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"True Detective" anyone?


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LOL...I said that to my wife during the last episode. Sadly, that is probably the hook that keeps me watching the rest of the season. My wife has given up on it after absolutely loving last season....too many super dark and depressing characters for her taste, even though last year the characters were also F'ed up, they were likeable.


I have the feeling we're never going to find out!

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So I've finished episode 3 and I'm really struggling to go on. Does it start getting any better? I like Colin Farrell's character, but I struggle to care about the overall story.


Depends on your definition on "better". There's a lot more action in the 4th episode -- crazy action that makes almost no sense -- but it certainly sets up the rest of the story.

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Depends on your definition on "better". There's a lot more action in the 4th episode -- crazy action that makes almost no sense -- but it certainly sets up the rest of the story.


I kind of meant more coherent. Sounds like it's worth at least going one more.

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I feel like I generally get it but for being as slow as its pacing is, it sure doesn't give a lot of the relevant info either.


I sure am curious to see how the second half goes though.

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I don't know what these guys are talking about. I like the show, everyone I know personally that watches it likes it too. Is it as good as the first season, no, but it is still good and much better than most of the other crap on tv especially during the summer.


It's like they want answers for the entire season in the first 4 episodes. The bike cop? I'm sure he's going to come into play somehow, patience is a virtue.


But, judging from BBs take on QBs the last few years, I can see how we could disagree on a lot of things! Go back to watching CSI Davenport, I'm sure those are still exciting.


never watched csi, I watch real shows like Homeland , Mr Robot, Tyrant, the Strain, etc kinda like all the good QBs I picked. True detective is John skelton.


BTW 24 is the best show ever!

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I can't stand this season, I might end up giving up on the week to week thing and just binge watch it later. Talk about a disappointment, I think it comes down to Vince Vaughn as while I like him in funny roles and respected him in Swingers,, I just can't stand him in this show nor in the remake of Psycho.

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I feel like I generally get it but for being as slow as its pacing is, it sure doesn't give a lot of the relevant info either.


I sure am curious to see how the second half goes though.


After the shootout scene, I realized that I didn't know or care who it was with!


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I am in til the end of the season, but I will confess, I had to watch the last two episodes twice. Confession: I fell asleep during both at one point or another on the first viewing, so I had to go back to see what I missed...it only helped a little.


I don't hate it, as it looks great (love the overhead shots of LA Freeway), but man, it is convoluted. I thought the first 6 episodes of season one were among the best tv I have ever seen...and then it sort of fizzled. It wasn't until stepping away, I realized, that first season was about the characters, not the story...and I appreciated the ending a little more. I think we are in that territory again. All the characters are very damaged, and I think that is where the interest (is supposed) to lie. The details on the crime are so minimal... surely Nick Pizzolatto is aware that this is pretty hard to follow...and apparently he intends it that way, or doesn't care.


The dialogue is pretty remarkable. Not necessarily always in a good way. If people really were this self-involved you would hate them...never mind watching a tv show about them...odd show...I rarely give up on a show, especially this far in...but man, next weeks episode looks like it has possible stinker written all over it. Amy McAdams, dressing up like a ho, to go undercover at the big "hooker party" looks like something right out of Charlie's Angels 2015.

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5 episodes into season. i'll finish it to finish it, but meh


After 4 episodes of :huh: i suspect episode 5 was the telegraph of what's to come


Shady real estate deals

SILF and biker cop riding thru some random area and oh by the way the SILF just randomly mentions this all used to be owned by the hippy commune

Double questionable paternity (biker cop and colin farrell's chubby ginger kid)

SILF decides she has to get into the super secret hooker party

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5 episodes into season. i'll finish it to finish it, but meh


After 4 episodes of :huh: i suspect episode 5 was the telegraph of what's to come


Shady real estate deals

SILF and biker cop riding thru some random area and oh by the way the SILF just randomly mentions this all used to be owned by the hippy commune

Double questionable paternity (biker cop and colin farrell's chubby ginger kid)

SILF decides she has to get into the super secret hooker party


You forgot about Vaughn lying to Farrell about who raped his wife to get Farrell in his pocket. Farrell subsequently murders the wrong dude and is now extremely pissed a Vaughn.

Edited by Mark80
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5 episodes into season. i'll finish it to finish it, but meh


After 4 episodes of :huh: i suspect episode 5 was the telegraph of what's to come


Shady real estate deals

SILF and biker cop riding thru some random area and oh by the way the SILF just randomly mentions this all used to be owned by the hippy commune

Double questionable paternity (biker cop and colin farrell's chubby ginger kid)

SILF decides she has to get into the super secret hooker party

Okay, I gotta ask: SILF?

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You forgot about Vaughn lying to Farrell about who raped his wife to get Farrell in his pocket. Farrell subsequently murders the wrong dude and is now extremely pissed a Vaughn.


I didn't forget. I just don't think their Mexican standoff will go anywhere nor do I think it is tied into the case, other than Farrell won't be there at the end to help his former friend

Okay, I gotta ask: SILF?


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