IDBillzFan Posted March 12, 2014 Posted March 12, 2014 It should be very worrisome to Democrats that their household name candidate, outspending her unknown opponent 8-1, in an election featuring a strong libertarian candidate drawing votes away from the Republican challenger, in a district that went handily for the President; couldn't manage a plurality of the votes in her election. Yesterday Debbie Wasserman-Schulz said the GOP should be worried about this election because they underperformed from previous years...when the incumbent always ran unopposed. Is it any wonder the progs attract the gatormans of the world...
Azalin Posted March 12, 2014 Posted March 12, 2014 So you admit you are ignorant about what you are trying to talk about? And BTW, you are wrong by a mile. No surprise there is a difference between ignorance and admitting to not being certain about something. I asked a question. I didn't try to deflect with some ridiculous BS statement I pulled out my hindquarters. you should try to do the same thing on the off-chance that some tiny bit of factual information may accidentally seep through that prolifically thick skull of yours. now, show me the numbers you're talking about or shut the F! up.
Joe Miner Posted March 12, 2014 Posted March 12, 2014 Incorrect. Yes you can. I bet you can't turn on a rap song that has the hard r in it in a positive sense. It is a horrible thing to call another person. Again, this does not happen. This is an old-white-man myth or misunderstanding depending on the situation. I bet you amaze yourself with how knowledgeable and worldly you think you are.
Deranged Rhino Posted March 12, 2014 Posted March 12, 2014 I bet you amaze yourself with how knowledgeable and worldly you think you are.
Jim in Anchorage Posted March 12, 2014 Posted March 12, 2014 It's all the progressives have left at this point. Quite possibly the most ridiculous thing you hear from the progs is how in the earliest days of the Tea Party that a few of these folks called themselves 'teabaggers.' So they should stop complaining when someone else calls them a teabagger. But watch these same mindless dolts react if you call a black person a niggger. I mean, hey, black people call themselves niggger all the time. I can't turn on a rap song without hearing how the niggger get the whores and bitches. But if YOU call them a niggger, well, then, THAT's horrible. Only niggger can call themselves nigggers. This is, in part, why the Blzruls of the world are left to coming out every six months to yell 'teabagger' and "Palin." Because they know their embarrassing logic on virtually all things has been left to ashes, and it's all they have at this point. Considering how much you fired Greggy up with that, looks like he's in that category.
Deranged Rhino Posted March 12, 2014 Posted March 12, 2014 Considering how much you fired Greggy up with that, looks like he's in that category. Way to be about 24 hours late to the party. Got any other breaking news to share with the group? Did you hear the one about the sun coming up today or were you too busy trying to figure out how to spell category?
DC Tom Posted March 13, 2014 Posted March 13, 2014 Way to be about 24 hours late to the party. Got any other breaking news to share with the group? Did you hear the one about the sun coming up today or were you too busy trying to figure out how to spell category? He hasn't heard that one. He's in Alaska. The sun doesn't come up for another week.
Jim in Anchorage Posted March 13, 2014 Posted March 13, 2014 He hasn't heard that one. He's in Alaska. The sun doesn't come up for another week. What is this "sun" thing you speak of?
Deranged Rhino Posted March 13, 2014 Posted March 13, 2014 He hasn't heard that one. He's in Alaska. The sun doesn't come up for another week. Touche.
Nanker Posted March 13, 2014 Posted March 13, 2014 Progressives are filled with hate and consumed with envy. Progressives promote class strife and racial division. Its the currency they use to freely promote and exchange their poisonous ideas among people who genuinely need help but whom Progressives want to get addicted to the poison of a self-agrandizing government step-parent from whose control they will never be released. They are intolerant racists and bigoted self-absorbed narcissists that attempt to bully others into accepting their beliefs because of the intellectual "superiority" they feel simply by espousing them. Because, well because they just think it's so. After all, haven't their learned professors taught them the evils of capitalism and the correctness of their "progressive" cause? Well, completely absent proper historical context - they have indeed - for much of their lives in the sheltered classroom incubators of politically correct thought. They've been taught social manners. But these have nothing to do with civility and politeness - in fact they espouse the opposite in order to promote their "just" cause. They incessantly and reflexively demonize, excoriate, castigate and pillory those with opposing views. Mao's Cultural Revolution is their iconic role model. Progressivism is nothing more than a parasitic worm in the body of human history. It feeds on the hate and fears of small people and the bigotry of people who are waging asymmetrical intellectual warfare on an unconscious public comprised mostly of school children and people who'd rather watch American Idol and TMZ than read a book. They profess to believe in diversity, constantly beating its drum - except when it comes to exercising personal freedoms like choosing to worship their religion, having real diversity in income and wages, housing, purchasing choices, health insurance, gun ownership, women's right to choose a career in the home, and personal views of the individual on heterosexuality. Progressives are all for an open debate on the issues of the day except that they shrink from ideas different than theirs as though it was the sunlight that would vanquish their vapid ideas like the blood-sucking vampires that they are.
