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"True Detective" anyone?


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FWIW- When MM and Ginger are meeting with cook #2 in the bar, Kris Kristoferson's "Jesse Unger" is playing. "Oh, Jesse Unger, you're a devil not a man..."


Another FWIW...I am not 100% certain, but I believe the bartender in ep 3, in the strip joint (the one that Hart talks to about the dancer) is Nick Pizzolato, the writer/creator of this series. From what I understand, he was a bartender at a gentlmen's club, here in Austin, for about 4 years...

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Ray Bucknell, Bro




Also, re: episode 3 PLEEEEEEEEEAASE tell me someone else caught this:




. Haha, always knew Bucknell knuckleheads were dumb as a stump!


Now, please explain the clip, I truly do not get it!

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Since it seems like most everyone is caught up...a few thoughts:



1- the opening sequence, where Ledoux is killed: Ledoux is in cuffs, and starts spewing about the carcosa, and yellow king, etc etc to Hart and Cohle. With disdain, Cohle tells him "shut the !@#$ up". Hart goes off to the trailer...at that point Cohle and Ledoux are alone...in a sort of familiar, and friendly tone (much more so that when Hart was present), Cohle asks Ledoux "so why the antlers?", or something along those lines. Sort of almost like he was saying "Okay, I get everything you were doing so far, but the antlers? What's up with that?" Almost like he knew Ledoux.


2- I am not a fan of the theory that Hart will end up being the "bad guy" when it all ends, but was thinking..is he the "yellow king"? The hair is pretty blond on him.


3- During the series opening, with the theme song, where they sort of juxtapose images on top of each-other, there is a second where Woody Harrelson (Hart) is juxtaposed over a photo of a bunch of highways... the effect, and the "Harrelson sneer" in the photo look pretty "demonic".


4- Really trying figure out how Cohles beer can tin men tie in with the barbie doll scene, in one of the early episodes, where Harts' oldest daughter has set the dolls up to look like they are part of some ritual rape or sacrifice...


5- I heard this mentioned by someone else, after thinking it during the last episode...is Cohle drinking Lone Stars during the interview with the detectives, so anything he might say is not admissible if they try to press charges on him? When he was questioning the pharmacy robber/murderer he kind of plants that seed...


6- Really think too, it is possible that this isn't going to have a neat, tidy resolution that will make everyone happy...like the Sopranos finale. It might end with us all wondering wtf happened. Is it Cohle? Is it Marty? Or is it some Louisiana politicians and rich folks with some twisted occult affiliation, using the police department to cover up their misdeeds? It is Louisiana afterall!



Edited by Buftex
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I really don't understand what they are accusing Cohle of.

They are implying that he is the actual serial killer...perhaps during his years working undercover, he adopted the lifestyle of the shady characters he was infiltrating...I think their feeling is that the had been murdering women for years, and taking advantage of his role as a homicide investigator to lead the investigation of the deaths of his victims to enemies from his undercover world, or people that might know his identity. I really go the vibe, when he was alone with him, that Cohle knew Reggie Ledoux....


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They are implying that he is the actual serial killer...perhaps during his years working undercover, he adopted the lifestyle of the shady characters he was infiltrating...I think their feeling is that the had been murdering women for years, and taking advantage of his role as a homicide investigator to lead the investigation of the deaths of his victims to enemies from his undercover world, or people that might know his identity. I really go the vibe, when he was alone with him, that Cohle knew Reggie Ledoux....




Episode 6: Haunted Houses, aka Marty knowingly beds a former child sex slave and Rust skates by with a broken tail light for an entire decade.


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Decided to give it a shot and powered through the first three episodes. I'm hooked. I was reluctant at first to give it a try because I think TV needs another police procedural like I need a hole in my head. I guess the difference is when it's done correctly it can be enjoyable despite the over saturation of the genre.

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Another terrific ep. This one had a table-setter feel for the last two. I can't wait to see how far up the killing cult goes, as it seems like MM was getting too close for comfort in the eyes of his superiors. Such a dark show. Love the real desperation and pain of Marty's marriage. I won't spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet...."Why don't you buy me a beer....."

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, the finale is this weekend. Anyone care to guess how this all ends up? I won't make predictions, but I have a few questions. How is whatever is happening with Martys' oldest daughter going to tie into the story? They have spent way too much time on her mental state for it to just be some sort of aside...especially in such a short story. She is in New Orleans, working as an artist, and is "on and off her meds". The hooker that Rust goes to talk to, Johnny Joanie, was in New Orleans too, as I recall.


There were also, what I thought, were a couple of odd scenes with Marty's wife, Maggie, in this past episode. With the shows back and forth cutting in time you don't necessarily know if what you are watching is linear story telling. One moment, she and Marty are speaking, after two years they say, in her living room...it seems like a cordial conversation, then they cut back to Marty and Rust in the storage unit, then back to Maggie and Marty talking in the living room again. In the second shot in the living room, it seems like somebody said something that we didn't get to hear...Marty is standing, not sitting, and looking sort of distracted, she says "We haven't spoken in two years, are here to say goodbye?" What was that all about? Then there was the scene where she drove to the bar that Rust is working in....how would she know where he was working...why did she go there? When Marty asked him if she had spoken to Rust since he had been back, she says no...it seems believable...but she lied to the two cops questioning her the week before, pretty easily and believably. Has she been in contact with Rust more recently than Marty had been?


In regards to the old cop (Steve?), who is now a sheriff elsewhere in Louisiana... was he lying to Marty to cover things up for Tuttle, or was he lying, because he was just a lazy cop who didn't do his due diligence way back, when trying to find out what happened to Marie Fontenot?


More questions than answers...it certainly appears that all signs are leading to the Tuttle family...I don't necessarily expect some huge surprise, shocking ending, but just trying to figure out how it will all tie together.

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I don't know how they're going to fit all the pieces together in one hour..........But, what you're talking about is what I'm thinking - Maggie, the daughter, and Maggie's father I think are going to be more involved in all this somehow, either as perpetrators or victims.

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It'll probably be something I'm not anticipating at all, but I don't think Rust was in on it...............I'm suspecting Maggie's father was somehow in this ring, Maggie may have been a victim, and the daughter saw something and is paying the price.

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