gave were about the people, not the case. it was always a character study, with a great backdrop in the case. i think they did pretty well if you frame it in that regard.

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the answers they gave were about the people, not the case. it was always a character study, with a great backdrop in the case. i think they did pretty well if you frame it in that regard.


You are absolutely right... I feel bad for beig overly critical about the finale. I was just kind of chastized by a screenwrtier friend of mine, for sharing my opinion of the finale... he made me "see the light" a little more brightly.

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Guilt mostly. He said that we should be happy that things of such high quality are made for us to enjoy, and everytime he reads comments, like mine, it reminds him of the "suggestions" he gets anytime he turns in a screenplay...sometimes the points are valid, and useful, but more often it comes off as somebody missing the point you were trying to make, or take your vision, and change it to match your own. I may not be explaining his point correctly, but I felt it. I know it is a frustrating profession, being a screenwriter...for every success, there can be 100 failures.

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Guilt mostly. He said that we should be happy that things of such high quality are made for us to enjoy, and everytime he reads comments, like mine, it reminds him of the "suggestions" he gets anytime he turns in a screenplay...sometimes the points are valid, and useful, but more often it comes off as somebody missing the point you were trying to make, or take your vision, and change it to match your own. I may not be explaining his point correctly, but I felt it. I know it is a frustrating profession, being a screenwriter...for every success, there can be 100 failures.

unfortunately, some of those failures are actually bad writing bit i agree, the good stuff should be acknowledged. i also think it's too bad more of the good shows aren't brighter. the good writers seem to dwell on the dark topics. i can't remember a recent really well written comedy tv episode much less series. we need some more material in that genre like "seinfeld", "taxi" or "mash".

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unfortunately, some of those failures are actually bad writing bit i agree, the good stuff should be acknowledged. i also think it's too bad more of the good shows aren't brighter. the good writers seem to dwell on the dark topics. i can't remember a recent really well written comedy tv episode much less series. we need some more material in that genre like "seinfeld", "taxi" or "mash".

There are a lot of really strong comedies on right now. Shows worth checking out if you haven't already include: VEEP (HBO), Broad City (comedy central), Brooklyn 99 (Fox) -- first three that spring to mind. Also worth checking out is Derek (NetFlix) if you want something that will make you laugh and hit you right in the feelz.


Guilt mostly. He said that we should be happy that things of such high quality are made for us to enjoy, and everytime he reads comments, like mine, it reminds him of the "suggestions" he gets anytime he turns in a screenplay...sometimes the points are valid, and useful, but more often it comes off as somebody missing the point you were trying to make, or take your vision, and change it to match your own. I may not be explaining his point correctly, but I felt it. I know it is a frustrating profession, being a screenwriter...for every success, there can be 100 failures.

You explained it well. "Suggestions" meaning notes... which, when given poorly, can be crippling at worst and white-washing at best. There is an interesting article in the New Yorker right now that adds another layer to it that would drive your friend nuts I would imagine. It's hard to completely disagree with the author's thesis, but it puts screenwriters in an untenable position. Bill Lawrence (creator of Spin City, Scrubs, Cougar Town, Ground Floor) had another article yesterday where he focused primarily on the failures in network TV.


New Yorker piece





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unfortunately, some of those failures are actually bad writing bit i agree, the good stuff should be acknowledged. i also think it's too bad more of the good shows aren't brighter. the good writers seem to dwell on the dark topics. i can't remember a recent really well written comedy tv episode much less series. we need some more material in that genre like "seinfeld", "taxi" or "mash".


Do you watch Modern Family? Insanely good, clever, comedic writing. And I HATE the sitcoms on TV today. But this one is fantastic.

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Sorry, what is "Vikings"? What channel? Never heard of it.


Kind of curious about the new show coming up on AMC called "Turn". It is about "America's first spies" during the Revolutionary War. It's right up my alley, as long as they don't take huge liberties with history. I know there will be some...looks intriguing.




I loved the first six episodes...the last two were a little disappointing for me. It was so much better than most things on tv, but in the end, just took the easy way out, in my book. I still enjoyed it, but was underwhelmed by the finale. Great acting til the end... beautiful to see, but such a trite ending to something that was, dare I say, masterfully constructed. I actually got a chill down my spine from the last scene of episode 6, where 2012 Rust and Marty finally encounter each-other. Show had me in the palm of its' hands right there...but then the story just went down like something I feel like I have seen a million times, complete with Steven Spielberg "deep" ending. Not to take anything away from the production, the acting... or Nic Pizzolato...in the end, it just seemed like his bite was bigger than his belly.


I liked the ending, they left the door open by saying they didn't get them all.

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