Chef Jim Posted March 13, 2014 Posted March 13, 2014 Progressives are filled with hate and consumed with envy. Progressives promote class strife and racial division. Its the currency they use to freely promote and exchange their poisonous ideas among people who genuinely need help but whom Progressives want to get addicted to the poison of a self-agrandizing government step-parent from whose control they will never be released. They are intolerant racists and bigoted self-absorbed narcissists that attempt to bully others into accepting their beliefs because of the intellectual "superiority" they feel simply by espousing them. Because, well because they just think it's so. After all, haven't their learned professors taught them the evils of capitalism and the correctness of their "progressive" cause? Well, completely absent proper historical context - they have indeed - for much of their lives in the sheltered classroom incubators of politically correct thought. They've been taught social manners. But these have nothing to do with civility and politeness - in fact they espouse the opposite in order to promote their "just" cause. They incessantly and reflexively demonize, excoriate, castigate and pillory those with opposing views. Mao's Cultural Revolution is their iconic role model. Progressivism is nothing more than a parasitic worm in the body of human history. It feeds on the hate and fears of small people and the bigotry of people who are waging asymmetrical intellectual warfare on an unconscious public comprised mostly of school children and people who'd rather watch American Idol and TMZ than read a book. They profess to believe in diversity, constantly beating its drum - except when it comes to exercising personal freedoms like choosing to worship their religion, having real diversity in income and wages, housing, purchasing choices, health insurance, gun ownership, women's right to choose a career in the home, and personal views of the individual on heterosexuality. Progressives are all for an open debate on the issues of the day except that they shrink from ideas different than theirs as though it was the sunlight that would vanquish their vapid ideas like the blood-sucking vampires that they are. I didn't read your whole post but in my mind progressivesliberalswhatever are not racist, they do not hate people and don't want to control them. IMO they truly want to help people and make the world a better place. But the problem, and it's a big problem is they don't think through the consequences of their actions/policies. Obamacare is the crown jewel of their terribly flawed ideas. Now is conservatism perfect? Of course not but the main principe of incentivizing people to help themselves, to me, just makes a hell I a lot of more sense.
TakeYouToTasker Posted March 13, 2014 Posted March 13, 2014 I didn't read your whole post but in my mind progressivesliberalswhatever are not racist, they do not hate people and don't want to control them. IMO they truly want to help people and make the world a better place. But the problem, and it's a big problem is they don't think through the consequences of their actions/policies. Obamacare is the crown jewel of their terribly flawed ideas. Now is conservatism perfect? Of course not but the main principe of incentivizing people to help themselves, to me, just makes a hell I a lot of more sense. As I've said before, there are two types: The true believers, which is the type you're describing; and the trumpeteers, who are interested in nothing but power, and will manipulate and lie to others in order to achieve this. Most of the electorate are true believers, and most of their elected officials are trumpeteers.
