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Richard Sherman post game -- 'nuff said!


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Of course Sherman let Crabtree get outside, thats what you are supposed to do. What gap are you two talking about? Tighter coverage? He was in his hip pocket the entire time! There was only seperation when Sherman went up to make a play on the ball.!!!


The ball wasn't thrown at his hip - both players jumped up in the air to get at it!


Sometimes a feel like you guys don't even watch the games! The ball was thrown at his hip?? Crabtree was likely 9-10 feet in the air after jumping and still wasn't up high enough to catch the ball before it was swatted, yet its at 'hip level'??? That makes no sense.



Crabtree didn't slow down, it wasn't underthrown. It could have been more to the sideline but then it would have been out of bounds and incomplete. There was literally no way that pass gets completed due to the absolute blanket, perfect coverage by a huge CB who knows how to make a play on the ball. And I don't fault Kaep at all for throwing it up at the end of the game like that.


What are you talking about? The coverage wasn't good, period. In fact, even with the ball poorly thrown it took a spectacular adjustment on Sherman's part to get his hand on the ball. He had to leap, twist and swat the ball in order to save his poor positioning. If the ball is thrown to the back corner of the end zone - like it should have been - it's an easy TD.


It's mind boggling how you think that coverage was actually good. I'll give him props, he made a hell of a play to save the day but had he been in good position to begin with that bad throw would have been an INT without a deflection.

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MJ and Tiger were pretty good back in their prime. Don't remember either of them feeling compelled to say so in front of a camera. Those two aren't exactly humble either.


Would you rather Sherman have a domestic dispute like Tiger?


Sherman is no different than many elite athletes.


Ali was the greatest of all time and he let you know it. He also backed it up. Not much different really. Ali didnt have twitter and 24/7 sports channels repeating his statements for weeks.

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MJ and Tiger were pretty good back in their prime. Don't remember either of them feeling compelled to say so in front of a camera. Those two aren't exactly humble either.


You should probably read back on MJ, he was not very well liked around the league. Check out the whole Michael Jordan keeping players off of the USA Dream Team.

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I'm not sure why, but I find it fascinating that there are completely diametric opinions about both the play (Sherman being beat vs. being in perfect position, perfect throw vs. poor throw) and Sherman's comments (totally warranted vs. totally punk-ass).


I guess I imagined there would be more consensus on those things.

he made a great play on poor coverage on a ball that was poorly thrown and a route that was well run against an !@#$ WR then upstaged the !@#$ by being a bigger !@#$ playing a game of macho men acting as tough as can be in a tribal like confrontation which pits the ego and ability of a man against another.


In short. Sherman is a damn good if not the best corner out there and he needed his ability to make that play because a lesser DB would have only tipped the ball

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You should probably read back on MJ, he was not very well liked around the league. Check out the whole Michael Jordan keeping players off of the USA Dream Team.

That was the point. I guess understatement is lost on TBD. MJ knew he was the best and was determined to ram it down the throats of anyone who ever had the audacity to question him. Yet he never went full Sherman with the camera rolling. I'm sure he ranted and raved in private and let his opponents know what he thought of them, but he knew that there is a way to act in the spotlight.

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I despise the self-aggrandizement and insulting trash task but I have accepted it has become much more prevalent in "them young whippersnappers." Of course there were mouthy players in every generation but it is so much more common and even condoned now. As much as I despise it, there is absolutely nothing I can do about it so I have just learned to turn away so to speak when these bozos get their moment and wait for it to end.

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You should probably read back on MJ, he was not very well liked around the league. Check out the whole Michael Jordan keeping players off of the USA Dream Team.


Being liked by teammates and oppenants is not the same as blathering on about yourself everytime you get your face on the camera. I would never argue that Sherman isn't a great player, maybe the best in the game, but I don't think being the best, and being a boorish slob have to go hand in hand.


I despise the self-aggrandizement and insulting trash task but I have accepted it has become much more prevalent in "them young whippersnappers." Of course there were mouthy players in every generation but it is so much more common and even condoned now. As much as I despise it, there is absolutely nothing I can do about it so I have just learned to turn away so to speak when these bozos get their moment and wait for it to end.


I don't think there is anything wrong with it, when it is man to man, in the heat of competition..in fact, I appreciate it..but Sherman goes well beyond that.

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Eh. Sherman right now is whistling "yeah you can tell everybody, im the man im the man im the man"


Crabtree is a clown and i enjoyed every minute of that show last night.


I woulda ran over to harbaugh if i was sherman an slapped him in the butt too. "You mad, bro?" "Shoulda drafted me..hahahahah."

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5 mins ago

‘To Those Who Would Call Me a Thug or Worse …’


I show passion on the football field—but that’s only a small part of who I am. If you want to judge me, I can handle it.


Good Lord. Why do people continue to give this guy a microphone?

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The 49ers receivers (Anquin Boldin especially) in 2013 have had a reputation of rampant trashtalking. I'm sure that was the case here with Crabtree. Shermans actions are really a non-issue with me.


They're a big issue with me. Sherman showed himself to be thugish and lacking in class. It was a me first tyraid of an immature kid playing a team sport. Contrast his before camera behavior with Manning and Brady and you'll notice a huge difference. It matters nothing how good a player he is if he cannot behave in a respectable manner after play is over. It is, after all, just a game.

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They're a big issue with me. Sherman showed himself to be thugish and lacking in class. It was a me first tyraid of an immature kid playing a team sport. Contrast his before camera behavior with Manning and Brady and you'll notice a huge difference. It matters nothing how good a player he is if he cannot behave in a respectable manner after play is over. It is, after all, just a game.


Your post lost credibility when you said Tom Brady, who is one of the poorest sports in the league.


Some background: Crabtree challenged Sherman at a charity event



At a charity event?!? Come on man

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Richard Sherman: I don’t want to be a villain


Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman’s postgame diatribe toward 49ers wide receiver Michael Crabtree has been a major talking point over the last 12 hours and Sherman added some more insight into his thought process on Monday with a piece he wrote for TheMMQB.com.


Sherman, a regular contributor to the site, confirmed that the seeds of his animosity for Crabtree came last offseason in Arizona when Crabtree allegedly tried to start a fight with Sherman at a charity event hosted by Cardinals wide receiver Larry Fitzgerald. Sherman wrote that his postgame outburst during an interview with Erin Andrews was fueled partly by his dislike of Crabtree and partly by the adrenaline of the moment.


“It was loud, it was in the moment, and it was just a small part of the person I am. I don’t want to be a villain, because I’m not a villainous person,” Sherman wrote. “When I say I’m the best cornerback in football, it’s with a caveat: There isn’t a great defensive backfield in the NFL that doesn’t have a great front seven. Everything begins with pressure up front, and that’s what we get from our pass rushers every Sunday. To those who would call me a thug or worse because I show passion on a football field — don’t judge a person’s character by what they do between the lines. Judge a man by what he does off the field, what he does for his community, what he does for his family."

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