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Time For A Tea Party Thread


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Let's see which little B word here will be the first to call them "tea baggers".




Liberal Democrats and Establishment Republicans have been foretelling of the death of the Tea Party ever since early 2009, shortly after the movement began. In the immediate aftermath of Barack Obama’s inauguration, shell-shocked conservatives assessed the degree to which their interests had been abandoned by the Republican Party, and how clumsy and insipid the GOP had been in its opposition to the liberal agenda. They recognized that this pattern showed no signs of improving until such time as they could exert their influence on the self-serving party insiders, or exact a political price from them if conservative interests continued to be ignored.

From the beginning, the movement has been the bane of the D.C. business as usual crowd on both sides of the political aisle, while exhibiting a startling degree of resistance to the standard corrupting forces of the political power brokers. Tea Party gatherings and protests arose with seeming spontaneity in major cities across the nation and on the capital mall, as if thoroughly coordinated by some power that remained invisible to the entrenched members of the political class. The crowds were enormous, easily dwarfing attempted liberal counter protests, though the latter were widely trumpeted and given glowing coverage by the “mainstream” media, in a futile effort to create the impression that the nation really had made a deliberate turn to the left.

As the momentum of traditional America continued to coalesce, the political left increasingly felt the threat from it and reacted predictably to it. On the nightly news, participants of Tea Party gatherings were intentionally disparaged as “tea baggers,” a disdainful term alluding to perverse sexual activity. Other efforts to neutralize the movement included flagrant lies and distortions of the nature of protests, including accusations of racism and violence, though no such incident was ever reported at a Tea Party gathering.

Get the whole story at the link above.

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Respectfully Third and Long,




The Taxed Enough Already movement is all about its stated goals of limiting the size and scope of the federal government, reducing government spending, and opposing Tax increases.



Those closed minds who only know the "bigotry and violence" excrement that they willingly swallowed over the past four years are simply not capable of having any type of "discussion" on this subject.


Better that we should have a 4th "Pot" thread................................









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Respectfully Third and Long,




The Taxed Enough Already movement is all about its stated goals of limiting the size and scope of the federal government, reducing government spending, and opposing Tax increases.



Those closed minds who only know the "bigotry and violence" excrement that they willingly swallowed over the past four years are simply not capable of having any type of "discussion" on this subject.


Better that we should have a 4th "Pot" thread................................










Should I change the thread's name to "Calling All Moles"?

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Ah, not so fast. As the OP I declare him my little B word for the rest of the month.


you'd have been better served designating a B word at the beginning of a month. On Janurary 23rd, you get a B word on for 8 more days. What good is a B word for 8 days?

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"People of reason, tired of failed government intervention into private lives are realizing that governments were only designed to do collectively that which people cannot accomplish as individuals,,,,like fight wars and build roads. When government gets into the arena of the what people were designed to do for themselves, then dependency and failure grow and freedom and individual successes diminish. Power of THE PEOPLE fades at the expense of the growing power of government collectives who collect and redistribute your money and resoureces at an ever increasing pace which accelerates up as your freedoms and individual success accelerates down."


I thought this commentor on the article put it quite succinctly.

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"People of reason, tired of failed government intervention into private lives are realizing that governments were only designed to do collectively that which people cannot accomplish as individuals,,,,like fight wars and build roads. When government gets into the arena of the what people were designed to do for themselves, then dependency and failure grow and freedom and individual successes diminish. Power of THE PEOPLE fades at the expense of the growing power of government collectives who collect and redistribute your money and resoureces at an ever increasing pace which accelerates up as your freedoms and individual success accelerates down."


I thought this commentor on the article put it quite succinctly.



How does that square...with Obamacare?

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I'll say it again:


True libertarian conservatives should continue to hold the Republican Party hostage until the old guard is dead, and it offers us true libertarian conservatives.


Until that time, I say: "FOUR MORE YEARS! FOUR MORE YEARS!"

It would be helpful...if somebody could define for me what a true libertarian conservative is.


For example, is Scott Walker a true libertartian conservative?

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How does that square...with Obamacare?


