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This is just another way for Obama to say something and do absolutely nothing about it. But he could if he wanted to. He could appoint a committee to review the schedule 1 designation for weed, which is pretty ridiculous. If it were lowered, it could in effect be legalized that way. I'm not a lawyer, but I think this is the case.


Republicans are trying to get more of the youth and minority vote. If they were smart they'd get out in front of this and promote it as a freedom issue. They could probably lock up both houses and the presidency if they did this. But, they're too stupid trying to be hard asses.


If it were put to a vote to the citizens it would be legalized in the next election. Politicians are way behind on this one as usual.


This is just another way for Obama to say something and do absolutely nothing about it. But he could if he wanted to. He could appoint a committee to review the schedule 1 designation for weed, which is pretty ridiculous. If it were lowered, it could in effect be legalized that way. I'm not a lawyer, but I think this is the case.


Republicans are trying to get more of the youth and minority vote. If they were smart they'd get out in front of this and promote it as a freedom issue. They could probably lock up both houses and the presidency if they did this. But, they're too stupid trying to be hard asses.


If it were put to a vote to the citizens it would be legalized in the next election. Politicians are way behind on this one as usual.

Politically I'm not so sure it's that easy. How would a Democrat running in an 50/50 district be affected politically by this? Seeing how young people do not vote much in mid term elections it could really cost the Democrats
If it were put to a vote to the citizens it would be legalized in the next election. Politicians are way behind on this one as usual.


It's impossible for me to imagine how any thinking person could look at the daily incompetence of our federal government and somehow think that having them legalize, regulate and tax marijuana is a good idea.

Posted (edited)

It's impossible for me to imagine how any thinking person could look at the daily incompetence of our federal government and somehow think that having them legalize, regulate and tax marijuana is a good idea.


It's impossible for me to imagine how any thinking person could look at the daily incompetence of our federal government and somehow think that they can eradicate a plant. What they're doing now is a typical Government run program. Way too expensive and completely ineffective.


I also find it odd that people who think that Government is too big and want Government "out of their bedroom" could think this prohibition is a good idea.


And as far as the feds legalizing, regulating and taxing marijuana goes, it's really no different than what we do with alcohol today. Seems to be working OK.

Edited by reddogblitz

I continue to not understand why it's not treated like cigarettes/alcohol.


Put an age limit on it. Regulate it. Tax it. Enforce driving under the influence laws.




It's impossible for me to imagine how any thinking person could look at the daily incompetence of our federal government and somehow think that having them legalize, regulate and tax marijuana is a good idea.


I can't imagine why anyone would think so.


How? ACA.


It's impossible for me to imagine how any thinking person could look at the daily incompetence of our federal government and somehow think that they can eradicate a plant.


Declare it a protected species and put the EPA and DOI in charge of it.


Cannabis sativa would be extinct within five years.


Declare it a protected species and put the EPA and DOI in charge of it.


Cannabis sativa would be extinct within five years.


In Mexico and Columbia and Ghana and Jamaica too?


In Mexico and Columbia and Ghana and Jamaica too?


Here we go. Another pot is a miracle and invincible and justifies itself and I must do anything I can to defend it dude.


Can we get this crap out of PPP and maybe start a "Pot Zombie" board? It would clear up off the wall and PPP. Bob, Ryan, this guy, Greggy and others could go over there and talk shop and get it out of their systems so when they were here we wouldn't have to listen to all of these thinly veiled guilt trips.


If pot is legalized more will get hooked and the annoyance will only grow.


In Mexico and Columbia and Ghana and Jamaica too?


Hey, here's a thought: maybe I was making a joke about using government incompetence to accomplish an end they couldn't achieve competently.


:wallbash: The very idea that pot has no long-term side effects is contra-indicated by the immense stupidity of stoners.



If pot is legalized more will get hooked and the annoyance will only grow.

And there would be fewer arrests, less crime, the drug cartels in Mexico would be hurt, we would save money on the criminal justice system and more people would be free to do what they friggin wanted to
Posted (edited)

Hey, here's a thought: maybe I was making a joke about using government incompetence to accomplish an end they couldn't achieve competently.


:wallbash: The very idea that pot has no long-term side effects is contra-indicated by the immense stupidity of stoners.


Are you assuming I'm a "stoner"? You know what happens when you assume. You make and A$$ out of yourself (again).

Edited by reddogblitz

Are you assuming I'm a "stoner"? You know what happens when you assume. You make and A$$ our of yourself (again).


No, I'm judging, based on facts in evidence.


And there would be fewer arrests, less crime, the drug cartels in Mexico would be hurt, we would save money on the criminal justice system and more people would be free to do what they friggin wanted to


Guilt trip justification number MMMMMMLXVIIIICVLXIVC

Posted (edited)

Keep telling yourself that. Or is it the pot doing the talking?


Sound like someone may need to go watch Reefer Madness again.


This is the problem with a logical discussion about this topic. Anyone who is not for going with the status quo, effectiveness and collateral damage be damned, is labeled a "stoner" who just wants to eat Cheat-ohs in their Mom's basement and play video games.


Maybe some people just think that it's not worth the cost in money to "enforce" and the collateral damage caused by said prohibition. If a cost benefit analysis were to be done, just might show that it's just not worth it. What exactly are we getting for our investment in money and lives for prohibition?

Edited by reddogblitz
Posted (edited)
And as far as the feds legalizing, regulating and taxing marijuana goes, it's really no different than what we do with alcohol today. Seems to be working OK.


Wouldn't you feel better if it was just legalized and NOT regulated and taxed? I mean, what's to regulate? People have been growing it on their own for years and you never hear of anyone overdosing on it. Or getting a bad bud. Or countless people getting sick because the buds weren't properly tested for cleanliness and quality.


And do you really think the federal government needs more of your money just so you can smoke something that grows naturally in your own house?

Edited by LABillzFan

And there would be fewer arrests, less crime, the drug cartels in Mexico would be hurt, we would save money on the criminal justice system and more people would be free to do what they friggin wanted to


Except to choose their health care.


Do you not see your own hypocrisy?

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