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LOL...........there are little trolls and there are nationally known trolls.


aw0MMxZ9_normal.jpegSam Stein @samsteinhp Follow



Why is the IRS scandal a thing again?


9:45 AM - 3 Feb 2014



In case you’ve forgotten, “real journalists” are Smarter Than You™. Huffington Post political editor and White House correspondent Sam Stein reminded us of that today


Very nice. Maybe he’s genuinely curious, or maybe he’s just trolling. Either way, he’s a pretty lame excuse for a journalist


But conservatives are givers, and so here are some answers to Stein’s question anyway.


Probably because


1) IRS officials admitted to the essential elements of a fed. crime and


2) no one went to jail.


3) American citizens were asked by the US Government about the content of their prayers.


4) American citizens were targeted for increased scrutiny because of their political beliefs. The IRS apologized for this.


5) The head of the IRS responsible refused to incriminate herself by testifying and retired early leaving her post.





Exactly! Real government abuse of power vs Fox news manufactured scandals

Stop with the liberal memes like "manufactured scandals." The IRS scandal is much worse than "Bridgegate," assuming they're able to prove anything.

Posted (edited)


Stop with the liberal memes like "manufactured scandals." The IRS scandal is much worse than "Bridgegate," assuming they're able to prove anything.

It's bigger than that.


The IRS situation begins to delegitimize government and begins to legitimize fringe elements with a violent agenda.


It's a very scarey thing.

Edited by TakeYouToTasker

Maybe this is where all this started. Napolitano's Homeland Security report about the dangers of "right-wing extremism".

“Rightwing extremism,” the report said in a footnote on Page 2, goes beyond religious and racial hate groups and extends to “those that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely.”

“It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration,” said the report, which also listed gun owners and veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars as potential risks.

“As the department responsible for protecting the homeland, DHS will continue to work with its state and local partners to prevent and protect against the potential threat to the United States associated with any rise in violent extremist activity,” Ms. Napolitano said


Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/apr/16/napolitano-stands-rightwing-extremism/#ixzz2sJwLFnpa

Every agency of this administration is focused on political conquest.



Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/apr/16/napolitano-stands-rightwing-extremism/#ixzz2sJvjl0HH

Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter


IRS SCANDAL UPDATE: Email: IRS’s Lerner, Treasury Department secretly drafted new rules to restrict nonprofits.


The Obama administration’s Treasury Department and former IRS official Lois Lerner conspired to draft new 501©(4) regulations to restrict the activity of conservative groups in a way that would not be disclosed publicly, according to the House Committee on Ways and Means.


The Treasury Department and Lerner started devising the new rules “off-plan,” meaning that their plans would not be published on the public schedule. They planned the new rules in 2012, while the IRS targeting of conservative groups was in full swing, and not after the scandal broke in order to clarify regulations as the administration has suggested.


The rules place would place much more stringent controls on what would be considered political activity by the IRS, effectively limiting the standard practices of a wide array of non-profit groups.




Gangster government, all the way down.







Renewed GOP Focus on the IRS Scandal: Republicans slam new rules that could limit conservative nonprofits in 2014, but not unions





Because it's his fifth amendment right. Got a problem with the Constitution?


She waived her right to the fifth amendment when she made her opening statement. You can't say, like she did, I'm innocent and did nothing wrong then refuse to testify but taking the fifth. It doesn't work that way.


Before you start using the Constitution as an argument learn a little about it first.

Posted (edited)

Thats according to you. Your opinion is not fact. That's why we debate things in this country. I consider the positions of many on this board wrong, too. So be it. Many of you seem to me to be victims of group think, almost a mob mentality of government bad, Obama bad, whatever. And when I point out the insanity of some of your positions some of you go nuts like Tom just jumping in and screaming like a two year old "You are dumb" and then his minions start their zero calorie posts of insults but they don't even know what they are criticizing. Not sayin you do that, or chef, or even tasker and a few others, even 3rding tries--you guys actually back up you positions--but it seems to me a politics board should be about discussion, even if it gets nasty--hey, that's fun too--and not just a Conservative circle jerk.



Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one.

-Thomas Paine


To question government, to be suspicious of government, is fundamentally what makes us Americans. The constitution was set up in such a way to limit government. Government stands in opposition to freedom. Because politicians main interest is in the accumulation of power and the more they accrue the less liberty there is for society.


On a personal note I don't care what party a politician is in I don't trust any of them.

Edited by gumby

From the Wall Street Journal:




Obama's IRS 'Confusion': New evidence undercuts White House claims about IRS motivation.


House committees are still digging into the IRS political targeting scandal, and based on a hearing Wednesday there's more to learn. The day produced more evidence blowing apart President Obama's claims that there was "not even a smidgen of corruption" or political motivation in the IRS handling of groups applying for tax-exempt status.


Mr. Obama wants Americans to believe that the targeting resulted from the confusing tax law governing nonprofits, which he says was "difficult" to interpret and resulted in mere "bureaucratic" mistakes. This is also the Administration's justification for issuing new regulations governing 501©(4)s that would effectively silence White House opponents this election year. Published in the Federal Register in November, the new rules cite the "lack of a clear and concise" regulation as reason for the rewrite.


House Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp blew up this fairy tale at Wednesday's hearing with new IRS Commissioner John Koskinen. Mr. Camp unveiled a June 14, 2012 email from Treasury career attorney Ruth Madrigal to key IRS officials in the tax-exempt department, including former director Lois Lerner.