I do think there are exceptions of course- logically is makes sense for government to intervene where Markets to provide essential products/services for its people do no exist. the question is did have to be the Federal Government? Massachusetts and Vermont achieved a plan to offer coverage to its citizenry, you're telling me that Colorado couldn't? Healthcare unlike many other product and services markets affects everybody, everybody end up paying one way or another- so the Government wrote laws that private insurers had to coevr people, and people have to carry coverage... in the ideal world people could afford to pay for healthcare like they do Direct TV, but we all know that is not the case and share of risk is what we have decided to be best in this country. I have been specific about my outlines for an effective health plan in this country, it is the one place I believe Government should play a role outside of roads, bridges, defense, protecting borders and protecting individual liberties.




How does that square...with Obamacare?


I do think there are exceptions of course- logically is makes sense for government to intervene where Markets to provide essential products/services for its people do no exist. the question is did have to be the Federal Government? Massachusetts and Vermont achieved a plan to offer coverage to its citizenry, you're telling me that Colorado couldn't? Healthcare unlike many other product and services markets affects everybody, everybody end up paying one way or another- so the Government wrote laws that private insurers had to coevr people, and people have to carry coverage... in the ideal world people could afford to pay for healthcare like they do Direct TV, but we all know that is not the case and share of risk is what we have decided to be best in this country. I have been specific about my outlines for an effective health plan in this country, it is the one place I believe Government should play a role outside of roads, bridges, defense, protecting borders and protecting individual liberties.

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It would be helpful...if somebody could define for me what a true libertarian conservative is.


For example, is Scott Walker a true libertartian conservative?

I don't know enough about his over-all body of work to say one way or the other, but I will say that his 2013-15 state budget is not a libertarian one.


However, given that I don't live in Wisconsin, Scott Walker is not my concern.

Edited by TakeYouToTasker
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I do think there are exceptions of course- logically is makes sense for government to intervene where Markets to provide essential products/services for its people do no exist. the question is did have to be the Federal Government? Massachusetts and Vermont achieved a plan to offer coverage to its citizenry, you're telling me that Colorado couldn't? Healthcare unlike many other product and services markets affects everybody, everybody end up paying one way or another- so the Government wrote laws that private insurers had to coevr people, and people have to carry coverage... in the ideal world people could afford to pay for healthcare like they do Direct TV, but we all know that is not the case and share of risk is what we have decided to be best in this country. I have been specific about my outlines for an effective health plan in this country, it is the one place I believe Government should play a role outside of roads, bridges, defense, protecting borders and protecting individual liberties.

I'm only gonna say this once! :lol:


How do you explain illegal side-payments that regularly occur wherever we find socialized anything, never mind health care? You've tried hard to pretend that markets don't work in health care, but, as the side-payments clearly illustrate: it's not a matter of "work". It's merely a matter of the market reacting to however the government Fs things up next.


Markets "exist". Period. Even in totalitarian states, markets still exist. Similarly, illegal side payoffs to doctors exist in countries with socialized medicine because? EVERYTHING is worth what it's purchaser will pay for it. http://quotationsbook.com/quote/40426/ Thus, there's a market for the best pediatrician in Japan, and he won't see your kid unless you pay him off. Illegal, but, common and condoned. A guy from 2000 years ago said the bolded above...how many years is it going to take for you to know what he does?


You are truly deluding yourself if you think there aren't any/won't be any side payments in Mass. and Vermont. No matter how you try to deny their existence, or delude yourself into believing that you control them, markets will always confound you. In fact, you don't seem to realize that the market is likely to punish Ds and health care administrators brutally, for putting this awful system on us.


Ds are going to lose the Senate, perhaps 2016, and, you're going to have 30% of your business be Medicaid, and a whole slew of them in your emergency room. Don't think so? Well, Oregon is closer to you than me: http://www.latimes.c...0,2102014.story How's a 40% increase in people who pay you Medicaid sound?


All this so you could stop giving away 10% of your business for free? All this, so your ER can see 40% more people, rather than less?


Don't blame me/call me names for telling you this. I'm not the one punishing you. The market reaction, you "wanted", is punishing you.

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