B-Large Posted March 13, 2014 Posted March 13, 2014 (edited) I didn't read your whole post but in my mind progressivesliberalswhatever are not racist, they do not hate people and don't want to control them. IMO they truly want to help people and make the world a better place. But the problem, and it's a big problem is they don't think through the consequences of their actions/policies. Obamacare is the crown jewel of their terribly flawed ideas. Now is conservatism perfect? Of course not but the main principe of incentivizing people to help themselves, to me, just makes a hell I a lot of more sense. Liberals biggest flaw outside of being infatuated with an egalitarian paradise that is mostly well intentioned, is they refuse to bail on bad ideas rather feel more support and money will make them better. Failing schools, more money. People are poor, more assistance. It feel like you are doing something by increasing a budget, but in fact you are only locking in losses. Conservatism to me was idenitfing solution to problems that work, and building upon those ideas. When it failed, scrap it and move on. Liberals are super optimists, Conservatives super pragmatist... I will disagree as I am sure you will not be surpised on the the ACA is the crown jewel of failed policy for Liberals. I don't think "buy insurance and cover your own expenses" is quite the afront to success that most say it will be. I think it will work, not ideally, but it will in time cover alot of people and me midly successful- so the question is, will liberals build on the succcesses, of throw money at the failures in 5-10 years? We have been over this again and again, but I stil think a State Based Cat Pool for all citizens with fairly high out of pocket routine expense liability woudl be the better approach- I already have patients bitching about how adminstratovely burdensome it is to use the HSA accounts... uh, yeah, duh!... the enitre system is one giganitic adminstrative boondoogle... people just don't listen, and seek to understand the issues we had with the domestic delivery system. Edited March 13, 2014 by B-Large
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted March 14, 2014 Posted March 14, 2014 Don't it turn your red states blue.....
3rdnlng Posted March 14, 2014 Author Posted March 14, 2014 (edited) Don't it turn your red states blue..... http://www.thedailyb...orgia-blue.html You should read the entire article before linking to it: Instead, Deal has followed a less partisan, pro-business platform, revamping Atlanta public schools, pushing for federal funds to deepen Savannah's port, and pursuing an openly friendly working relationship with Kasim Reed, the fast-rising African American mayor of Atlanta who recently compared his work with Deal to that of Batman and Robin. When the Deal campaign listed its strengths for the general election, Deal’s work with Reed was near the top of the list. "To have an example where a Democrat and a Republican are working together in a very red state like Georgia during a hyper-partisan time in politics is nothing but a good thing, not just for reelection, but for the state,” said Jennifer Talaber, Deal’s campaign spokeswoman. "Gov. Deal and Mayor Reed have demonstrated that elected leaders can stay true to their principles but work together at the same time. Their relationship is a huge source of strength for Georgia." Another source of strength for Deal will be his war chest—he has $4.1 million cash on hand heading into the May 20th primary, which he is expected to win, before heading into the much-anticipated campaign against Carter. Typical lib, you never learn from your past mistakes. It must be Groundhog Day for you every day. Edited March 14, 2014 by 3rdnlng
OCinBuffalo Posted March 14, 2014 Posted March 14, 2014 Well? Now that Chris Christie appears to be out of the penalty box? Libera media back to bashing the TEA party every time it does anything, while insisting they are "dead", at the same time.
3rdnlng Posted March 20, 2014 Author Posted March 20, 2014 (edited) Didn't want to start a new thread, so am dumping this here. (obvious bump): Democracy in America as we know it today is the creation of these two towers of the Progressive movement: cooperative federalism (i.e., federal control of state policies) and barriers to competition (i.e., the government-created cartels and monopolies). In the progressives’ version of democracy, the losers outnumber the winners, and the losses greatly outweigh the winnings. But the losses are diffuse whereas the winnings are concentrated. As Milton Friedman lamented, the average American is taken advantage of in lots of small ways, in order to pad the profits of concentrated special interests. Edited March 20, 2014 by 3rdnlng
Nanker Posted March 20, 2014 Posted March 20, 2014 Good read 3rd. Wickard v. Filburn is another nail in the coffin - or crumb in the trail.
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted March 20, 2014 Posted March 20, 2014 Those cartels and monopolies, including occupational licensing requirements, should be the first-priority target for those committed to knocking down the two towers of progressivism What? Like doctors and pharmacists? This guy is a complete idiot. A think tank boob. This is exactly why you guys remind me of communists. They were so dogmatic and never had a chance here of coming to power so their fantasies could run wild. This guy goes after child labor, clean water and health care, as if we are going to just give those up in the name of letting a different level of government take care of that. And why? Well, because. We see what's happening in North Carolina and West Virginia with states f'n up the water.
Azalin Posted March 20, 2014 Posted March 20, 2014 This is exactly why you guys remind me of communists. you say the right reminds you of communists, and yet you call someone else a boob?
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