The email cites a blog post about the political activity of tax-exempt 501©(4) groups and reads: "Don't know who in your organizations [sic] is keeping tabs on c4s, but since we mentioned potentially addressing them (off-plan) in 2013, I've got my radar up and this seemed interesting."


Interesting for sure. The IRS typically puts out a public schedule of coming regulations, and Mr. Camp noted that in this case "off-plan" appears to mean "hidden from the public." He added that committee interviews with IRS officials have found that the new 2013 rules were in the works as early as 2011, meaning the Administration has "fabricated the rationale" for this new regulation.



More at link:



Posted (edited)

IRS SCANDAL UPDATE: Email: IRS’s Lerner, Treasury Department secretly drafted new rules to restrict nonprofits.


The Obama administration’s Treasury Department and former IRS official Lois Lerner conspired to draft new 501©(4) regulations to restrict the activity of conservative groups in a way that would not be disclosed publicly, according to the House Committee on Ways and Means.


The Treasury Department and Lerner started devising the new rules “off-plan,” meaning that their plans would not be published on the public schedule. They planned the new rules in 2012, while the IRS targeting of conservative groups was in full swing, and not after the scandal broke in order to clarify regulations as the administration has suggested.


The rules place would place much more stringent controls on what would be considered political activity by the IRS, effectively limiting the standard practices of a wide array of non-profit groups.

Who gets the ramifications of this? What is Treasury doing giving a heads up to IRS, on something like this? Why is this anywhere near Treasury's radar? But, more importantly, this is not how large organizations behave in the wild. Not even close. :blink: Major WTF happening on my radar here.


Nobody would be sending an email like this, from one "division" to another, and openly use the term "off plan" unless they were directed to from above, or knew they were safe in doing it, because they had approval. Speaking, without that approval, never mind committing it to paper = fired.So, there's no way in hell that this Ruth Madrigal sends this email without her boss knowing, unless she is a plant/rogue.


Next, this appears to be a joint effort, that has been previously discussed? Now we are either talking a conspiracy(legal term) between 2 rogue employees at 2 different departments( 1% chance), or, this is the smoking gun that shows this was an INTER-departmental communication, supporting an inter-departmental policy.


One Department doesn't set policy for another. Inter-departmental policy only emanates from: The office of the Big Boss. It may not have been Obama, but given this? It has to be somebody in the WH, at the very least.


2 people from 2 difference major entities, just don't think up and do this kind of thing on their own. They do not. It goes against every organzational and cultural norm. As I said: that's not how bureaucracy operates in the wild.


Linking 2 departments, operating together, on this agenda? Busted! :angry: Or, somebody's going to need to explain this, for days, to get me to buy it.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
Posted (edited)

That's your friggin smoking gun??? Good lord! Smoking guns can't be "appears to say," "might suggest" or "could, while high on glue fumes be interpreted as..."


What a joke

Yep, and the fun part is: this is what most of you think. Perfect.


Dude, read what I wrote above. Try to comprehend. All a smart lawyer has to do is ask "When did Lois Lerner and you decide to set 4c policy on your own, without guidance or approval from above?" I don't expect you to get the ramifications of that question, but, I am fairly certain their lawyers will.


Then, it's CYA time. Which is also known as rat time.


A special prosecutor WILL be named, right after the 2014 elections. I would bet the house on it. There's no reason to do it now, and let the Ds play the "Ken Starr" card. Not unless something comes out that is a sure winner. Barring that, you can bet the Rs will drag this out so that as much of it gets on Hillary as possible. It's just smart politics. And, the guys in charge, Ryan, Gowdy, the chairman from Ohio?


Guess what: Smart lawyers.

Edited by OCinBuffalo



She waived her right to the fifth amendment when she made her opening statement. You can't say, like she did, I'm innocent and did nothing wrong then refuse to testify but taking the fifth. It doesn't work that way.


Before you start using the Constitution as an argument learn a little about it first.


I've heard other right winger say this too, part of the right wing echo chamber. It's not only wrong it's inanly stupid.


Yep, and the fun part is: this is what most of you think. Perfect.

Dude, read what I wrote above. Try to comprehend. All a smart lawyer has to do is ask "When did Lois Lerner and you decide to set 4c policy on your own, without guidance or approval from above?" I don't expect you to get the ramifications of that question, but, I am fairly certain their lawyers will.

Then, it's CYA time. Which is also known as rat time.

A special prosecutor WILL be named, right after the 2014 elections. I would bet the house on it. There's no reason to do it now, and let the Ds play the "Ken Starr" card. Not unless something comes out that is a sure winner. Barring that, you can bet the Rs will drag this out so that as much of it gets on Hillary as possible. It's just smart politics. And, the guys in charge, Ryan, Gowdy, the chairman from Ohio

Gue what: Smart lawyers.


Ya ya, more "I bet" and "there will be" nonsense.


Who are the victims here? How were they injured?


I've heard other right winger say this too, part of the right wing echo chamber. It's not only wrong it's inanly stupid.


On the upside, the news coming out everyday...from job numbers to economic downturn to Obamacare failures...is so consistently bad for this WH and progressives in general, that it has has essentially knob-gobblers like you to do nothing more than hang around the IRS thread referring to right wing echo chambers.

Posted (edited)

I get that some are Democrats and are very loyal to their team, but to look objectively at the whole IRS story and still believe that there was no coordinated political effort to target conservative groups is to be in total denial of reality.


Every once in a while you have to be big enough to admit when your "team" sucks. The "team" in control of the White House and the Senate is really sucking on many issues.

Edited by keepthefaith
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